
zhènɡ fǔ xìn dài
  • government credit
  1. 它在保障那些背负有毒房地产贷款和政府信贷的银行的生存。

    It is guaranteeing the survival of banks loaded with toxic real estate loans and government credit .

  2. 但是由于一些超出了本文讨论范围的原因,我强烈主张利用政府信贷必须是暂时性的。

    But for reasons that go beyond the scope of this note , I strongly believe that the use of government credit must be temporary .

  3. 政府信贷会把现有资本丢进糟糕,充其量也是效益不明的项目中。

    They will throw the available capital into bad or at best dubious projects .

  4. 他们还一直通过动用政府信贷,来大力发展国家冠军企业。

    They have been also aggressively building national champions through the use of state credit .

  5. 总的来说,从长期来看,政府信贷并没有提高国家整体的生产,却鼓励了不当的投资。

    In brief in the long run they do not increase overall national production but encourage malinvestment .

  6. 一般义务债券获得发行政府信贷及“征税权力”担保,而不是一个项目的收入的市政债券。

    General obligation bond a municipal bond backed by the credit and " taxing power " of the issuing jurisdiction , rather than the revenue from a given project .

  7. 富尔德指责美联储未能在2008年3月对危机加以控制,并称美国央行本应该更早向各大投行提供廉价的政府信贷安排,这样做也许本可以降低额外的政府干预的必要性。

    Mr Fuld accused the Fed of failing to get a grip of the crisis in March 2008 and said that the central bank should have allowed investment banks access to cheap government credit earlier , which might have lessened the need for additional government intervention .

  8. 在极个别情况下,经部长决议的事先批准,o.i.n.c.可向希腊政府或信贷机构申请贷款。

    O.i.n.c.can , in extreme cases , conduct loans with the Greek state or credit institutions provided there is a prior approval by ministerial decision .

  9. 美国政府希望信贷资金再次流向负债累累的美国消费者。

    Washington wants to get credit flowing again to indebted US consumers .

  10. 随着政府收紧信贷规模,遏制经济泡沫,物价开始下降。但衰退随之降临,房地产业首当其冲。

    Property has led the downturn as the government tightens credit to counter a bubble and prices have started to fall .

  11. 市场份额将会得到监控,而且还会成立一个工作组,负责限制企业获得政府出口信贷。

    Market shares will be monitored and a working group will be set up on limiting companies ' access to state export credits .

  12. 政府对信贷分配的干预是后发国家工业化初期重要的产业政策工具。

    The government 's intervention in credit allocation is one important tool of industry policy in the initial stages of industrialization in late-developing countries .

  13. 通胀压力正急剧加大,而且直到政府限制信贷或允许人民币升值(或是双管齐下),这种压力才可能有所减弱。

    Inflationary pressure is rising sharply , and is unlikely to abate until the government curbs credit , allows the renminbi to rise , or both .

  14. 间接化解可以通过发展商业银行中间业务实现,并提出若干政策建议,供政府改进信贷总体环境时参考。

    At the end of this paper , author gives several policy suggestions to be referenced by the government when it perfects the whole environment about credit .

  15. 多亏了基本住房保障和政府控制信贷的调控措施,房地产泡沫有理由将会逐渐缩小。

    There is a reasonable prospect that this bubble will deflate gradually , thanks to additional housing supply and the government 's administrative measures to restrict credit .

  16. 但是媒体却在关注政府遏制信贷投机所引发的一场房地产泡沫。

    Yet the media is focused on a property bubble that triggered another baby step by the government to rein in bank credit to head off speculation .

  17. 第一季度新增贷款加速,原因是政府放宽信贷控制,以抵消数十年来最严重的冬季暴雪天气对经济的影响。

    New lending in the first quarter accelerated after the government loosened lending controls to counteract the impact on the economy of the worst winter storm in decades .

  18. 虽然8月2日的最终期限越来越近,但谈判仍未取得任何突破性进展,这一僵局使美国政府陷入信贷评级下调的危险处境。

    With an Aug. 2 deadline fast approaching , the U.S. government is nowhere close to forging a deal & an impasse that puts its impeccable triple-A rating at risk .

  19. 这个书记的罪行可能是渎职,但这次行动所发出的信号,对于无视中央政府约束信贷要求的地方政府而言,也是一次警告。

    The offence may have been graft , but the signal sent by the prosecution was also a warning about local authorities defying the central government 's call to restrain lending .

  20. 法国巴黎银行之所以会触犯美国法律,是因为它提供给受美国制裁的苏丹和古巴政府的信贷是以美元计价的,这也是其它国家出口商的惯常要求。

    BNP Paribas fell foul of US law because the credit it provided to governments subject to American sanctions was denominated in dollars , which is what exporters in other countries customarily require .

  21. 功能锁定假说认为:会计准则的选择在很大程度上影响到企业、政府及信贷提供方等相关利益集团的决策行为,即会计准则具有经济后果。

    Functional fixation hypothesis believes that accounting standard setting , to a large extent , has effect on the decision making process of relevant interest groups , such as enterprises , government , creditors etc.

  22. 魏刚自杀事件发生之前,中国的信贷收紧政策已经持续两年,中国的小型房地产开发商的融资压力正与日俱增。中国政府收紧信贷的目的是打击房地产市场的投机活动,让房价趋于合理水平。

    Mr. Wei 's suicide comes as China 's smaller property developers face mounting financial distress after two years of tightening credit , an effort by the government to squeeze out speculators and make homes more affordable .

  23. 这是美国政府应对全球信贷危机的最新重大干预行动。根据计划,AIG现有管理层将被撤换,将任命新的高层管理人员,但目前尚未提名。

    Under the plan , the latest dramatic intervention by the US government to combat the global credit crisis , the existing management of the company will be replaced and new executives - as yet unnamed - will be appointed .

  24. 人们普遍认为,金融深化(即减少政府对银行信贷分配的直接干预)对经济增长有显著的积极影响。

    It is widely believed that financial depth is conducive to economic growth .

  25. 关于改进和完善政府实施小额信贷扶贫管理体制的研究报告

    A Research Report on Improving and Perfecting the Government Micro-Credit Poverty Alleviation Administration System

  26. 今年早些时候,当大公司和政府开始恢复信贷活动后,这种状况看起来正在缓和。

    That appears to be easing , starting with borrowing by large companies and governments early this year .

  27. 相反,政府却放松信贷,帮助钢铁生产商降低铁矿石价格上涨对其造成的影响,以免被淘汰出局。

    Instead , Beijing deployed loose credit to help steelmakers dampen the effects of ore prices and stay in business .

  28. 在其它地方,得益于政府干预,信贷市场目前提供的融资成本低于雷曼破产之前的水平。

    Elsewhere , the credit markets thanks to government intervention now provide financing more cheaply than they did before Lehman went down .

  29. 第二,信贷制度变迁路径,即由指定性信贷管理到政府引导性信贷管理再到政府窗口指导和市场引导相结合;

    Secondly , credit system transitions path , designating credit management to lead by government then to both government leading and market inducting ;

  30. 于是,银行继续向国企放贷,并关闭了向私人部门放贷的大门。这样做虽然满足了政府对于抑制信贷增长的要求,却背离了政府的初衷。

    So banks continued lending to state enterprises and shut off lending to the private sector , meeting the government 's conditions but thwarting its intentions .