
  1. 也和能源经济一样,数据经济也需要全身心奉献的劳动者&据一份常被引用的高德纳研究公司(GartnerResearch)的分析报告称,目前仅IT领域就有440万人这样一支大军。

    And like the energy economy before it , the data economy needs dedicated people & 4.4 million of them by 2015 in the IT field alone , according to an oft-cited Gartner research analysis .

  2. 展望未来,王志刚表示科技与数据经济的融合作为创新的核心会在未来得到进一步加强。

    Looking into the future , Wang Zhigang says the integration of technology and the digital economy , as the core of innovation , should be further strengthened .

  3. 在十九世纪内初期的名字度数分析的这个方面的改变进化可以指出更多的关于那次的数据经济方面的一般改变。

    This change in the evolution of the name frequency distribution early in the nineteenth century may indicate a more general change in the information economy about that time .

  4. 新的数据显示经济衰退可能有所缓和。

    New figures indicate the recession may be easing up .

  5. 这些新的统计数据证实经济衰退已经严重到我们最为担忧的境地。

    These new statistics confirm our worst fears about the depth of the recession

  6. 此前,上周发布了疲弱的国内生产总值(GDP)数据,经济复苏在第二季度紧急刹车。

    The fall in PMI follows weak gross domestic product figures for the eurozone last week , with the recovery slamming on its brakes in the second quarter .

  7. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)亚洲董事长史蒂芬罗奇(StephenRoach)表示,8月份的数据表明经济复苏没有减弱,但严重依赖投资。

    Stephen Roach , Asia chairman for Morgan Stanley , said the figures showed the recovery was intact but heavily dependent on investment .

  8. 据咨询公司GlobalIHSInsight的预报显示,第二季度,经济仅增长了1.3%,而且前几个季度的数据表明经济的增长和复苏远比预期乏力。

    During the second quarter , it grew by only 1.3 % and revisions to previous quarters show a deeper recession and a weaker recovery than previously portrayed , according to forecasting firm Global IHS insight .

  9. 与传统的RBAC访问控制模型相比,改进的模型能够解决系统粒度、数据传输经济性、用户协作性等诸多问题。第三,对移动商务的合作风险控制方法进行研究。

    Compared with the traditional RBAC model , improved access control model can solve some issues such as data size , economic data transmission , and user collaboration . ( 3 ) Researches on methods of cooperation risk control of m-commerce .

  10. 本文另辟蹊径,采用系统的数据和经济计量方法,具体运用多元线性回归模型和因子分析模型,从产业转移的角度对FDI的区位选择进行全面分析,并提出了引进外资的区域政策建议。

    This article , especially , using the system data and the economy positive methord including multi-dimensional linearity return model and the factor analysis model , comprehensively analysis location selection of FDI from the industry - transferring angle , and put forward the region policy proposal of introduction foreign investment .

  11. SGIS构建在计算机的软硬件平台上,将经济信息与空间信息结合起来,实现了空间地理数据和经济属性数据的相关查询和分析。

    SGIS is constructed and built on software and hardware platform of the computer . It combines economic information and spatial information together and realizes the relevant inquiry and analysis of the geographical data and economic attribute data .

  12. 中金公司(cicc)经济学家邢自强表示,工业产值数据表明经济复苏有所提速,不过,11月份的增长也反映出去年同期的比较基数较低。

    Xing Ziqiang , an economist at China International Capital Corporation in Beijing , said that the industrial production figures indicated that the recovery in the economy was gathering strength , although the increase in November also reflected a low base from the same month the year before .

  13. 以上这些数据对于经济有什么作用?

    What does that add up to in dollars and cents ?

  14. 最新统计数据表明经济势头上扬。

    The latest statistics strike an upbeat note about the economy .

  15. 限额以下数据为经济普查年份数据。

    Data on Below Designated Size are calculated in Economic census year .

  16. 新的统计数据表明经济在持续增长。

    New statistics show the economy is continuing to grow .

  17. 交通运输、经济增长及溢出效应&基于中国省际数据空间经济计量的结果

    Transportation , Economic Growth and Spillover : Conclusion Based on Spatial Econometrics

  18. 这些最新数据显示经济正在减速。

    These latest figures are indicative of a slowing economy .

  19. 最新显示的失业数据使经济复兴的希望落空了。

    Hopes of an economic recovery have been dashed by the latest unemployment statistics .

  20. 针对系统的工艺流程、监测数据、经济指标进行了分析;

    The process , monitoring data and the economic indicators of the system are analyzed .

  21. 这可以显著降低处理成本,提高管理主数据的经济有效性。

    This dramatically reduces processing costs and creates economies of scale to administer your master data effectively .

  22. 多变量的生存时间数据在经济、财务、生物医学和其它的科学调查领域中的应用越来越常见。

    Multivariate failure time data has been more common in economy , finance , biomedical applications and other scientific investigations .

  23. 高于50的指数数据表明经济活动扩张,而低于50则表明经济活动收缩。

    An index figure above 50 indicates an expansion of activity , while a figure below 50 indicates a contraction .

  24. 该组织是世界上最大的和最可靠的比较统计数据、经济和社会资讯来源之一。

    The organization is one of the world 's largest and most reliable sources of comparable statistical , economic and social data .

  25. 市场分析人士说,由于更多的统计数据显示经济在进一步下滑,投资者还没有看到全球经济疲软有缓解的迹象。

    Market analysts say investors have yet to see relief in the global economic gloom as more statistics point to a deepening downturn .

  26. 提出了一种基于统计数据求解经济供电半径和经济功率因数的新方法。

    One novel method for working out the economic power supply radius and power factor is proposed based on statistic datum in the paper .

  27. 选取相关的时间序列数据和经济指标,结合前章的经济模型做回归分析,定量分析人力资本投资对武汉市区域经济发展的作用。

    Choose relevant time series data and economic indicators , quantitative analyses the effects of human capital investment to regional economic development of Wuhan .

  28. 世界卫生组织援引了英国的吉姆·奥尼尔爵士根据去年五月的《全球抗菌素耐药回顾》做出的数据及经济预测。

    The WHO cited Lord Jim O'Neill 's statistical and monetary predictions from the UK 's Review on Antimicrobial Resistance held in May last year .

  29. 传统上统计调查收集的数据和经济分析所使用的数据大多是年度序列,不存在季节性因素,也无需对数据进行季节性调整。

    Traditional survey data collected and economic analysis by use of data are mostly annual sequence , seasonal factors , also need to seasonal adjustment .

  30. 在又一轮欧元区政府债券成功拍卖以及更积极的美国企业利润数据和经济新闻的支撑下,风险资产保持住了上行势头。

    Another round of successful eurozone government bond auctions , plus further positive US earnings and economic news , helped risk assets maintain their upwards momentum .