
  • 网络Digital Trunking Technology;Gota
  1. 20世纪90年代中期,数字集群技术在全球范围内兴起,以TETRA系统和iDEN系统作为主要的技术标准。

    In the mid-1990s , digital trunking technology found its trend in the world on the basis of the TETRA system and iDEN system as the mainstream technology standard .

  2. 浅议数字集群技术体制与发展

    Analysis of Architecture and Development of Digital Trunking Systems

  3. 新一代数字集群技术带来的机遇

    Opportunities Brought by New Generation Digital Trunking Technologies

  4. 数字集群技术发展政策研究

    Development Policy for Digital Trunking Technologies

  5. 数字集群技术从20世纪90年代中期在全球范围内兴起,得到了广泛的应用并取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。

    Digital trunking technology was used through the world from the age of mid-nineties of last century and its widely use helped to achieve good social and economic benefits .

  6. 伴随着国际/国内电信环境变化,包括快速调度、安全及应急通信的增长,数字集群技术特性的重要性日益凸显。

    Along with the international and domestic telecommunications environment changes , including rapid command scheduling , security and emergency communications growth , the importance of Digital Trunking Communication System becomes increasingly prominent .

  7. GoTa&面向未来的数字集群通信技术

    GoTa - the future - oriented digital trunking technology

  8. 数字集群通信技术作为现代专业通信产业的重要组成部分,是近年来城市信息化领域发展最快的一种通信模式,同时是我国城市运行、管理平台中不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    As the important component of the modern specialty communication industry , Digital Trunking mobile system experienced the fastest development in city information area .

  9. 随着数字集群通信技术发展的日益成熟,数字集群通信系统被应用到越来越多的领域进行调度、指挥,数字集群终端有了一个很有潜力的市场。

    With the rapid development of the digital trunking communication technology , more and more areas begin to use digital trunking communication system for scheduling , directing , digital trunking terminals has a very broad market .

  10. 两种数字集群通信系统的技术分析比较

    Technical Comparison of Two Kinds of Digital Trunking System

  11. 数字集群系统区域覆盖技术

    The Regional Coverage Technology of Digital Trunking System

  12. 介绍了集群通信的发展现状和相关政策;结合数字集群共网的技术特点以及市场现状,深入分析了数字集群共网在国内的发展前景以及可能面对的诸多风险;

    This thesis first introduced policy and current status on trunked system , and analyzed technology and market of public trunked network in China including risks and market potential .

  13. 作为第三代移动通信标准的TD-SCDMA技术,向具有自主知识产权的数字集群系统拓展,不仅推动我国数字集群技术的发展,而且完全符合国家利益的发展战略。

    As the third generation standard of mobile communication , TD-SCDMA is expanding to the digital trunking system with independent intellectual property right which not only promotes the technology development , but also meets the national development strategy .

  14. 摘要:数字集群系统是一种高级专用移动通信系统,它将数字技术、集群技术、分组数据业务和指挥调度功能相结合,为用户提供丰富的无线指挥调度应用。

    ABSTRACT : Digital Trunked System is a kind of advanced appropriative mobile communication system . It synthesizes digital technology , trunked technology , packet data service , control and command function . Abundant wireless control and command applications are provided by this system .