
  • 网络a spiral nebula;spiral nebulae;helix nebula
  1. 旋涡星云是迷人的天体。

    The spiral nebulae are impressive objects .

  2. 旋涡星云因为非常暗,难以得到它们的清晰的光谱。

    Good spectra of the spiral nebulas are difficult to obtain because of their extreme faintness .

  3. 天体中,从众多的硕大的旋涡状星云,到坠落于地球上的微小的陨砂、陨尘,普遍存在着螺旋状的结构形态。

    There are commonly the helical structures in the celestial body from many gigantic whirl nebulae to small meteoric stone and dust falling to the Earth .