
  • 网络cluster network;VPMN;PAMR
  1. 基于800M无线集群网传输的公交电子站牌研究

    Research on Electronic Board at Bus Station Based on Transmission of 800M Wireless Cluster Scheduling Network

  2. 基础电信运营商积极申请进行数字集群网的试验工作。

    Basic telecommunication operators have also applied to do the trial for digital trunking communication networks enthusiastically .

  3. 基于LAN的集群共网系统模型建立及性能分析

    LAN-based PAMR network model setup and performance analysis

  4. 高速公路无线电集群通信网的选择

    Choice The selection of wireless trunking communication system of expressway

  5. 集群通信网扩展基台控制技术的研究

    Study of Expanding Base Station Control Technique in Trunking Mobile Communication Network Cluster Computing

  6. 发展数字集群共网的机遇与挑战

    Challenge and Opportunity of Digital Trunked System

  7. 第一章简要阐述了北京正通数字集群通信网项目(一期)的立项背景、项目的规模和内容及项目完成的情况。

    In the first section of the paper , the whole construction process of the project is introduced and reviewed .

  8. 建议由国家基础通信运营商来建设集群共网,满足有集群通信需求的单位和行业使用。

    They recommend the national basic communications carriers to construct the shared trunking systems to meet the trunking service needs of the units and sectors .

  9. 目前,中国卫通数字集群通信网已实现上海、津、南、京、岛和潍坊等城市的覆盖。

    At present , ChinaSat digital trunking communication network has realized the coverage to many cities such as ShangHai , TianJin , JiNan , NanJing , QingDao and WeiFang .

  10. 基础运营商建设集群共网,可以实现共用频率、共用信道、共享覆盖、共享通信业务。

    The basic carriers construct the shared trunking systems to bring the following advantages : the shared frequency , the shared channel , the shared coverage , the shared communication service .

  11. WebServer集群在校园网开放实验中应用研究

    Research on the Application of Web Server Cluster in Open Experiment of Campus Network

  12. 目前,SIP与PSTN(PublicSwitchTelephoneNetwork)的互通已经有相应的SIP-T规范,借助SIP网关可以实现数字集群与公众网的互通,扩展了数字集群通信系统的功能。

    Interconnection between SIP and PSTN ( Public Switch Telephone Network ) has already a corresponding SIP-T specification , the interconnection between digital trunking system and public network can be realized by SIP gateway , in order to greatly expand the function of the digital trunking communication system .

  13. 论文基于北京TETRA数字集群无线政务网,开发了嵌入GIS的TETRA数字集群调度系统,并根据用户需求开发了通话组派接功能和录音系统。

    This paper gives the designing and development of the dispatcher system embedded GIS over the TETRA digital trunked radio network . In addition , according to the users ' requirements , the function of patching groups and the Recording System are also developed .

  14. 一种专用的山区宽地域集群移动通信网设计

    The Design of Special Trunking Mobile Communication Network Applicable in Wide Mountain Area

  15. 数字集群通信共网设计

    Digital Trunked Communication Common Network Design

  16. 首次连接时,充许每半个集群在城域网距离内维持同步,不用牺牲过多的性能,甚至在链接被加密时也是如此。

    For the first time , this connection allows each half of the cluster to maintain synchronization across metro-area distances without a significant performance penalty & even when the links are encrypted .

  17. 介绍了铁路集群移动通信网的网络构成、网络功能、工作方式及信令方式等等,指出了集群移动通信系统是一种新型的调度信息系统,已在铁路公务通信网中大量使用。

    The article presents the network structure , network functions , working method and signaling system . It points out that the trunked mobile communication system is a new type dispatching information system which is now widely used in the railway public affairs communication network .

  18. 测控集群系统随机Petri网模型与可用性分析

    Stochastic Petri Net Modeling and Availability Analysing of Observation and Control Cluster

  19. LVS集群技术在校园网中的研究与设计

    Study and Design of LVS Cluster in Campus Net

  20. 集群技术在校园网建设中的作用

    The Functions of Colony Technology in the Construction of Campus Network

  21. 然后讨论和分析了虚拟路由集群技术在校园网中的实现方法。

    Then discuss and analyze the realization method of virtual route cluster techniques in campus network .

  22. 数字集群专业通信共网建设正成为继公众移动通信之后的又一个崭新的市场增长点。

    A shared construction of digital trunking professional communication network is to be the new market growth after the public mobile communications .

  23. 在专业镇企业集群的产品竞争网构建方面,提出了一个新颖的竞争选择度模型。

    From the aspect of modeling on clusters of industrial towns , it presents a novel model , i.e. the model of competition-decision .

  24. 本文的工作通过了XXX单位组织由数字集群终端、信道机和基站组成的数字集群系统在网初样评审验收测试,实现了半双工和双工的单呼、组呼及短消息的功能。

    The work of this paper has passed the assessment of the early acceptance testing , achieving the half-duplex and duplex single call , group call and short message functions .

  25. 介绍了集群通信的发展现状和相关政策;结合数字集群共网的技术特点以及市场现状,深入分析了数字集群共网在国内的发展前景以及可能面对的诸多风险;

    This thesis first introduced policy and current status on trunked system , and analyzed technology and market of public trunked network in China including risks and market potential .

  26. 在简要介绍了数字集群系统及其在国内外的发展后,对数字集群共网的运营策略进行了探讨。

    The paper introduces the digital trunking system and it 's development at home and abroad briefly and made discussion of operation strategy of common digital trunking .

  27. 本文通过探讨调度管理台在数字集群应用中的重要作用,给出了改造现有B/S版调度管理台来达到数字集群共网运营与集团用户专网应用有机结合的解决方案。

    By discussing the important functions of the dispatching manager in the digit trunking network , this paper provides the solution to modify the current dispatching manager of B / S version to reach the perfect combination of universality and exclusivity .