
rì yòng pǐn
  • Daily Necessities;articles of everyday use
日用品 [rì yòng pǐn]
  • [articles of everyday use] 日常应用的物品,如毛巾、肥皂、暖水瓶等

日用品[rì yòng pǐn]
  1. 作者利用废聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料研制出了成本低廉、能代替聚醋酸乙烯类白乳胶粘接木材和日用品的PS胶。

    The author has developed a low cost PS Adhesive by making use of the waste foamed polystyrene plastics which can replace white emulsion of polyvinyl acetate as the adhesive for wood and the articles of everyday use .

  2. 1994年德国修订了日用品法,明确规定:做衣服、鞋袜等的纺织面料禁止使用偶氮染料;

    In 1994 , Germany revised the law of articles of everyday use and clearly stipulated that aromatics were prohibited to be used in production of cloth dye .

  3. 每周四上午,我们会去采购一周的日用品。

    We go and do the weekly shopping every Thursday morning

  4. 这家商店日用品应有尽有。

    This general store has just about everything you could wish for .

  5. 我常光顾那家小店买些日用品。

    I often drop into the store for some daily necessities .

  6. 诸如杯碟之类的日用品

    everyday objects such as cups and saucers

  7. 购物不是中国人去国外旅游的主要目的,但事实上,中国的出境游客的确花很多钱在国外购买日用品和奢侈品。

    Shopping is not the only purpose that Chinese people travel abroad , but it is reality that outbound travelers are spending huge to buy products from daily necessities1 to luxury2 items .

  8. Method颠覆了香皂、清洁剂等日用品的概念,将高性能的环保产品与时尚个性融合。

    Method hijacked the stale category of soaps and cleansers by combining fashion and style with high-performing , eco-friendly products .

  9. 囤积(stockup)食品和日用品的人们可以更好地应对暴风雪。

    People who stock up on food and supplies are better prepared to deal with a blizzard .

  10. 日化洗涤品的酸碱性pH值比较及解说日常必需品,日用品

    Comparison and commentary the pH value of acid-base properties of the date of washing products

  11. 适用于:小家电、日用品、汽车业、玩具、机械、MP3、LED、家具、文具等等。

    Is suitable in : Small household electrical appliances , daily necessities , automobile industry , toy , machinery , MP3 , LED , furniture , stationery and so on .

  12. 像eBay这样的网站在日用品和二手商品方面做得很好。网络现在也催生出种类繁多的专卖店。

    While websites like eBay are great for general items and secondhand goods , the Internet now offers a huge variety of specialty stores .

  13. 美国的农业援助此前是建立在短期解决方案的基础上的,特别是运送日用品。但是Bennett说如今这可能发生变化。

    US agricultural aid has previously been based on short-term solutions , particularly shipping commodities , but this could now change , Bennett said .

  14. 因此当你学习了Gann的分析,例如,你可以把它像应用于BHP和联邦银行的股票那样容易的应用于日用品上。

    So once you have studied Gann Analysis , for example , you can apply it to commodities just as easily as you could apply it to BHP or Commonwealth Bank shares .

  15. 2004年,中国压铸件产量达100万T,总产值约为350亿元,产品门类主要涉及汽车、摩托车、机械装备、家电及3C产品、日用品等。

    The Chinese die casting production volume reaches one million tons and its turnover is about thirty-five billions renminbi in 2004 year , involving in automobile , motocycle , machinery equipment , electric appliance and 3C parts .

  16. 聚丙烯流延膜(CPP)是通过熔体流延骤冷生产的一种无拉伸,非定向的平挤薄膜,广泛应用于纺织品,鲜花、食品、日用品的包装。

    Cast film of polypropylene ( CPP ), which is widely used in textile and packaging of flower , food and commodity , is a nondirective films which is prepared by quenched melt and extruded from a flat mold without drawn .

  17. 壬基酚(nonylphenol,NP)是一种非常典型的烷基酚类化合物,被广泛应用于工农业和一些日用品的生产中,并被排放到自然界,造成环境污染。

    Nonylphenol ( NP ) is an organic compound of the broad family of alkylphenols . It is widely used in industrial and agricultural production and the production of consumer goods , and was released into the natural world , causing environmental pollution .

  18. Mintel还表示,产品描述中带婴儿字样的日用品种类从2008年的180种增长到去年的大约330种,增幅80%。

    The research group also says the number of household goods with baby in the product description increased 80 per cent between 2008 and 2012 – from 180 launches to about 330 last year .

  19. Mintel还表示,产品描述中带“婴儿”字样的日用品种类从2008年的180种增长到去年的大约330种,增幅80%。

    The research group also says the number of household goods with " baby " in the product description increased 80 per cent between 2008 and 2012 - from 180 launches to about 330 last year .

  20. 这方面她谈论最多的两家企业,一个是西班牙日用品连锁店品牌Mercadona,一个是总部在俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨市的便利店/加油站连锁品牌QuikTrip,它的竞争对手是像7-11这样的便利连锁店。

    The two companies she talks about most frequently in this regard are a Spanish grocery chain called Mercadona and QuikTrip , a Tulsa , Okla. - based chain of convenience store / gas stations that competes with the likes of the 7-Eleven chain .

  21. 这些塑料日用品,造型美观。

    These plastic articles for daily use have an attractive appearance .

  22. 在股票或日用品市场上侵略地交易的投资者。

    A speculator who trades aggressively on stock or commodity markets .

  23. 自战争开始,日用品的价格就已上升。

    Price of household commodities have risen since the war began .

  24. 先生太穷了而买不起基本的日用品。

    Mr.B is too poor even to buy his daily basics .

  25. 以后才交货的日用品买卖。

    An exchange for buying and selling commodities for future delivery .

  26. 有时我需要日用品时候,也会跑出来。

    I pop out occasionally when I have to get supplies .

  27. 记住,耐克公司销售日用品-他们卖鞋!

    Remember , Nike sells a commodity – they sell shoes !

  28. 可能它们在我们搬日用品的时候丢失了。

    Maybe they got lost while we were moving our supplies .

  29. 杰克去年在日用品市场方面赚了一大笔钱。

    Jack made a bundle on the commodities market last year .

  30. 你没有必要为她备齐六个月的日用品。

    You don 't need to buy her a six-month supply .