
  • 网络Daily travel;Day Walk
  1. 一款基于通用IC的低成本汽车日行灯HBLED驱动电路的设计

    A low cost design of HB LED driver of DRL based on general IC

  2. 方法31例女性患者,采用长周期方案促排卵,于hCG日行经阴道超声检查,检测内膜厚度、类型,计数内膜血流,估算内膜血流面积比。

    Methods 31 women undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for IVF . Transvaginal ultrasonography detecteded endometrial thickness , echo pattern , blood flow number and percent of blood flow area on the day of hCG injection .

  3. 徽杭古道3日行

    3-day Travel Along Ancient Road Between An Hui & Hang Zhou

  4. 1994年2月21日行星际激波引起的磁暴

    The magnetic storm resulted from the interplanetary shock of February 21 , 1994

  5. 我怎么才能成为日行�

    How can I turn into a daywalker ?

  6. 汽车代用燃料,曾经是一个可望不可及的梦,可现在却日行日近。

    Alternative fuel for vehicles , once a pipe dream , has become a reality .

  7. 一位购物者去年九月三十日行经伦敦西区牛津街上的一个时尚广告。

    A shopper walks past a fashion advertisement on Oxford Street in London 's West End on Sept.30 last year .

  8. 一次,伯乐受楚王的委托,购买能日行干里的骏马。

    Time , Bole by Chu 's mandate and accommodation , buying on line can be dry inside the horse .

  9. 日行今天发表的数据将显示,日本再度陷入通缩循环。

    Japan is once again in a deflationary spiral , as the Bank of Japan is expected to announce today .

  10. 利用这两类数据与现代月亮日行数据比较,其均方偏离也只有0.4古度左右。

    Comparing the lunar speed data of the 6 calendars with the modern data , we obtained that the mean square deviation is about 0.4 ancient degree of China .

  11. 祖冲之成功地复原过指南车与诸葛亮的木牛流马,他制造的“欹器”用来盛水,“中则正,满则覆”。祖冲之还制造过一种千里船,并在江上试航,日行百余里。

    He was also the inventor of a " tilted container " used to bail water and a long-distance boat believed to have the capacity of traveling over 50 kilometers a day .

  12. 西方的生活方式和思潮也不分贵贱的进入了上海社会的各个阶层,在潜移默化中改变着生活在上海的人们的日行起居,也影响着这座城市各个方面的发展。

    Western lifestyles and ideas do not enter the Shanghai sub-equal status of all sectors of society , imperceptibly changing people living in Shanghai at the line daily , but also affect the development of all aspects of the city .

  13. 他们驱赶着史书里记载的日行五百里的滇池神驹,往来于“蜀山毒道”的崇山峻岭间,与中亚、西亚和南亚进行着通商贸易。

    They drive away the history books , records , the500 line in the Dianchi Lake horse God , and from " Shushan drug Road " between the mountains and Central Asia , West Asia and South Asia with trade trade .

  14. 29例2型糖尿病病人于2个连续日先后行A试验及B试验,血糖控制后,重复该2刺激试验。

    Repeat the two stimulation tests after the glycemic control .

  15. 你从受造之日所行的都完全,后来在你中间又察出不义。

    You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you .

  16. 17[和合]亚达月十三日,行了这事;十四日安息,以这日为设筵欢乐的日子。

    [ NIV ] This happened on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar , and on the fourteenth they rested and made it a day of feasting and joy .

  17. 耶稣对他们说:“我问你们,在安息日行善行恶,救命害命,哪样是可以的呢?”

    9Then Jesus said to them ," I ask you , which is lawful on the Sabbath : to do good or to do evil , to save life or to destroy it ?"

  18. 虽然是这般地的衣衫褴褛,一副潦倒景象,曾子平日经行时,唱歌吟诗的调子却是高昂而中气十足,好像能贯穿金石一般。

    Though Zengzi was in such rags , a look down and out , he usually chanted the poem in walking with high pitch as if the voice could pierce through a stone or a piece of gold .

  19. 教皇这次澳大利亚世界青年日之行,被一些天主教士所犯下的性侵犯行为蒙上了一层阴影。就在他抵达之前几天,教廷的一些高级官员决定对发生在澳大利亚的一件历时25年之久的案子进行重新审理。

    Sexual abuse by Catholic priests has overshadowed the pope 's visit to World Youth Day in Sydney , with senior church officials reopening a 25-year-old case of indecent assault in Australia only days before the pontiff arrived .

  20. 你可以从7月1日开始,行不行?

    You can start on the1st of July , OK ?

  21. 土星自16日起正行,会有你期待已久的事业进展。

    Saturn goes direct May16-the moment you 've awaited to see your career take off .

  22. 释迦牟尼佛日所有善恶行其业果报都会翻100倍。

    Shakyamuni Buddha Day karmic effects of all positive or negative actions are multiplied By100 times .

  23. 记着水星将重新加速,并在5月30日恢复正行。

    Keep in mind that Mercury will be picking up speed , and by May30 will turn direct .

  24. 于是亚伯拉罕生了以撒,第八日给他行了割礼。

    And under these circumstances ( Abraham ) became the father of Isaac and circumcised him on the eight day ;

  25. 分别于注射后第5、15、30、60、90日采集标本行透射电镜观察。

    The specimen of filtering angle tissues were collected and then examined under transmission electron microscope on 5,15,30,60,90 days after injection , respectively .

  26. 摩西传割礼给你们,因此你们也在安息日给人行割礼。

    Moses gave you circumcision not that it comes from moses , but from the fathers and even on the Sabbath you give a child circumcision .

  27. 摩西传割礼给你们,(其实不是从摩西起的,乃是从祖先起的)因此你们也要在安息日给人行割礼。

    Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision ;( not because it is of Moses , but of the fathers ;) and ye on the sabbath day circumcise a man .

  28. 星期天,即完成到爱尔兰、英格兰、法国和波兰的六日欧洲之行的一天后,总统前往被龙卷风袭击的乔普林。

    The president travels to tornado-wrecked Joplin , Mo. , on Sunday , a day after returning from a six-day European tour of Ireland , England , France and Poland .

  29. 神又赐他割礼的约。于是亚伯拉罕生了以撒,第八日给他行了割礼。以撒生雅各,雅各生十二位先祖。

    And he gave him the covenant of circumcision : and so Abraham begat isaac , and circumcised him the eighth day ; and Isaac begat jacob ; and Jacob begat the twelve patriarchs .

  30. 独立董事制度起源于20世纪40年代初的美国,并于80年代在英、法、德、日等国盛行开来,成为规范和完善公司治理结构的一项重要内容。

    The independent director system originated in the United States in the early 1940s , and became prevalent in the 1980s in Britain , France , Germany , Japan and other countries , now it becomes an important content regulating and perfecting the corporate governance structure .