
  • 网络information system
  1. 主要介绍了铁路运输管理信息系(TMIS)工程的特点和TMIS建设取得的成绩,指出了TMIS建设中存在的困难和问题。

    The project features of the railway transportation management information system ( TMIS ) and the achievements in TMIS construction are mainly introduced . The difficulties and problems existing in the course of TMIS construction are pointed out .

  2. 可公度信息系在强震预报中的应用

    Application of Commensurability Information System in the Earthquake Prediction

  3. 近年来,随着GIS研究和应用的不断深入,时间概念被引入到GIS中,当前时态地理信息系TGIS(TemporalGIS)的研究已经成为GIS理论界和开发应用单位关注的前沿研究热点之一。

    In recent years , along with the continuous deepening of the study and application of GIS , GIS introduced to the concept of time . Temporal GIS ( TGIS ) has become the hotspot of GIS theoretical and applied study .

  4. 玛瑞安那·奥布里斯特教授在苏塞克斯大学信息系领导这项工作,她说道,9D电视将这些相结合起来,能够让我们在看电视时带动所有感官。

    Dr Marianna Obrist , who led the work at the department of informatics at the University of Sussex , said combined together they could bring all of our senses into the experience of watching television .

  5. 电子信息系开设多种专业,有着一套比较完备的专业建设体系。

    The Department of Electronic Information has a better constructing system of many specialties .

  6. 淮河上游洪水灾害可公度信息系预测

    A forecast of flood disaster in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River with commensurability information system

  7. 可公度信息系是一种源于天文学的预测方法,其实质是寻求事物发生的经验关系。

    Commensurability information system is a forecasting method originated from astronomy , of which the substance is finding the empirical relations of thing 's occurrence .

  8. 建设浙江省高校毕业生就业服务信息系通,需要解决好多个数据库的数据一致性和提高数据的发布速度及共享程度。

    Construction of Zhejiang University College Graduate Employment Service Information pass , need to solve multiple databases , data consistency and improve the sharing of data , speed and extent of release .

  9. 突发性污染事故已经成为环境安全的巨大威胁,为降低污染事故发生带来的严重后果,建立统一的环境应急信息系地统十分必要。

    The sudden pollution accidents have already become a major threat to environment security . In order to reduce serious consequence taken by major accidents , it is urgent to establish a united emergency pollution accident response information system .

  10. 学生综合考评管理系统是典型的信息管理系(MIS),本系统不断修正和改进,直到形成用户满意的可行系统。

    The management System is the typical information management system ( MIS ), this system is fixed and improvement , until customer satisfaction of viable system formed .

  11. 为克服Shannon熵的局限性,修改了Shannon熵的公理,用公理化的方法,推导出具有有限分布列的离散型随机变量的信息量系。

    In order to eliminate the limitation of the Shannon entropy , the axiom system for the Shannon entropy was modified , and an information measure system with the axiomatization method was deduced .

  12. 弗吉尼亚理工大学会计与信息系统系副教授山姆希克斯(samhicks)表示,该校已放弃关于跨国企业会计的独立硕士课程,支持将ifrs纳入课程。

    Sam Hicks , associate professor in the Department of accounting and information systems at Virginia Tech , says his school has dropped its standalone masters-level course on multinational accounting in favour of incorporating IFRS into the curriculum .

  13. 关于高校信息管理系增设竞争情报课程的思考

    On the Offering of Competitive Intelligence Course in Information Management

  14. 发展中的山西大学信息管理系

    The Developing Department of Information Management , Shanxi University

  15. 我院信息技术系教师实践技能培养研究

    Cultivating Practical Skills of Teachers in the Information Technology Department of Our College

  16. 发挥优势,突出特色,竞争中求发展&办好我院计算机科学与信息工程系的几点思考

    How to Develop Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering of Tianjin Agricultural College

  17. 我在信息技术系工作。

    I work in the IT department .

  18. 我是大一新生,在信息科学系学习。

    I 'm a freshman and I 'm studying in the Department of Information Science .

  19. 我是芬兰瓦萨应用科技大学信息工程系的大三学生。

    I am a third year student of Vaasa University of applied sciences , major at information technology .

  20. 在变革中发展在发展中壮大&中山大学信息管理系20年回顾与前瞻

    Review and Forecast : the Twenty Years ' Development of the Department of Library and Information Science of Zhongshan University

  21. 理查德?沃森是佐治亚大学管理信息系统系主任。

    Waston ( Richard Watson ) is the acting head of the department of management information systems at the University of Georgia .

  22. 毕业于中山大学信息管理系(现资讯管理系)信息管理与信息系统专业,现定居于中国广州,从事与计算机技术相关的工作。

    Graduated from Department of Information Management , Sun Yat-sen University , living in Guangzhou China and got the job related to computer tech.

  23. 向着图书馆学情报学学科前沿不断求索&北京大学信息管理系图书馆学专业2001、2002届博士论文评介

    New Researches on the Frontier of Library and Information Science : Review of Doctoral Dissertations of Library Science from Dept. of LIS , Peking University

  24. 信息工程系十分重视开展国内外学术交流与合作,与美国、日本、澳大利亚等国家的大学和研究机构保持着密切联系和合作。

    The department of information engineering has strengthened its international communication and cooperation with universities and research organizations from US , Japan , and Australia , etc.

  25. 用问卷的形式对华北工学电子工程系和电子信息工程系132大学生进行调查。

    The information needs and information sources of Students in North China University of Science and Technology , Taiyuan , Shanxi province were investigated using the questionnaire method .

  26. 另外,利用模数的特性调整嵌入信息的系数值,以达到在嵌入容量相当的情况下减少系数值的改变量。

    In addition , the proposed algorithm adjusts the embedded coefficients by modulus characteristics to reduce the change of the embedded coefficients and to obtain a considerable capacity .

  27. 7月本科毕业于山东科技大学信息工程系软件工程专业,获得工学学士学位。

    In July 2007 I graduated from the soft engineering special branch of information engineering department in Shandong Science and Technology University , acquire the degree of Bachelor of Engineering .

  28. 在改革开拓中求生存、求发展&北京大学信息管理系数字图书馆及北京大学在图书馆自动化方面的实践

    Seeking for Survival and Development in the Reform and Opening up to Outside World-Introduction to the Department of Information Management , Peking University Digital Library and the Automation System at Peking University Library

  29. 信息管理系教学改革的关键是建设一流的师资队伍,主要工作是寻求学术、管理和理财方面的统帅人才和培养高水平的教学人才。

    The key to the reform of education in information management is to build a team of first class teachers , including experts in academic research , administration , financial management and high level teaching .

  30. 实现了基于蓝光平台的生产工艺流程图设计与绘制,实现了基于蓝光地理信息统系的资源管理库、工序库、关系库、资源配置库的设计。

    Based on Lion King Platform realized the design and drawing of the production flow chart , designed resource management database , processes database , the relationship database between processes and the resource allocation database .