
  1. 最后,为确保我们贯彻所有这些改革,我将对我国政府的组织形式做出一些重要的改变。

    Finally , to make sure that we follow through on all these reforms , I am making some important changes to how our government is organized .

  2. 面对多层、多元、复杂的利益结构,政府的组织形式选择必然是顺应或给予导向性的配合,从而强化了政府组织的复合性。

    In the face of multi-layer , pluralism , complicated interests structure , the choice of government organizational form is certainly to comply with or offer leading cooperation , moreover , strengthen the complex of government .

  3. 世界各国经济社会的发展进程愈来愈清楚地证明,国与国之间最大的政治分野,其实不在于政府的组织形式,而在于政府的有效程度。

    It is proved by the developing courses of the economic society throughout the world more and more clearly that the most political difference among the countries is not the organizing format , but the effective degree of the government .

  4. 影响物业税制度需求的因素有:宪法秩序及制度环境、私有财产的发展及物业成长规模、税收征收技术的发展和政府组织收入形式的成本变化等。

    Factors that influence demand of real estate tax system are : constitutional order and institutional environment 、 development of private property and developing scale of the real estate 、 development of imposition skill and cost changing of collecting income by the government , etc.

  5. 其次,非政府组织以很多形式出现。

    Second , NGOs come in all forms .

  6. 论国际环境保护非政府组织的兴起、形式及其作用机制

    The Origin , Forms and Effect Mechanisms of International Environmental NGOs

  7. 志愿者组织是我国非政府组织的主要存在形式,对公共治理理论的完善和发展起着重要的作用。

    Volunteer organizations , non-governmental organizations in China mainly in the form of the theory of public management improvement and development play an important role .

  8. 知识型政府是不同于传统政府形态的一种新的政府组织形式,如何对这一新的政府形态进行有效评价并充分认识,引起了人们的普遍关注。

    Knowledge government is a new government mode , is different from traditional government . People have interest in how to evaluate and understand knowledge government .

  9. 自上世纪九十年代中后期开始,我国学界展开了对非政府组织的研究,但是对基金会这一重要的非政府组织形式的研究则刚刚起步。

    Since the late 1990s , Chinese scholars started the study of non-governmental organizations , but the research of foundations , this important non-governmental organization is Just in the beginning .