
  1. 旅游接待能力迅速扩大。

    The region 's capacity for accommodating tourists has greatly expanded in recent years .

  2. 酒店式公寓作为房地产开发的一种新业态和旅游接待能力的重要补充,它的发展是随着我国的经济发展而不断的发展起来的。

    The serviced apartment , as a type of real estate in China , it develops as Chinese economy develops .

  3. 以连岛为首的家庭旅馆也越办越红火,从一定程度上解决了连云港旅游住宿接待能力季节性不平衡的问题。

    Home Hotels become more and more prosperous and to certain extent have solved seasonal unbalanced accommodation capacity problems in Lianyungang .

  4. 山庄具备百人以上会议及大型旅游团体的接待能力。

    The mansion is able to entertain meetings of over one hundred people and large groups of tourists .

  5. 在旅游业发展中,旅游活动的吸引力和旅游的接待能力,处于关键地位。

    In the process of the development of tourism , the attractive force and the ability of accommodation always in a key position .

  6. 但现实中镇江旅游业存在诸多问题:产业地位不高、城市形象模糊、无金牌产品、旅游接待能力不强等。

    Yet despite all these , a number of problems do exist in Zhenjiang tourist industry , such as a low status among industries , a vague city image , no leading tourist products and weak reception capability .