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wén cǎi fěi rán
  • 熟语elegant and polished
  1. 首先,它不仅仅是一部谴责小说,更是一部文采斐然、结构精妙的讽刺小说。

    Firstly , it is not only a condemning novel , but also a satirical one with sophisticated literary grace and ingenious structure .

  2. 据今存先梁赋考察,此四赋具有意蕴丰厚、生命情怀强烈与文采斐然、结构巧妙等突出的艺术特质并广受先梁士人的好评。

    According to the existing fu of Pre-Liang Dynasties , the four have outstanding artistic qualities such as rich implications , strong feelings about life , striking literary talent and ingenious structure . They were widely praised by the scholars in Pre-Liang Dynasties .