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zhèng lìng
  • government decree
政令 [zhèng lìng]
  • [government decree] 政府发布的法令

政令[zhèng lìng]
  1. 由董仲舒倡导的大一统主张,使汉武帝时政令统一,经济发展。他的和谐论是儒学核心价值观之一。

    The proposal of his " the Great Unification " was adopted by Emperor Wu of Westem Han to integrate emperor 's policies and government decree , thus the economy developed fast .

  2. “圈地运动”造成了严重的后果,违背生态发展的规律、并以牺牲农业的发展和子子孙孙的利益为代价,甚至在一定程度上造成了中央政令不同程度的扭曲。

    " Movement of Enclosure " brings grave results , such as disobeying the ecology development , developing at the cost of the farming and the benefits of grandchildren , and even distorting the government decree to some extent .

  3. 总统到目前为止仍然拒绝在首相那条孤注一掷的政令上连署签字。

    The President has so far refused to countersign the Prime Minister 's desperate decree

  4. 他准备行使其新近获得的权力,发布总统政令以推行改革。

    He is prepared to use his recently-acquired powers to introduce reform by presidential decree .

  5. 据一位众议院领导人助手说,在国会山,白宫法律顾问克雷格(GregCraig)向国会领导人简要介绍了预计总统将在周四签署的其他三项政令。

    On Capitol Hill , House Counsel Greg Craig briefed congressional leaders on three executive orders the president is expected to sign on Thursday , a House leadership aide said .

  6. 增强大局意识,确保政令畅通。

    To enhance overall situation consciousness , ensure that government decrees .

  7. 门下省——负责审核各项政令和决策。

    The Menxia Department handled the verification of orders and policies .

  8. 默克尔曾不止一次撤回朔伊布勒下达的政令。

    More than once , Mrs Merkel has countermanded Mr Sch uble .

  9. 党关于维持社会稳定的政令极为重要。

    The party decrees that maintaining social stability is of paramount importance .

  10. 上周,巴格达方面就颁布政令,要求在公共建筑内全面禁烟。

    The government in Baghdad last week banned smoking in public buildings .

  11. 政府执行力是保持政令畅通、提高行政效率的重要保证。

    Executive ability of government is an important guarantee to improve administrative defficiency .

  12. 一项新的政令要求建筑商在拆除建筑物之前必须征得许可。

    A new ordinance requires builders to get permits before tearing down structures .

  13. 接着签署了最新的政令。

    The president then signed his latest executive order .

  14. 政令的落实已不像以前那样容易。

    Government by decree is no longer as easy as it used to be .

  15. 试论北京市禁止燃放烟花爆竹政令解除的可能性

    Discussion on the possibility of lifting the government decree about prohibition of fireworks in Beijing

  16. 政府政令是促进古代武术发展的主要因素。

    The governmental order is the main factor that promotes the ancient martial arts ' development .

  17. 时政,依时行政,即时令与政令的合一。

    " The current politics ", when in the administrative , instant make and decrees unity .

  18. 这项政令将对南韩国内的无线市场造成显著影响。

    The political gesture is expected to have a significant impact on the country 's wireless market .

  19. 他2000年当选总统时的第一批政令中有一条就是恢复苏联国歌。

    One of the first decrees of his presidency in2000 was to restore the Soviet national anthem .

  20. 先秦时期对上市商品的管理及管理制度,蕴涵着以政令禁物靡的节约意识;

    The commodity management and its system contained the consciousness of savings and integrity awareness in the Pre-Qin .

  21. 地方保护主义的实质是一种政府经济行为,它的真正主体是地方政府,其本质特征是对中央政令的违背。

    Local protectionism is in essence a governmental economic behavior and characteristically runs counter to central government 's orders .

  22. 坚决维护中央权威,保证中央的政令畅通。

    They must safeguard the authority of the Central Committee and ensure that its decisions are carried out without fail .

  23. 开展行政效能监察,有利于遏止腐败行为,推动经济建设发展,促进政令畅通。

    Carrying on administrative efficiency supervision is benefit to prevent corruption , promote economic development and make policy go smooth .

  24. 公务员是政府管理的主体,政令实施的执行人和政府权威的塑造者。

    Civil servants are the subject of government management , the executor of government decrees and the creator of government authority .

  25. 但美国法律不能依政令废除,而共和党人也不太可能会配合改变这一法律。

    But US laws cannot be annulled by decree , and the Republicans are unlikely to be co-operative in changing it .

  26. 媒体一方面是政府政令的执行者,一方面也是政府行为的监督者。

    Media on the one hand shares government decrees , while on the other hand , they are watchdogs of government action .

  27. 今年1月,津巴布韦修改了在南部非洲发展共同体斡旋下制定的选举法,穆加贝颁布一项政令,重新允许警察进入投票站。

    Since those SADC mediated laws were amended in January , Mr. Mugabe passed a decree allowing police back inside polling stations .

  28. 在政令不清和技术设计拙劣导致的混乱中,那些提供服务的机构总是在风险中工作。

    Those who provide these services constantly work on the edge , around the messes created by ill-informed policies and poor technology design .

  29. 介绍了电子政务中的实时信息通讯技术,引入无线移动通讯平台,嵌入办公自动化系统,实现政令的实时上传与下达。

    With the wireless mobile communication platform embedded in the OA system The command is able to be well informed and reported in time .

  30. 其原因,建立起一个统一的国家,政令畅通国民政府大力发展教育事业,投入大量资金。

    Its reason , to establish a unified country , government decrees national government to vigorously develop education , invest a lot of money .