
xīn huā yàng
  • New pattern;newfangle
新花样[xīn huā yàng]
  1. 他又在闹什么新花样儿。

    I wonder what he 's up to now .

  2. 新片《最后的女孩》(TheFinalGirls)中的时空旅行推出了两个新花样:母亲和女儿的“最后的女孩”组合,以及催人泪下的结局。

    Time travel in the new film " The Final Girls " introduces two fresh twists : mother-daughter final girls and a tear-jerker ending .

  3. 我可以把还在浏览器页面中运行的常用软件存放在底端的条带中,这个条带与Windows系统的任务栏和Mac的停靠栏类似——还是那句话,没什么新鲜的东西,不过是博取兴趣的一个新花样而已。

    I could store frequently used apps , which still run in browser pages , in the bottom strip , similar to the Windows taskbar or Mac dock - again , nothing new there , but a welcome addition .

  4. 这是孩子们玩的新花样吗?

    Is this a new style that the kids are sporting ?

  5. 让我们在老主意上搞一些新花样。

    Let 's apply a new twist to an old idea .

  6. 我们需要更好的教师,而不是新花样的教育思想!

    We need better teachers , not newfangled ideas of education !

  7. 你今天晚上想在床上尝试什么新花样?

    Is there anything new you want to try in bed tonight ?

  8. 哎,大牛,你今天该不会是有新花样了吧?

    Eh , Daniel , do you have any fancy ideas today ?

  9. 我来这儿就是要试试新花样的。

    That 's why I 'm here-to try new things .

  10. 今年的版本没有不同于过去的新花样。

    This year 's copy contains no innovations over those in the past .

  11. 布上印有一种新花样。

    A new design is impressed on the cloth .

  12. 其他新花样包括一种以职业运动员形象为特色的新品种贺卡;

    Other innovations include a mew line of cards featuring professional sports figures ;

  13. 这就是你的新花样吗,吓唬我

    Is this , like , your new thing -- creeping me out ?

  14. 在家躲避疫情期间,名人们把慈善玩出了新花样。

    While sheltering at home , celebrities are getting creative with their charitable endeavors .

  15. 他谈来谈去总不外乎觐见皇上以及荣膺爵士头衔之类的奇闻,翻不出什么新花样来;

    He could tell her nothing new of the wonders of his presentation and knighthood ;

  16. 不要为了追求新花样无论是衣服还是朋友而一味地麻烦自己。

    Do not trouble yourself much to get new things , whether clothes or friends .

  17. 礼酒包装新花样

    New Decorative Pattern of Wine Gift Packaging

  18. 每个月都玩新花样。

    Every month there 's something else .

  19. 今天就开始尝试点新花样吧。

    Today , do something new .

  20. 你也搞不出什么新花样。

    You cannot start anything fresh .

  21. 这些都是异教徒的新花样儿。

    It 's all Neo-Pagan magic .

  22. 这里没什么新花样,只是些改头换面的旧玩意儿。

    There is nothing new here , just the same old ideas in a new guise .

  23. 教它们点新花样

    Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

  24. 编织的新花样儿&藤草饰品

    Weave Rattan and Grass Anew

  25. 日常及它看起来好像他们不断发明新花样,提升他们的技能。

    V.everyday and it seems as if they are constantly inventing new tricks and improving their skills .

  26. 通过电台播放音乐唱片,更重要的是卖出更多CD&这是音乐产业的最新花样。

    It 's the latest music industry trick to get air play and more importantly to sell CDs .

  27. 上网看了些东西想试点新花样。

    I saw some stuff online , so I got a couple new things I wanna try out .

  28. 展望未来,玩个新花样,给人新感觉&这是我对未来主义的诠释方式。

    Futuristic in terms of looking into the future and giving it a new twist and a new sensibility .

  29. 本周,苹果的招聘游戏又出了新花样——将招聘广告隐藏在其网站中。

    Apple took the recruiting game a step further this week and hid a job advert on its website .

  30. 因为我处在一个戏剧化的行业,必须不断玩出新花样。

    Because I am in the theater business , I have to keep pulling rabbits out of a hat .