
  • 网络Folder option;folders
  1. 更改常规计算机设置,如字型和文件夹选项;或者将计算机设为可以从web自动下载产品更新。

    Change general computer settings , such as font types , and folder options , or setup your computer to automatically download product updates from the web .

  2. 确保在Windows资源管理器,工具->“文件夹选项,查看选项卡,说:”隐藏已知文件类型的文件扩展名“未选中。

    Make sure in Windows Explorer , Tools - > Folder Options , View Tab , that " Hide file extensions for known file types " is not checked .

  3. 在windows资源管理器中,当在“文件夹选项”对话框的“查看”选项卡上启用“显示隐藏和受保护的操作系统文件”设置时,该设置被禁用。

    In Windows explorer , when the show hidden and protected OS files setting is enabled on the View tab of the folder options dialog box , the setting is disabled .

  4. 我的电脑-工具文件夹选项查看-除去使用简单文件共享前的勾。

    Clear the Use simple file sharing ( Recommended ) check box .

  5. “删除“设置”菜单中的“文件夹选项”菜单项”

    " Remove the folder options menu item from the settings menu "

  6. 请使用控制面板中的文件夹选项将该图标恢复到桌面上

    To restore this icon to the desktop use the folder options control panel

  7. 是否保存并关闭显示属性而查看文件夹选项?

    Would you like to save and close the Display Properties and view the Folder Options instead ?

  8. 如果您没有看到一个新的刻录文件夹选项,您可能运行雪豹。

    If you do not see an option for New Burn Folder , you are probably running Snow Leopard .

  9. 该文件没有关联程序执行该操作。请在文件夹选项控制面板中创建关联程序。

    This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action . Create an association in the Folder Options control panel .

  10. 为报告选择目标文件夹和选项。

    Select a target folder and options for the report .

  11. 在树中包含/排除不同文件夹的选项。

    An option to includue / exclude the different folders in the tree .

  12. 如果组织由多个远程位置组成,则有两个公用文件夹布置选项可供选择。

    If your organization consists of multiple remote locations , you have two options for public folder placement .

  13. 若要使用报表管理器启用“我的报表”功能,请使用“站点设置”页设置“为每个用户启用‘我的报表’文件夹”选项。

    To enable my reports using report manager , use the site settings page to set the enable each user to have a my reports folder option .

  14. 单击InboundExports文件夹显示可用选项。

    Click the Inbound Exports folder to display the available options .

  15. 在“组织”菜单上,单击“文件夹和搜索选项”,然后单击“查看”选项卡。

    On the organize menu , click folder and search options , and then click the view tab .

  16. 在DataProjectExplorer窗口中,右键单击项目下面的SQLScripts文件夹,选择New选项。

    From the Data Project Explorer window , under the project , right click on the SQL Scripts folder and select the New option .

  17. 若要只为一种语言更改文本编辑器选项,请展开该语言的子文件夹并选择其选项页。

    To change text editor options for just one language , expand the subfolder for that language and select its option pages .

  18. 应用于此文件夹的任何筛选选项也将应用于每一包含此文件夹的发送/接收组。

    Any filter options applied to this folder will also apply to every send / receive group that this folder is included in .

  19. 当你看到确认属性改变对话框,选择“应用改变到这个文件夹,字文件夹和文件”选项按钮,点击“确认”按钮。

    When you see the Confirm Attribute Changes dialog box , select the Apply Changes To This Folder , Subfolders And Files option button and click OK .

  20. 只要选择多个文件夹和右键单击,以取得该商标的文件夹选项。

    Just select multiple folders and right-click to get the Mark Folder option .

  21. 该文件夹的内容不会被删除。使用控制面板中的文件夹选项可以将该图标恢复到桌面上。

    The contents of this folder will not be deleted . You can restore this icon to the desktop using the Folder Options control panel .

  22. 若要删除此规则,选择“管理”标签上的“中继文件夹”,以单击取消“将文件夹配置为中继文件夹”的选项标记。

    To remove this rule , select'moderated folder * 'on the administration tab and uncheck the'set folder up as a moderated folder'option .

  23. 该邮件请求此人与您共享其“任务”文件夹,同时还提供与其共享您的默认“任务”文件夹的选项。

    The message requests the person to share his or her Tasks folder with you and also provides the option to share your default Tasks folder with him or her .