
  • 网络nsw;south wales;new south wales;Department of Fair Trading, New South Wales
  1. 这对新南威尔士州的考拉的影响尤其致命。

    It was particularly lethal3 to the koala population in New South Wales .

  2. 新南威尔士州的环境部长在一份声明中说,新南威尔士州会尽一切努力为后代保护考拉。

    In a statement , the New South Wales Environment Minister said his state would do everything it could to protect koalas for future generations .

  3. 2009年和2013年,当澳大利亚维多利亚州、新南威尔士州等地遭受严重山林火灾时,中方迅速向澳方提供火场卫星数据,向救灾行动施以援手。

    In 2009 and 2013 when Victoria and New South Wales of Australia were hit by severe bush fires , the Chinese side lent a helping13 hand by providing prompt satellite data about the fires .

  4. 澳大利亚最广为人知的葡萄产区HunterValley(猎人谷)也位于新南威尔士州。

    One of Australia 's best known and most historic wine regions the Hunter Valley is located just north of Sydney , Australia 's business and multicultural centre .

  5. 最近Iggy贴出了她小时候和母亲和妹妹Emerald的合照,照片里他们一家还在澳大利亚新南威尔士州。

    In new childhood snaps , a cute little Iggy is seen posing with her mother and younger sister Emerald in their Mullumbimby home in northern New South Wales .

  6. Verity的河口,对国会的新南威尔士州强调说,新南威尔士州将有一个全面的一整套法规在地方日光浴业在今年年底前。

    Verity Firth , of the Parliament of NSW , stressed that NSW will have a comprehensive set of regulations in place for the solarium industry by the end of this year .

  7. 澳大利亚统计局(AustralianBureauofStatistics)的数据显示,过去五年在资源丰富的西澳大利亚和昆士兰地区均录得了两位数的人口增速。这一增幅是澳大利亚人口最稠密的新南威尔士州的两倍多,也大幅超过8.3%的全国平均水平。

    Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed that the resource-rich regions of Western Australia and Queensland both recorded double-digit population growth over the past five years , more than double that of Australia 's most populous state , New South Wales , and sharply outstripping the national average of 8.3 % .

  8. 本研究利用来源于澳大利亚新南威尔士州不同生长条件下的辐射松人工林样木干形数据,比较了广义Brink干形方程和三角函数干形方程对去(带)皮直径的拟合效果。

    This paper compares trigonometric variable-form taper function with generalized Brink stem profile function when estimation predicting diameter under ( over ) bark at any height of stem using sample taper data collected from Pinus radiata plantations in New South Wales , Australia .

  9. 沃森博士和霍夫曼博士仔细地观察了在新南威尔士州的沼溪(billabongcreek)的林地地区,并将它们分为两组:一组林地生长了槲寄生,另一组没有。

    Dr Watson and Dr herring looked at patches of woodland in billabong Creek , New South Wales , and sorted them into two groups : those where mistletoe was present , and those where it was absent .

  10. 这一最新诉讼是新南威尔士州另外一家地方委员会代表从荷兰银行购买了CPDO的投资者提起的。

    The latest action has been brought by another local authority in New South Wales on behalf of investors who also purchased the complex securities from ABN .

  11. 产于昆士兰州、新南威尔士州和维多利亚的高大树木。

    Tall tree of Queensland and New South Wales and Victoria .

  12. 生长在新南威尔士州和维多利亚的沼泽的中等大小的桉树。

    Medium-sized swamp gum of New South Wales and Victoria .

  13. 悉尼是新南威尔士州的首府。

    Sydney is the capital of New South Wales .

  14. 她在澳大利亚新南威尔士州的一个小村庄长大。

    She grew up in a small village in New South Wales , Australia .

  15. 它的基础是由新南威尔士州制造业商会建立的有110年历史的传统

    It Builds on a 110-year tradition established by the Chamber of Manufacturers of NSW

  16. 日光浴禁令,为下-18以及皮肤白皙的人,澳大利亚新南威尔士州。

    Solarium Ban For Under-18s And Fair-skinned People , New South Wales , Australia .

  17. 每年到新南威尔士州的中国游客超过40万人次。

    More than 400,000 Chinese tourists visit the state of New South Wales each year .

  18. 新南威尔士州警察局长米克·富勒透露了更多调查细节。

    New South Wales State Police Commissioner Mick Fuller reveals more details of the investigation .

  19. 高中的学生可以选择新南威尔士州职业技术学院和大学两种学术途径。

    Students in senior school may choose academic pathways to TAFE NSW Institutes and university .

  20. 方法灵活是新南威尔士州历史建筑基金会的一大优势。

    Flexibility of approach is a hallmark of the Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales .

  21. 在新南威尔士州历史奖颁奖仪式上的致辞

    The 2005 NSW History Awards Address

  22. 进入联邦议会前,托尼担任新南威尔士州立法会议员的成员。

    Before entering Federal Parliament , Tony served as a member of the NSW Legislative Council .

  23. 再往上游方向,维多利亚州和新南威尔士州则希望通过建设水坝来促进农业发展。

    Further upstream , Victoria and New South Wales wanted to build dams to encourage agriculture .

  24. 澳大利亚新南威尔士州私学公助政策演进及实施评述

    A Review of Policy and Practice of State Funding for Non-government Schools in New South Wales of Australia

  25. 合资企业也在新南威尔士州注册经营。

    That the joint venture is to be registered to operate also in the State of New South Wales .

  26. 在运送犯人,以新南威尔士州已经停止,在1840年实现一个缺口在劳动力的供应。

    The transportation of convicts to New South Wales had ceased in1840 bringing about a shortfall in the labour supply .

  27. 阿拉曼喷泉:位于澳大利亚新南威尔士州悉尼市的漂亮喷泉,也是战争纪念物。

    El Alamein Fountain : Beautiful fountain and war memorial in the city of Sydney , New South Wales , Australia .

  28. 她表示,新南威尔士州的计划正是对抗动植物灭绝所需要的计划。

    She said the New South Wales plan is the kind of plan needed to fight against plant and animal extinctions .

  29. 新南威尔士州的官员警告称,在不久的将来,全世界将有100万种物种面临灭绝。

    Officials in New South Wales have warned that one million species around the world face extinction in the near future .

  30. 莫索曼不仅积极参与新南威尔士州华人社区的活动,还对中国进行了近20次的访问。

    Moselmane has not only actively the Chinese community in New South Wales but has also visited China close to 20 times .