
rì běn fànɡ sònɡ xié huì
  • Japanese Broadcasting Corporation
  1. 直到1987年,NHK(NHK:日本放送协会)得到一个展示FCC(FCC:FederalCommunicationsCommission,美国联邦通讯委员会认证)的机会,甚至是在华盛顿特区的政治家也认为高清电视无所不能。

    It wasn 't until 1987 that NHK got the opportunity to show the FCC , and even politicians in Washington , D.C. , what HDTV could do .

  2. 园中大约有30处“宝可站”,3处“健身房”,游戏玩家可以与其他玩家的精灵宝可梦作战,日本放送协会(NHK)报道说。

    There are around 30 Pokestops in the park , and three " gyms , " where gamers can battle other players ' Pokemon , reports Japanese broadcaster NHK .

  3. 包括日本放送协会和共同社在内的其他日本媒体也曾对学校篡改考试成绩进行过报道。

    Other Japanese media , including NHK and Kyodo News , also reported claims of exam manipulation .

  4. 日本放送协会援引匿名的消息来源称,近些年来,女考生的成绩被削减了约10%。

    Quoting unnamed sources , NHK said female applicants ' scores were slashed by about 10 % in some years .

  5. 根据日本放送协会的调查显示,目前东京有49%的大学正在考虑这一选择。

    According to broadcasting corporation NHK 's survey , 49 % of universities in Tokyo are now considering that option .

  6. 据日本放送协会报道,截止到周四,已有128次国内航班因此取消。

    Airlines had cancelled a total of128 domestic flights by Thursday morning due to the storm , according to public broadcaster NHK .

  7. 但是在上周,日本放送协会一期名为《闲不住的男人:宫崎骏》的特别节目透露,这位大导演正在制作另一部动画长片。

    But last week , a NHK television special called " Owaranai Hito Miyazaki Hayao , " or " The Man Who Is Not Done : Hayao Miyazaki , " revealed that he is endeavoring to finish another feature-length film .

  8. 日本电视放送协会星期五报导,卫星图片显示北韩东北部一处发射场地有活动迹象。这家电视台援引没有透露姓名的韩国政府官员的消息。

    Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe was responding to reports today ( Friday ) by Japanese broadcaster NHK that satellite pictures show signs of activity at a launch site in northeastern North Korea .

  9. 3月16日在与日本国家广播公司NHK(日本放送协会)的电话连线中,他说人们正在竭力保持冷静。但是许多人正在寻找燃料逃离这里。

    Speaking by telephone to NHK , Japan 's national broadcaster , on March 16th , he said that people were now " trying their best to stay calm , " but many would flee the area altogether if they could only find fuel to make the journey .