
  • 网络daily operation;operational work
  1. 由于世界各地的政府、银行、大学、医院和企业大量采用Internet技术,社会的日常运作越来越依赖于网络服务的可用性。

    Due to the mass adoption of Internet technology by governments , banks , universities , hospitals , and businesses around the world , our society has transformed to depend on the availability of network services for daily operation .

  2. 同时,行业协会在日常运作过程中也产生出各种各样的问题。

    Meanwhile , in daily operation process industry associations also produce a variety of problems .

  3. ofthecompany.他不再亲自管理公司的日常运作。

    Eg. He 's no longer personally involved in the day-to-day running

  4. 项目和日常运作的目标有本质的不同。

    The objectives of projects and operations are fundamentally different .

  5. 运送和接收地区,继续他们的日常运作。

    Shipping and receiving areas are continuing their daily operations .

  6. 按照审计的要求来进行网络通讯系统和日常运作的控制管理。

    Implement infrastructure and operational controls to meet audit requirements .

  7. 在日常运作上,各政策局局长向两位司长汇报工作。

    For day-to-day operations , all secretaries of bureaux will report to them .

  8. 同时,公共成本中又以被调查机构的日常运作经费为主,在药物滥用的治疗、预防和研究等方面投入则较低。

    However , the cost for drug abuse rehabilitation and research was relatively low .

  9. 有些公司试着将日常运作交给专业管理者经营,以避免这种命运。

    Some companies try to avoid this fate by handing over day-to-day operations to professional managers .

  10. 我们还必须管理日常运作,这也不是一项简单的任务。

    We also have to manage day-to-day operations , and it 's not an easy task .

  11. 如何确保这些过程的日常运作能满足关键的过程要求?

    HOW does your subsequent day-to-day operation of these PROCESSES ensure that they meet KEY PROCESS requirements ?

  12. 董事会的日常运作直接体现了董事会在公司治理和公司价值创造中的作用。

    The board of directors ' daily operation directly embodies the function of corporate governance and value creation .

  13. 合作社组织的日常运作推进了传统农事生产的变迁,给传统的乡村农业生产注入了现代化因子;

    At the same time , the routine duties of the cooperation organizations also improved traditional agriculture production .

  14. 一般说来,工作可以指日常运作或项目,虽然两者有时重叠。

    Generally , work can be categorized as either projects or operations , although the two sometimes overlap .

  15. 他们赶上了,在日常运作中的业务,不能看着他的过去。

    They get caught up in the daily operations of their business and can 't see past that .

  16. 采购管理是企业为达到日常运作与战略目标,对企业采购活动进行的管理。

    Procurement management is to achieve the daily operations and strategic objectives , the procurement activities of the enterprise management .

  17. 日常运作和项目两者之间的区分主要在于:日常运作是持续不断和重复进行的,而项目是临时性的、独特的。

    Projects and operations differ primarily in that operations are ongoing and repetitive , while projects are temporary and unique .

  18. 我们通过网络和中澳两国的大学支部进行日常运作,并提供公共利益资源。

    We are a public interest resource that operates through a comprehensive online presence and university chapters in Australia and China .

  19. 事实上,金管局内只有小部分职员负责货币发行局制度的日常运作。

    In fact , only a quite small percentage of our staff time is devoted to day-to-day operations of the currency board .

  20. 同时,有效的公司治理还要求董事会把工作重点放在全面地监督和公司的管理上来,不必参与公司的日常运作。

    Meanwhile , an efficient corporate governance also requires the board to focus on the comprehensive management instead of attending the routine .

  21. 我们会继续提高员工的环保意识和在日常运作上推广环保措施,致力缔造更加环保的工作环境。

    We shall make continuous efforts in achieving a greener working environment by promoting staff awareness and green measures in our daily operations .

  22. 该局也监察法律援助署提供的法律援助服务,但不干预该署的日常运作。

    It also supervises the provision of legal aid services by the Legal Aid Department without interfering with its day to day operation .

  23. 该职位需配合上海分部总经理协调日常运作和相关项目管理工作。

    The Business Development Director will work collaboratively with the Managing Director of our Shanghai office on daily operations and relevant project administration .

  24. 盖茨在去年放下微软的日常运作职务,专心处理在1994年创立的盖茨基金会。

    Gates last year to lay down their day-to-day operation of Microsoft 's office in1994 to concentrate on the creation of the Gates Foundation .

  25. 董事会亦确认有关调查会对本公司日常运作存在任何重大影响。

    The board also confirms that there should not be any material impact to the operations of the company as a result of the investigation .

  26. 因此在传统数据仓库应用的基础上,数据仓库还需要对企业各业务单元的日常运作提供战术性的指导,为此提出了实时数据仓库的要求。

    Therefore , based on the traditional data warehouse applications , many enterprises also need provide tactical guidance to the daily operation of the business unit .

  27. 项目经理或组织可以把每一个项目划分成若干个阶段,以便有效地进行管理控制,并与实施该项目组织的日常运作联系起来。

    Project managers or the organization can divide projects into phases to provide better management control with appropriate links to the ongoing operations of the performing organization .

  28. 按照这一模式,工人代表占据公司监事会一半的席位,另设管理层董事会,负责公司业务的日常运作。

    Under this model , workers'representatives fill half the seats on firms'supervisory boards . A separate management board is responsible for running the business day to day .

  29. 这个单方的爱在日常运作中合适慈善捐赠,但不合适多次重复的、持续的、长久性的互相帮助和互利互惠。

    Thus it is suited in daily living to charitable donation but not to multiple , repeated , sustained , longer term mutual help or mutual benefit .

  30. 有效控制实际上意味着可以控制该公司的日常运作,或者提供制造产品所需的材料。

    " Effective control " may mean actually controlling the day to day operations of the subsidiary , or providing the materials needed to manufacture the product .