
  • 网络New Building;Nuova Plaza
  1. 他们认为他们的新大厦品位独特,可作为典范。

    They viewed their new building as an exemplar of taste .

  2. 而赫尔佐格-德梅隆建筑公司为巴黎设计的新大厦将包括办公空间和一家酒店,其玻璃三角形设计呼应了贝聿铭(IMPei)设计的卢浮宫玻璃金字塔。

    while Herzog & de Meuron 's new Paris building , with its glass triangle echoing IM Pei 's Louvre pyramid , will hold office space and a hotel .

  3. 在新大厦的启用典礼上放言高论的市镇议员。

    Town councillors speechifying at the opening of a new building .

  4. 在镇上修建新大厦的计划太棒了。

    The plan for the new building in town is quite superb .

  5. 那新大厦难看死了。

    That new building is as ugly as sin !

  6. 几年以后,人们建起了一座新大厦,作为智慧老人的住宅,并准备把勇敢先驱者的遗骨埋在里面。

    A few years later an attempt was made to bury the brave pioneer in the fine new edifice which had been erected as a home for the Wise Old Men .

  7. 但是,只要快速扫一眼日益变化的天际线,我们就能发现一个令人沮丧的现实:那些光鲜亮丽的新大厦,未能提供大部分纽约人买得起的房型。

    But a quick look at the changing skyline betrays a frustrating reality : Those shiny new towers have failed to deliver the type of housing most New Yorkers can afford .

  8. 更少有人会敢于宣称中国奇迹是假的,并招摇地徘徊在重庆或广州熠熠生辉的新大厦外,试图用录像证明这种说法这些大厦空空如也,无人进出。

    Fewer still would have the gumption to claim the miracle was a sham and conspicuously loiter outside the gleaming new towers of Chongqing or Guangzhou to try to prove it on tape : no one goes in or out of the empty buildings there .

  9. 新CCTV大厦位于朝阳区东三环中路32号

    New CCTV building , No.32 , Middle Road , East Third Ring , Chaoyang District

  10. 根据周二将宣布的交易条款,在未来将近6年时间里,日本投资银行野村(nomura)将不用支付其在伦敦金融城新总部大厦的租金。

    Nomura , the Japanese investment bank , will not pay any rent for almost six years on its new headquarters building in the city of London under the terms of a deal to be announced on Tuesday .

  11. 新图书馆大厦在Blindern校园、房子艺术图书馆和社会科学。

    The new library building at the Blindern campus , houses the Library of Arts and Social Sciences .

  12. 杭州新客站大厦投资决策分析

    Analysis of Investment Decision of New Passenger Station Building of Hangzhou

  13. 广州新中国大厦试验模型动力计算分析

    Dynamic analyses of test model for New China Building in guangzhou

  14. 新世纪大厦地下室地下连续墙设计探讨

    On the Design of Diaphragm Wall for Basement of New Century Building

  15. 北京新保利大厦结构抗震设计

    Aseismatic Design on the Structure of Beijing New Poly Plaza

  16. 新保利大厦特式吊楼结构的抗震分析与设计

    Seismic Analysis and Design of Lantern Structure of Beijing New Poly Plaza

  17. 我有一次去广州,见到新世界大厦。

    Once I went to Guangzhou and saw the New Century Building .

  18. 新保利大厦非对称多塔连体结构动力特性与抗震设计

    Dynamic Characteristics and Anti-seismic Design of New Poly Plaza Unsymmetrical Multi-tower-connected Structures

  19. 大连新世界大厦超高层续建工程设计研究

    Design for the reconstruction of super high-rise building for Dalian New World Tower

  20. 大连新世纪大厦钢-混凝土组合结构方案设计与分析

    The design and analysis of the tall steel-concrete structure of Dalian New Century Tower

  21. 介绍了带暗支撑剪力墙在新保利大厦工程中的设计与应用情况。

    The application result of the hidden support is introduced in Beijing New Poly plaza .

  22. 化学灌浆抢险在深圳新能源大厦工程中的应用

    Application of chemical grouting measure for construction of the Shenzhen City New Energy Mansion Project

  23. 北京海淀新技术大厦冰蓄冷设计及其运行

    The Design and Operation of an Ice Storage Air Condition System of Beijing New Technology Plaza

  24. 在纽约的“归零地”上,一座新的大厦已经拔地而起。

    In New York a new tower is taking shape at Ground Zero ( see article ) .

  25. 2008年开始,比森研究所搬迁到一座新的大厦,进一步信息可在这里发现。

    At the beginning of2008 the Beatson Institute moved into a new state-of-the-art building-further information can be found here .

  26. 苏格兰的新议会大厦坐落于爱丁堡著名的皇家里底端,紧邻壮观的哈路德公园。

    Scotland 's new Parliament sits at the foot of Edinburgh 's famous Royal Mile close to the spectacular Holyrood Park .

  27. 结合北京新保利大厦项目,基于复杂多塔连体结构的地震动力响应特点,深入分析了多塔连体结构的抗震设计方法。

    Based on a real project , the design scheme of the sky-bridge of the multi-tower-connected building is proposed and analyzed .

  28. 力拓上海代表处的业务似乎是正常的,在香港新世界大厦,位于市中心。

    Business seemed to be normal at the Rio Tinto Shanghai Representative Office in Hong Kong New World Tower , which is located downtown .

  29. 本文从北京威新国际大厦的建筑和周边环境入手,详细介绍了其夜景照明设计的设计思路、照明效果及设计中的一些突破点。

    This paper analyses the night scene lighting , the artistic expression of its environment and the problems to be solved in future development .

  30. 上海世博会展示中心的地址是上海市卢湾区淮海中路300号香港新世界大厦。

    Shanghai Expo Exhibition Center is located at the Hong Kong New World Tower , No.300 Huaihai Road ( M. ), Luwan District , Shanghai .