- 名Government debt;public debt;general debt

By 2008 public debt surged to over 110 % of GDP and kept climbing .
Public debt as a share of GDP will rise to around 80 per cent , and in many countries well beyond that .
Shrinking economies mean falling tax revenues and more government debt .
In fact , very few were above 70 percent .
Now , however , the debt-to-GDP ratio is not projected to fall .
Total government debt is close to 200 per cent of gross domestic product .
Gross government debt to GDP will reach 200 PCT in the near term .
Eurozone government debt will be about 88 per cent of gross domestic product in 2011 .
The US and the UK will still have very low domestic savings rates with government debt heading towards 100 per cent of GDP .
It used to be the case that people worried about whether the debt would increase to high levels – like 74 % of GDP .
At its current level of 74 % , the ratio of federal debt-to-GDP is at its highest ever , except for seven years around World War II .
The only exception is the flight to safety in the liabilities of triple A rated governments .
Mr Key said he thought the OECD 's conclusions were overly pessimistic and pointed out that government debt levels were very low .
Government debt in advanced Group of 20 countries will reach 115 per cent of gross domestic product by 2015 – almost 40 percentage points above pre-crisis levels .
After the recession , we will have to reduce elevated public debt-to-GDP ratios if we are to cope with the expenditure pressures that will come with the ageing of the EU 's population .
Companies have also generated cumulative free cash flow equivalent to more than 60 per cent of gross domestic product & the other side of the ledger to the much discussed stock of government debt .
A failure by Congress to increase US borrowing authority by August 2 would have a " significant and unpredictable " impact on capital markets and the US economy , Barack Obama has warned .
In order to deal with the appreciation of the RMB pressure , curb domestic inflation and control the government debt , the QDII arises .
Even with the contingent offer from the European Central Bank of outright monetary transactions , higher government debts would eventually trigger a crisis as much political as economic .
The International Monetary Fund warned this month that government debt - now exceeding Y1000tn ( $ 12.8tn ) including guarantees - leaves Japan exposed to a rise in interest rates caused by lost confidence in fiscal sustainability .
Such a move to cut exposure to government debt would fit with the public comments of Mr Gross , an outspoken critic of both the US deficit spending and quantitative easing measures employed by the Federal Reserve and of other central banks .
The Ministry declined to provide further details , such as how issuing Bankia with state debt would help boost its capital position , or at what price under market rates it would be sold .
Even though Japan covered much of the country with concrete , it never fully emerged from the crisis . For the Japanese , the long run has arrived , and they are older , fewer and have the highest government debt in the G7 .
Research on the Strategy for Solving the Village Government 's Debts
Study on Debts and Obligations of Government in Villages and Towns
So it is necessary to reform the government debt accounting system .
International reserves were much larger and government debt lower .
Stocks Rally on US Debt Deal , Briefly Global Investors breathed a
Financial Analysis of the Debt Quantity of Local Government
Not all local government debt to asset securitization .