
rì zhī
  • daily expenses/expenditures
  1. 我们提供专项资金,承担你的旅行及日支费用。

    We will provide funds for your travel and per diem expenses .

  2. 指一九三九年十一月日本帝国主义交付汪精卫集团的《日支新关系调整要纲》。

    Wang Ching-wei signed a traitorous secret pact , called the " Programme for Readjusting Sino-Japanese Relations ", with the Japanese aggressors at the end of1939 .

  3. 我国也已于2004年11月29日推出第一支ETF&上证50ETF,因此了解并借鉴美国这一世界上最为发达和成熟的ETF市场的发展经验将对我国发展自己的ETF市场大有裨益。

    ETF has been introduced into China on November , 29th , 2004 , therefore , we can learn from the experiences of American ETF market development .

  4. 11月11日,一支由印度三艘海军特谴部队所组成的舰队抵达了上海。

    An India naval task force made up of three warship arrived at Shanghai on November 11 .

  5. 4月1日,4支球队争夺全美橄榄球联赛决赛权,杰克逊维尔美洲豹队和绿湾包装工队获得胜利。

    Four teams competed for places in the National Football League Conference finals , and the Jacksonville Jaguars and Green Bay Packers were the ones celebrating on April 1 .

  6. 12月13日,一支由18名登山爱好者,大多为复旦大学学生组成的登山队不慎误闯黄山尚未对外开放的区域而被困。民警张宁海在救援过程中不幸身亡。

    Zhang died while rescuing a team of 18 mountain climbers , most from Fudan University , who strayed into a restricted zone on December 13 at the Huangshan Mountain .

  7. 外界知道金正日患有糖尿病,心脏也有问题。据朝鲜媒体报道,他最后一次出现在公共场所是在8月14日视察一支部队。

    Mr Kim , known to suffer from diabetes and heart problems , was last seen in public on August 14 , when he inspected a military unit , according to North Korean media reports .

  8. 11月28日,这两支乐队将携手在谢菲尔德剧场举办一场演唱会。

    The two bands join forces for a gig at the Sheffield Arena on November 28

  9. 东吴与刘备联合抗曹,东吴大都督周瑜命诸葛亮十日内制作十万支箭。

    This is an episode from the Three Kingdoms . Zhou Yu ordered Zhuge Liang to manufacture 100000 arrows within ten days .