
rì zá
  • groceries;various household needs
日杂 [rì zá]
  • [various household supplies] 日用杂货

  1. DashButtons按钮是亚马逊的声控下单设备Dash的一个衍生品,支持用户通过语音下单,订购日杂商品,而且亚马逊Prime会员只需轻轻一按以WiFi联网的DashButtons,,即可订购某种商品。

    Dash Buttons are an adaptation of Amazon 's voice-controlled Dash ordering system that lets people speak to order new grocery items , and will allow Amazon Prime members to order one item with the push of an WiFi-based connected button .

  2. 日杂零售商可以通过多种手段应对这一趋势。

    Grocery retailers can respond to this trend in several ways .

  3. 此外还出现了其他新的在线日杂购物模式。

    New forms of online grocery shopping are also on the rise .

  4. 巍山县农资日杂公司

    Weishan County Agricultural Production Means and Daily Necessities Company

  5. 但移动技术在日杂采购领域的应用仍处于初级阶段。

    But the use of mobile technology in grocery shopping is still in its early stage .

  6. 这也就意味着要日杂开支,买衣服或家庭用品的时候多逛几家店对比一下价格。

    That might include trimming grocery costs and comparison shopping for items likes clothes and household goods .

  7. 这只是科技塑造日杂零售商争夺客户方式的一个例子。

    This is just one example of how technology is shaping the way grocery retailers compete for shoppers .

  8. 省钱最简单的一招是减少你花在日杂店的钱。

    One of the easiest ways to save money is to reduce the amount you spend at the grocery store .

  9. 其次,食品日杂零售商必须发展并强化用来阐述其价值主张的关键能力。

    Next , grocery retailers must develop and strengthen the key capabilities they will use to deliver their value proposition .

  10. 随着消费者愈发熟悉现有技术并日益运用这些技术简化购物经历,移动技术在日杂零售领域的应用必将增多。

    It will assuredly increase as shoppers become more familiar with the technologies available and begin using them increasingly to simplify their experience .

  11. 经销液化气,氧气,乙炔,钢瓶,日用百货,五金建材,家用电器,土产日杂。

    Distribution liquefied petroleum gas , oxygen , acetylene , 30,600 , daily provisions , metal building materials , household appliances , products House .

  12. 日杂零售商需要清楚说明现在它们是如何为消费者创造价值的,以及未来如何创造更多的价值。

    Grocery retailers need to clearly communicate how they deliver value to shoppers today , and how they will do so in the future .

  13. 在这两股力量的共同作用下,未来几年日杂零售行业将发生重大的结构性改变,零售商必须对此做好准备。

    These two forces will contribute to significant structural change in the grocery sector over the next several years , and retailers must prepare for it .

  14. 对于乐购来说,技术与创新在地铁墙面上的交融,将日常的日杂采购转变成通勤一族的多任务处理。但并非所有日杂零售商都可以或者应该通过这种方式与自己的客户发生联系。

    For Tesco , technology met innovation on a subway wall that turned routine grocery shopping into commuter multitasking , but not every grocery retailer can or should reach its customers this way .

  15. 在美国,有好多不同类型的商店:从供应衣着用品、家具、日杂用品以及被称为百货公司的大型商店,直到专营某种产品的一些很小的商店。

    There is a great variety of shops in the United States , ranging from very large stores called department stores , offering clothing , furniture , household goods as well as many other goods , to very small shops that specialize in just one kind of product .