
  • 网络xinfeng river
  1. 新丰江特大桥轻型浮桥设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Light Floating Bridge for Xinfeng River Bridge

  2. 新丰江流域降水和径流量变化特征及预测

    The characteristics and prediction of rainfall and run - off in Xinfeng River Basin

  3. 河源市新丰江新丰段流域氨氮污染状况研究

    Study on the NH_3-N Pollution in Xinfeng Reach of the Xinfeng River in Heyuan City

  4. 根据新丰江地震台记录的2001年2月6日新丰江小震群数字化资料,分析计算了该震群的S波分裂的偏振参数。

    With the data recorded by Guangdong Digital Seismograph Network on Feb.21,2001 , we calculated the polarization parameters of S-wave splitting .

  5. 东江和流溪河三河水分流之处,是东江重要支流――新丰江的源头。

    East River and the river diversion Liuxihe three of the problem is an important tributary of the East River-the source of Xinfengjiang .

  6. 为探讨库水在地震形成机制中的作用,本文试图通过新丰江水库渗流场的有限元计算,对新丰江水库蓄水初期库水渗流与地震的关系进行初步研究。

    In order to study the triggering mechanisms , we try to calculate the seepage field by finite element method and explore the relationship between the seepage with initial impoundment and the seismicity in the reservoir region .