
  • 网络nto;ICHTO;Tourism Organization
  1. 世界旅游组织(WTO)于1979年在世界范围内进行了旅游规划调查,递交了第一份有关全球性旅游开发规划状况的报告。

    In 1979 , WTO ( World Tourism Organization ) made a worldwide tourism survey and published the first global report about tourism exploitation .

  2. 根据国际旅游组织(InternationalTourismOrganization)的数据,去年,中国游客的海外旅游消费超过2150亿美元,比前一年增长53%,成为全球最大出境游市场。

    Chinese tourists spent more than $ 215bn on foreign travel in 2015 - 53 per cent more than the previous year - becoming the world 's largest outbound tourist group , according to the International Tourism Organization .

  3. 世界学生青年旅行社(STATRAVEL)是世界最大的学生青年旅游组织。

    STA Travel is the world 's largest student travel organization .

  4. 联合国世界旅游组织(UNWorldTourismOrganisation)表示,2015年赴中国旅游的外国游客数量微升至5690万人,两年仅增长了2.2%。

    The number of foreign tourists visiting China inched up to 56.9m in 2015 , a rise of only 2.2 per cent in two years , said the UN World Tourism Organisation .

  5. 虽然从旅行团成员统一佩戴的旅行帽和配备扩音器的导游来看,中国旅行团缺少了一些时尚气息,但联合国下属机构世界旅游组织(WorldTourismOrganization)公布的数据显示,中国游客对全球旅游业的贡献最大。

    With their matching hats and bullhorn-equipped tour guides , Chinese tour groups may not win many style points , but according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization they 're doing more than anyone else prop up the global tourism industry .

  6. 联合国世界旅游组织(UnitedNationsWorldTourismOrganization)的最近数据显示,中国游客2012年出境游支出跃居全球首位,达到1020亿美元,较2011年增加40%。

    Chinese tourists became the world 's biggest travel spenders in 2012 , when outlays on outbound travel swelled to $ 102 billion , up 40 % from 2011 , according to the most recent annual figures from the United Nations World Tourism Organization .

  7. 根据联合国世界旅游组织(WorldTourismOrganization)的一份新报告,2012年,在旅游消费收入上,西班牙位居全球第二,欧洲以外的游客在这个国家消费了11亿美元。

    Spain ranked second in the world in 2012 for revenue from tourism spending , according to a new report from the UN 's World Tourism Organization , with $ 1.1 billion spent on shopping in the country by visitors from outside the E.U. And Madrid and Barcelona were tied for second , behind London ,

  8. 在2003年世界旅游组织专家编制的《黑龙江省旅游发展总体规划》OKL旅游总体框架中,佳木斯地区是一个重要的环节,有着不可或缺的地位。

    Heilongjiang Provincial tourism development overall plan establishmented by World Tourism Organization in 2003 , in which the Jiamusi region is an important link and at vital position .

  9. 世界旅游组织2003年大会将在北京举行世界旅行和旅游理事会

    Beijing to host the 2003 meeting of the World Tourism Organization

  10. 陕西关中地区乡村旅游组织规划浅析

    Analysis of the rural tourism organization planning in Guanzhong region of Shanxi

  11. 联合国与世界旅游组织合作和关系协定

    Agreement on Cooperation and Relationship between the United Nations and the World Tourism Organization

  12. 欧洲促进骑马旅游组织

    European Organization for the Promotion of Equestrian Tourism

  13. 今年,世界旅游组织预计,旅游业将略有下降,下降不到两个百分点。

    This year the UNWTO expects a modest decline of less than two percent .

  14. 国际妇女旅游组织联合会

    International Federation of Women 's Travel Organizations

  15. 世界旅游组织的数据显示,中国是这一增长的主要推动力。

    And China is the engine driving it , according to the World Tourism Organization .

  16. 逐步建立和完善村民的相关旅游组织;

    The villagers should establish and perfect the relative tourism association to improve their self-running capacity ;

  17. 中国游客赴欧旅游组织机构的发展与未来任务

    On the Development of Tourism Organizations Responsible for China 's Tourists to Europe and Future Tasks

  18. 英语学习笔记:联合国世界旅游组织你好,请问能给我推荐一家好吃的甜品店吗?

    the United Nations World Tourism Organization Hello . Can you recommend a good dessert shop ?

  19. 所以,旅游组织执行市场营销策略,首先要做到以消费者为中心、以市场为中心。

    So , tourism organization implement marketing strategy must achieve the goal of customer-centric and market-oriented first .

  20. 世界旅游组织预计,今年将有1亿中国人出国度假。

    The World Tourism Organization estimates that 100m Chinese will leave their country on holiday this year .

  21. 自1980年起,世界旅游组织将每年的9月27日定为世界旅游日。

    Since 1980 , the United Nations World Tourism Organization has celebrated World Tourism Day on September 27 .

  22. 世界旅游组织预计今年将有1亿中国人出国度假。

    The World Tourism Organisation estimates that 100 million Chinese will leave their country on holiday this year .

  23. 近十年国内外旅游组织发展研究进展及启示

    On the Development of Domestic and International Tourism Organizations , Progress and their Enlightenments in Recent Ten Years

  24. 根据世界旅游组织的预测,21世纪中国将成为世界重要的旅游目的地。

    Forecasted by the world tour organization , china would become the important tour destination in the world .

  25. 据世界旅游组织的预测,2020年到国外旅游度假的中国人将达到十亿人次,所以现在人们看到的可能还只是冰山一角。

    The World Tourism Organization predicts that in 2020 there will be 100 million Chinese travelling abroad for holidays .

  26. 从组织方式上看,势必造成对传统旅游组织中介旅行社运营管理的冲击;

    From the way of the organization of tourism products , it will impact the operation and management of travel agencies ;

  27. 这一称号在今年早些时候由联合国世界旅游组织和中国国家旅游局联合颁发。

    The award was jointly issued earlier this year by the United Nations World Tourism Organization and China National Tourism administration .

  28. 泉水中的有益成分被完善地记录下来,许多泉水都由希腊国家旅游组织认证。

    The active ingredients present in the springs are well documented and many springs are certified by the Greek National Tourism Organization .

  29. 1992年世界旅游组织的报告表明,旅游业已经一跃而成为世界第一大产业。

    The report of the World Tourism Organization in 1992 indicates that the tourism industry has become the biggest industry of the world .

  30. 根据世界旅游组织估计中国到2020年中国将成为世界上最大的旅游目的地和第四大游客来源国。

    The World Tourism Organization estimates that China will become the largest tourist destination and the fourth largest source of tourists worldwide by2020 .