
  • 网络News Culture
  1. 近代中国新闻文化嬗变中的历史阵痛与现实解读

    News Culture in Modern China : Its Historical Throes and Realistic Analysis

  2. 在新闻文化中,最能体现人文关怀色彩的新闻报道,当是对突发事件的报道与诠释。

    In the news culture reports that can best embody humane care are just those of sudden incidents .

  3. 美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处官员高葆玲表示,OPT学生人数之多反映出留学生认识到在毕业后获得工作经验的价值:使他们在就业市场更具竞争力。

    The large number of OPT students reflects the value students see in acquiring work experience after graduation , which makes them more competitive in the job market , said Pauline Kao , a public affairs officer at the US consulate in Shanghai .

  4. 预应力技术在北京新闻文化中心工程中的应用

    Application of Prestress Technology in the Beijing News and Culture Center Project

  5. 当然,英美新闻文化的差异也不是绝对的。

    Of course , the cultural divide is not absolute .

  6. 搭建新闻文化交流的平台&山东新闻文化代表团访问美、加侧记

    Construct a Platform for News and Culture Exchanges

  7. 略论传统文化对中国新闻文化的影响

    The Traditional Cultural Influence on Chinese Media Culture

  8. 新闻文化合作;

    Cooperation in Media and Culture ;

  9. 硬化与软化&中美新闻文化表现形态的差异性比较

    Rigidification and inteneration : Comparison of differences between expression of journalistic culture in China and the United States

  10. 新闻文化的表现形态,取决于参与新闻实践活动的主体的新闻价值观念体系。

    Expression of journalistic culture depends on news value concepts of the subject who participates in news activities .

  11. 新闻文化处副领事包杰明向在场的媒体朋友和网友一一介绍美国传统节日食物的原料,历史。

    Deputy Public Affairs Officer Ben Bowman details the origins , ingredients , and customs behind many of the foods U.

  12. 这一文体是近代新闻文化的伴生物,成为这一时期政治文化的重要载体。

    As the associated product of modern journalistic culture , the style is an important recording of political culture in this period of time .

  13. 努力构筑中西方文化交流的舞台&山西省新闻文化考察团访欧纪行

    Strive to Set up a Vast Stage for Exchange between Chinese and Western Culture ── Notes of Shanxi Information and Culture Delegation 's European tour

  14. 我第一次感受到美国新闻文化的巨大差异,大约是在20年前。那时,我在华盛顿做一名自由撰稿人。

    My first encounter with the very different culture of US journalism came when I was working as a freelance in Washington about 20 years ago .

  15. 通过对后现代主义影响下的媒介变化的探讨,结合中国社会经济转型时期的受众需求阐述了体育报道后现代特性的策略转变,旨在对体育新闻文化深层次问题的探讨。

    This article shows the strategy changes of sports reports post-modernism character with the needs of audience during social economy transform period to explore sports news culture further .

  16. 政治经济处领事魏婷为新闻文化处副领事包杰明示范如何在感恩节火鸡上均匀涂抹上黄油,为了方便成都和西南地区的市民制作,官员们把火鸡换成了具有四川特色的土鸡。

    Economic Officer Liz Wharton shows Deputy Public Affairs Officer Ben Bowman how to massage butter into the skin of a Thanksgiving chicken , a local adaptation of the traditional Thanksgiving turkey .

  17. 由于忽略或误解新闻文化背景因素而导致英语新闻汉译文本给读者带来的理解层面的不解和错觉不一而足。

    Because of ignoring or misunderstanding culture background factors in the news , the translation text of English news will bring puzzlements and wrong impression in various way on the comprehension-level to Chinese readers .

  18. 新闻文化主体&传者和受者对某些价值的特别看重或追求,构成了新闻文化表现形式的主要特征。

    Some special values of the subject of journalistic culture , circulator and acceptor , will result in repeated appearance of some news contents and further form the major features of expression of journalistic culture .

  19. 在如今24小时的新闻文化中,也许我们比以往任何时候都更需要一段那样的时期来歇一歇。圣诞节到新年期间也是一段这样的时期。

    Perhaps more than ever , in a 24 hours news culture we need those moments in the year , the period between Christmas and New Year is another , when we can pause a little .

  20. 有偿新闻的文化解读

    The Cultural Interpretation of Paid News

  21. 试论民族地域题材纪录片新闻及文化价值的资源利用

    Dissertation on How to Utilize the News and Cultural Value of the Documentary of Minority-area Theme

  22. 全球化与新闻伦理文化

    Globalization and News Ethics Cultural

  23. 为应对挑战,进一步加强社会主义新闻伦理文化建设刻不容缓。

    To face up to the challenge , strengthening the construction of ethic culture of socialist media turns out to be ever urgent .

  24. 应对之策有赖于新闻人文化上的自觉&媒体组织精品文化建设乃成一种良策。

    In response , news professionals have to be culturally cognizant , making the development of elite culture in media organization a preferred strategy .

  25. 生长在文学与新闻,文化与报业结合处的副刊是中文报纸的民族传统。一方面,副刊从诞生之日起便成为文学、文艺的传播载体,参与建构并推动着文化的发展;

    Growth in the union place of literature and news , culture and the newspaper , the supplement is the national tradition of the Chinese newspaper .

  26. 新闻在文化和信息传播中起着举足轻重的作用,随着世界经济文化的联系日益加强,新闻翻译就显得尤为重要。

    News plays an important role in cultural and information dissemination . With increasing link of world economic and culture , news translation seems like more important .

  27. 作者首先界定了新闻中文化负载词的翻译原则,认为准确、清楚、可读性强是译者在翻译新闻中的文化负载词时所要坚持的原则。

    The author holds that three principles , namely , principles of accuracy , clarity and readability should be bore in mind when translating culture-loaded terms in news .

  28. 然而阿中新闻与文化合作相对滞后,它在一定程度上阻碍了阿中全面合作伙伴关系的发展。

    Nevertheless , Arabic - Chinese cooperation in media and culture has lagged behind , and the stagnation has hindered the development of cooperative partnership in an all-round way between Arabic countries and China .

  29. 本周早些时候,一个由新闻和流行文化网站SourceFed制作的调查视频火了,脸书和YouTube上的观看次数达到了数百万。

    Earlier this week , an investigative video created by news and pop culture website SourceFed went viral , drawing millions of views on Facebook and YouTube .

  30. 介绍多元变性淀粉YZ-151、152在新闻纸、文化用纸、纸袋纸、牛皮箱板纸等纸种中的应用情况。

    The application figures about the using of multiple-modified starch YZ-151 , YZ-152 in newsprint paper , business paper , kraft bag paper and kraft paperboard etc.