
  • 网络Yongren;Einin
  1. 云南永仁更新世初期哺乳动物化石

    Fossil mammals from the early Pleistocene of yongren , yunnan

  2. 云南彝族婚礼的民族学观察&以永仁县直苴村为例

    An Ethnological Observation on the Wedding Ceremony of Yi Ethnic Groups in Yunnan & A Case Study of Zhi Zuo Village

  3. 云南省永仁县正在充分利用当地充足的日照条件来为居民产电和提供热能。

    Yongren County in the province of Yunnan is utilizing the abundant sunlight it receives to generate power and heat for cooking for the local residents .

  4. 实生板栗幼树从定值后第3年开始地径和树高生长超过嫁接苗,平均地径、树高和冠幅以永仁实生板栗最大。

    Growth potential of Chinese chestnut seedlings in stem diameter and tree highness are stronger on the third year after the planting than of the grafting trees .

  5. 本文采用显微拉曼光谱技术对云南省永仁县菜园子两件新石器时期古石斧的表面和截面进行测试分析,结合矿物拉曼谱,初步确定了其成分。

    Raman micro spectroanalysis was used to test and analysis micron dimension crystal grain of surface and cross section of New stone age in two ancient stone axe from Yunnan Chuxiong .