- 名shadows cast by the sun
[shadows cast by the sun] 日光照射物体所成的阴影
Accurate and Quick Method of Sun Shadow Analysis in Building Design with CAD
So the sun returned ten degrees , by which degrees it was gone down .
The material of noon shadow preserved in the three different Buddhist Scriptures is analyzed and discussed .
I am gone like the shadow when it declineth : I am tossed up and down as the locust .
From then on , people were able to measure time and determine seasons based on the position and length of the gnomon 's shadow .
The sun was shining , the wind was blowing , the light and shadows were passing across the field , the birds were singing .
And Hezekiah said in answer , It is a simple thing for the shade to go forward ; but let it go back ten degrees .
Such ceremony has comparatively fixed dates of action and the places of worship , characteristic of earlier astronomical observation of the movement of the sun shadows .
Behold , I will bring again the shadow of the degrees , which is gone down in the sun dial of Ahaz , ten degrees backward .
Until the day break , and the shadows flee away , I will get me to the mountain of myrrh , and to the hill of frankincense .
The earliest methods for determining the seasons recorded in ancient Chinese classics are the observation of the sun 's shadow at noon and the meridian stars at dusk .
Then the prophet Isaiah called upon the Lord , and the Lord made the shadow go back the ten steps it had gone down on the stairway of Ahaz .
The sundial , an ancient Chinese timekeeping instrument consisting of a bronze needle and a stone dial , measures the time by taking advan-tage of the shadow of the sun .
Togeth-er with Nan Gongshuo , he used a post to measure the shadow cast by the sun , and calculated the relations between the sun 's positions and the solar terms .
Until the day break , and the shadows flee away , turn , my beloved , and be thou like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of Bether .
And Isaiah said , this is the sign the Lord will give you , that he will do what he has said ; will the shade go forward ten degrees or back ?
" At this point Jia Qiang stamped the dust off his boots , straightened his clothes and looking at the height of the sun remarked , " It 's time I was off . ""
All of a sudden , he opened his eyes . The net curtains over the windows were splashed with morning sunlight and shadows , and his wife was sitting on the edge of the bed in a dressing-gown . She was smiling at him .
The center of the northern wall is built into a hollow groove that is perforated through from top to bot-tom , so the higher gnomon at the groove 's straight wall and the stone gnomon at the bottom constitute a se-ries of gnomon apparatus for measur-ing the length of the shadow cast by the sun .