
  • 网络New Town;Newtown
  1. 大昌移民新镇住宅设计中的地域性创作思维

    Regional creation thinking in transmigrant residence design of Dachang new town

  2. 中国制造的德式小镇&安亭新镇

    Anting New Town : A German Town Made in China

  3. 三峡库区移民居住区人居环境建设初探&以巫山县大昌新镇移民居住区设计为例

    Exploring Construction of Dwelling Environment of Immigrant Community in Three-gorges Area

  4. 对城市规划控制原则和控制体系的再思考&以珠海市南水镇新镇区控制性详细规划为例

    Reflection on the Controlling Principle and System in City Planning

  5. 新镇包括了3个从前的村庄。

    The new town takes in three former villages .

  6. 安亭新镇&德国规划在中国的实践案例

    ANTING NEW TOWN & Realized Case Of German Styled Town Planning In China

  7. 生产厂位于增城市中新镇慈岭工业区。

    Production plant is located in the city by the new town Ciling industrial zone .

  8. 城乡结合部的社区治理模式:上海浦东川沙新镇社区委员会体制研究

    Urban Community Governance Model : The Studies of the Structure of Community Board in Shanghai Pudong Chuansha

  9. 安亭新镇:以建筑的名义定义未来的生活方式

    Anting New Town : To Definite the Life Style in the Future in the Name of Architecture

  10. 购物者为了追求时尚,也到住宅区和新镇的购物中心买东西。

    Shoppers also go to shopping centres in housing estates and new towns to keep up with fashion .

  11. 主要有两种做法,一是国家组织动员分洪地区居民外迁,重新建立新镇;另一种方式是维持分洪地区现状,洪水来时,进行人员、财产大转移;

    Migration construct town have two method : one , government organize resident of flood diversion migration and build new town .

  12. 海外建筑师在上海一城九镇的实践&以浦江新镇的规划及建筑设计为例

    Overseas Architects ' Practice in Shanghai One City with Nine Towns : Taking the Planning and Building Design for Pujiang New Town as Example

  13. 快乐乳品厂伍德路新镇花园城三月二十五日敬启者,我正在做一个关于食品的学校课题。

    Happy Dairy Wood Road New Town Garden City 25 March & Dear Sir / Madam , I am doing a school project about food .

  14. 改革开放以来我国农村教育资源状况探析&以河南省扶沟县大新镇为例

    Analysis on China 's Rural Education Resources since the Reform and Open outside & Take Daxin Town Fugou County in Henan Province as the Example

  15. 本文以四川省成都平原边缘丘陵山区&金堂县又新镇为例,将系统动力学方法应用于其环境经济系统协调发展的研究。

    Taking the district of Youxin village Chengdu Sichuan province as an example , this thesis discuses the coordinated development of environment-economic system by system dynamic .

  16. 在安静和平的小城新镇,七个老师和助手也在一个疯狂男人的枪口下失去了他们的生命。

    Seven teachers and helpers also lost their lives at the barrel of the gun of a madman in the sleepy and peaceful city of Newtown .

  17. 文章介绍了德阳市和新镇开发森林养生旅游、打造健康产业的规划实践。

    This paper introduces the planning for and practice in the development of forest health tourism and creation of health industries in Hexin Township of Deyang City .

  18. 张家港市华美医疗器械有限公司位于美丽富饶的全国文明城市、国家园林城市&张家港市大新镇。

    Zhangjiagang City Huamei Medical Equipment co. , ltd is located in Daxin Town , Zhangjiagang City , the rich and beautiful national sanitation city and environmental protection model city .

  19. 位于上海宝山区的罗店新镇,(亦被称作北欧新镇),据说是仿照瑞典的历史古镇锡格蒂娜建造的。

    Luodian New Town , also known as North European New Town , is a development in Shanghai 's suburban Baoshan district supposedly based on the historic Swedish town of Sigtuna .

  20. 面对这些问题,笔者提出,一方面在保护古廊桥和其他乡土建筑的基础上,对业已形成的新镇区一条街进行风貌整治;

    To solve these problems , the authors give their proposal : on one hand , to renovate the main street in the ancient town based on the preserving of the Lounge Bridges and other vernacular architectures ;

  21. 郊区新镇以居住功能为主,使居民无法在当地得到必要的就业、购物、娱乐等一体化公共服务,因而对中心城依旧有强烈的依赖。

    The function of new town of suburb is mainly inhabitation . Residents can not get integrity service such as basic employment , shopping , entertainment and so on . So they depend greatly on central city .

  22. 通过对鱼嘴新镇方案的分析,对以公共交通为导向的城市新模式进行探索,从中搜寻有益于中国新城发展的因素,希望引起更多人对我国新城发展的研究与关注。

    This paper tries to explore a new mode of city development form of public traffic orientation , and collect the profitable factor , in order to receive more research and attention for new town development in china .

  23. 安亭新镇位于上海西部,是上海国际汽车城的核心住区,是符合新世纪发展方向的低能耗园林生态城镇。

    The Anting New Town is situated at the west of Shanghai . It is the core of dwelling area of Shanghai International Automobile City and a low energy consumption garden and ecological town in line with the direction of new century development .