
  • 网络Education and Vocation
  1. TheLeague的大多数新会员将来自老会员推荐,该应用会通过一种算法对申请者的教育与职业等级进行评估。

    With The League , most new membership will come via referrals , and the app will use an algorithm to evaluate applicants ' educational and professional qualifications .

  2. 教育与职业培训服务机构卡普兰考试培训学校(KaplanTestPrep)11月对法学院招生办人员进行的一项调查显示,迄今为止,已有51%的法学院缩减了入学新生的班级规模。

    So far , 51 % of law schools have cut the size of their entering classes , according to a November survey of law school admissions officers by Kaplan Test Prep , the education and career services provider .

  3. 职业风险教育与职业道德教育相结合;

    Thirdly , the combination of vocational risk education with professional moral education ;

  4. 转变观念开放办学实现教育与职业共同发展

    Changing Concepts , Opening Running College and Realizing Development of Education and Profession

  5. 荆州市政府应采取多种举措,进一步办好高等教育与职业教育。

    The city government should take various measures to proinete higher and vocational education .

  6. 本科设计教育与职业意识培养

    Undergraduate Design Education and Professional Consciousness Cultivation

  7. 普通教育与职业教育相互结合;

    Combining ordinary education into vocational education ;

  8. 素质教育与职业素质的培养&再谈高等职业教育的特性

    Quality education and the cultivation of professional quality & On the features of higher professional education

  9. 荆州的高等教育与职业教育资源丰富,优势明显。

    The resource of higher and vocational education in Jingzhou is abundant and its advantages are obvious .

  10. 职业教育与职业联系的紧密性要求职业教育必须落实因材施教。

    The close links between vocational education and occupation requires that individualized teaching be implemented in vocational education .

  11. 文中对高职院校学历教育与职业资格证书相衔接问题进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses the linkup of diploma education and the vocational qualification certificate in high vocational college .

  12. 护理人员压力源主要集中在护理专业及工作方面、社会方面和继续教育与职业需求方面。

    The main source of mental pressure were nursing work , social supply , continue education and occupation demands .

  13. 高中阶段普通教育与职业教育协调发展的对策

    Study on the Communicative and Coordinative Development of Common Education and Vocational Education at the Senior High School Stage

  14. 普通教育与职业教育兼顾的综合高中在世界范围内得到迅速普及。

    Therefore , comprehensive middle schools that give bothordinary education and vocational education are spreading quickly all over the world .

  15. 农村学生高中阶段普通教育与职业教育选择影响因素研究

    The Study on the Influence Factors of Rural Students ' Selection of General Education and Vocational Education in Senior Phase

  16. 在人才培养方式上形成自己的特色,在管理体制上进行创新,使之符合艺术教育与职业教育的规律;

    It brought forth new ideas in regulatory so as to accord with the laws of art education and vocational education .

  17. 学校应当通过通识教育与职业规划引导医学生面向基层就业。

    It is necessary for medical colleges to bring university graduates'initiative into employment in grass-root institutions by general education and the career planning .

  18. 通过对生产过程自动化技术专业学历证书教育与职业资格证书教育进行对比分析,找出结合点,设计教学方案。

    Find out the combination order between the education of certificate of automate profession educational background and the occupation qualifications certificate to design the teaching project .

  19. 法学是一门理论性与实践性高度统一的学科,理论教育与职业实践训练是现代法学教育中两个不可或缺的组成部分。

    Law is a major that highly unite theory and practice Theorectial education and profession practical training are the two necessary parts in modern law education .

  20. 为顺应这一规律,我国应引入开放式办学机制,实现教育与职业的良性互动。

    In order to adapt to it , an opening running college mode was introduced into our country to realize the good relationship between education and profession .

  21. 关于教育与职业选择的关系有这样的论述:教育之所以重要,是因为它与个人的职业世界有着极其密切的关系。

    There are discourses on the relationship between education and occupation selection : Education is important , why ? Because education has close relationship with individual occupation .

  22. 通过研究,可知以上四部分并不是以相同的速度调整普通教育与职业教育关系的。

    Through the research , we can see , these four parts are not developed at the same speed about Integration of general education and vocational education .

  23. 其原因就在于美国电视脱口秀主持人的角色、形象、家庭背景、教育与职业背景、才能诸特征有着明显的不同:主持人的“主人”角色与“主导”角色的统一;

    Ameican television talk show anchors vary from their roles , images , family backgrounds , education and career backgrounds : they have the roles of host and guide simutaneously ;

  24. 高校职业指导课是素质教育与职业教育相结合的公共课程,对于加强学生的就业能力具有重要意义。

    The course of college vocational guidance is a general subject which combines quality education with vocational education . Meanwhile , it can strengthen the employability of the college students .

  25. 资本主义工业化的实现,由于技术进步与劳动分工的加强,普通教育与职业教育相结合的课程在职业补习学校开设。

    Courses of the general education combining with vocational education are offered in the vocational continuation school by realization of capitalist industrialization and the enhancement of technological progress and labor division .

  26. 论文以普通教育与职业教育的三种关系为依据,按照内容和过程、系统结构、服务部门、行政管理的框架,分别分析当前英国教育中普职融合的发展情况。

    According to the framework of content and process , system architecture , services , administrative management , I analysis the situations of Integration of general education and vocational education in England .

  27. 我国综合高中发展探究学术教育与职业教育的整合&兼谈对我国综合高中课程的思考

    Research on the Development of Comprehensive High Schools in China An Introduction to the Integration of Academic and Vocational Education : Another Reflections on the Comprehensive High Schools ' Curriculum of China

  28. 伴随着国家职业资格证书制度的推行,高等职业教育与职业资格证书制度之间的衔接问题日渐突出。高等职业教育与职业资格证书制度的衔接,成为当前亟待研究的教育课题。

    With the implementation of the certificate system of vocational qualifications , the effective connection between higher vocational education and the certificate system of vocational qualifications has become an educational subject for quick research .

  29. 为了加强普通教育与职业教育的沟通,国家曾制定一系列相关政策积极引导综合高中在我国的发展。

    For reinforcing the communication between the ordinary education and the vocational education , our country has once drew up a series of policies for leading to the development of the comprehensive high schools in China .

  30. 因此,实现农民工人力资本的转化将成为时代赋予我们的重大使命,然而,实现转化的关键要通过农民工职业技术教育与职业技能培训来实现。

    Therefore , the transformation of human capital of migrant workers is of great significance ; however , the conversion of migrant workers ' human capital key is to rely on technical education and vocational skills .