
  • Carousel;carrousel;The merry-go-round;whirligig
  1. 乘旋转木马使你头晕。

    Riding on a carousel makes you feel dizzy .

  2. 我们看起来就像一群骑在旋转木马上的笨拙的孩子。

    We looked like a bunch of awkward kids riding a slow-moving carousel .

  3. 旋转木马的幽灵只不过是当地的迷信说法。

    The phantom of the merry-go-round is just a local superstition .

  4. 直到2008年大崩盘(GreatCrash)之前,这架金融旋转木马都在毫无顾忌地转动着。

    Until the Great Crash of2008 , this financial merry-go-round spun regardless .

  5. 我希望你跟Max(扎克伯格的大女儿)一起骑旋转木马,直到你们驯服每一匹彩色马为止。

    I hope you ride the carousel with Max until you 've tamed every color horse .

  6. 最引人注目的情人旅馆在大阪,有一家情人旅馆的主题为HelloKitty,并有一间以旋转木马为特色的房间。

    The flashiest love hotels are found in Osaka , including a Hello Kitty-themed hotel and one with room featuring a meny-go-round .

  7. Livia跑向旋转木马,使用全身力气去推木马。

    Livia got onto the merry-go-round , pushing it as hard as she could .

  8. 提出了一种基于中心环旋转木马的高效分布式应用层组播模型(CRCL)。

    A distributed application layer multicast model based on Central Ring Carousel algorithm was proposed .

  9. 1954年,李名觉搬到纽约,为乔·梅尔齐纳(JoMielziner)工作。梅尔齐纳是很多戏剧的舞台设计师,包括《玻璃动物园》(TheGlassMenagerie)、《推销员之死》(DeathofaSalesman)和《旋转木马》(Carousel)。

    Mr. Lee moved to New York in 1954 and worked for Jo Mielziner , the designer of sets for plays including " The Glass Menagerie , " " Death of a Salesman " and " Carousel . "

  10. 就像能在旋转木马上看到旅游照片一样,Anthem号上全是这类高端的设施。比如甲板上有机器人调酒师的酒吧,这些观念都是第一次在量子号上引起广泛热议的。

    As can be seen in the photo tour in the carousel above , Anthem is packed full of such gee-whiz features as a deck-top ride into the sky and a bar with robot bartenders , both concepts that first debuted on Quantum .

  11. 想像你处在转得极快的旋转木马上。

    Picture yourself on a merry-go-round that is spinning dangerously fast .

  12. 如果我一直去推那个旋转木马。

    If I had to push that merry-go-round one more time .

  13. 孩子和乡村游乐场里的旋转木马。

    The children and whirligig in a village 's amusement park .

  14. 我还从来没有坐过旋转木马。

    I 've never been on ride like this one .

  15. 你曾经注视过坐在旋转木马上的孩子们吗?

    Slow dance have you ever watched kids on a ?

  16. 我只知道他当时在坐旋转木马。

    I know he was riding on a carousel at the time .

  17. 比起旋转木马,我更喜欢云霄飞车。

    I like the roller coaster more than the merry-go-round !

  18. 猎犬在旋转木马上找到一本深奥的书。

    The hound found a profound book on the roundabout .

  19. 星期天乘坐旋转木马被视为犯罪行为。

    Riding a merry-go-round on Sundays is considered a crime .

  20. 亲爱的,我想玩旋转木马。

    Honey , I want to go on the carousel .

  21. 轮到你,骑上去玩一玩,旋转木马的游戏

    Take your turn , take a ride on the merry-go-round

  22. 我很想坐坐那个旋转木马。

    I 'd give anything to have a go o that merry-to-round .

  23. 您知道旋转木马中有一匹领队马吗?

    Did you know there is a lead horse on a carousel ?

  24. 我会多骑几次旋转木马,我会采更多的花朵。

    I 'd ride more merry-go-rounds , I 'd pick more flowers .

  25. 自从我离开了旋转木马我就没有做对一件事情。

    I haven 't done anything right since I left the carousel .

  26. 看起来像我们家里的旋转木马。

    That looks just like our little carousel back home .

  27. 博物馆里居然有旋转木马。

    Unexpectedly , there is merry-go-round in the museum .

  28. 它就像是以尊重与爱为轴的旋转木马。

    It 's a merry-go-round with respect and love as its focal point .

  29. 童年的旋转木马,一直在你身边,为你旋转。

    The childhood merry-go-round , continuously in your side , revolves for you .

  30. 换句话说,全球的旋转木马已经在高速旋转了。

    In other words , the global merry-go-round is at full tilt already .