
  • 网络Lvshunkou;Port Arthur
  1. 1905年1月2日,日本人占领了亚瑟港(旅顺口)。

    On2nd January , 1905 , the Japanese finally captured Port Arthur .

  2. 基于栅格数据与矢量数据互操作的大连市旅顺口区退耕还林实现

    Reducing Cultivated Land to Forest and Grass Based on Conversion between Raster and Vector

  3. 第五部分是本文的重点,通过前面的分析,结合旅顺口营销现状,提出营销策略。

    Through the analysis of by front part , it put forward marketing strategy .

  4. 旅顺口区医院、中医院的临近则为业主搭建了一条绿色生命线。

    Located close to the community are also Lvshun District Hospital and Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital , the green lifeline to the property owners .

  5. 本文以大连市旅顺口区为例进行系统分析,提出该区今后建设游憩环境的几点建议。

    The paper took Lvshunkou in Dalian as an example to analyze the four subsystems and raised some suggestions for future construction of recreational environment .

  6. 在继续扶持上述产业的同时,旅顺口区作为大连市的主城区,在“一个中心,四个基地”的建设中,重点发展船舶制造、高新技术和石化等产业。

    While naturally continuing to support these well-established industries , Lushun is focused on development in other areas , most notably shipbuilding , hi-tech and petrochemicals .

  7. 大连海滨&旅顺口,在大连南部沿海,介于大连湾到旅顺口之间,这是大连风光最为优美的地点。

    Dalian s Seaside & Lushunkou : As the most beautiful place , Dalian s Seaside lies on the coast in the south of Dalian , between Dalian Bay and Lushunkou .

  8. 园区概况园区位于旅顺口区的西部,分为江西高新技术工业园区和临港产业区。

    Park profile : Located in the western part of Lushunkou District , JIP is divided into Jiangxi Hi-tech Industrial Park ( JHIP ) and a neighboring-port industrial park ( NPIP ) .

  9. 战场主要在中国东北境内的奉天今沈阳市、辽阳地区和旅顺口一带,使中国人民遭受巨大的损失。

    As the war was fought mainly in the area of Fengtien now Shenyang and Liaoyang and around the port of Lushun in china 's northeast , it caused enormous losses to the Chinese people .

  10. 提出了滨海游憩系统构成3要素是游客、游憩环境和交通,用3要素从地理空间角度对旅顺口区陆域、海岸、近海和海岛4个子系统作了分析。

    This article proposed the coastal recreation environmental system constituted three factors : they are tourist , recreation environment and traffic . With three essential factors from the geography space angle , the article analyzes the land , coast , offshore and island four subsystems .