
  • 网络Official Gazette;JOURNAL OFFICIEL;Federal Register;The Government.Gazette
  1. 今晨发布的政府公报宣称。

    A government communique , issued this morning , states that .

  2. 我当然不会在政府公报里说这种话。

    I would not say that in the Moniteur , egad !

  3. 政府公报是政府机关将资讯主动公开的一种载具。

    Government Gazette is an instrument used by the government to disclose the information .

  4. 市物价部门应将处理情况在市政府公报及政府信息网上公布。

    The municipal department of prices shall publish the settlement in the municipal government 's bulletin and government information website .

  5. 每日纪闻在一定程度上填补了现代报纸一类出版物和政府公报的职能。

    The Acta Diurna to some extent filled the place of the modern newspaper-type publication and of the government gazette .

  6. 国有产权流动竞价必须通过拍卖、招投标的方式来实现,并在政府公报上公布相关信息,接受社会监督。

    State-owned property rights movement must through auction , bidding approach to implementation , and in the Government Gazette published on the relevant information , accept social supervision .

  7. 文章依据历史文献尤其是政府公报,论证了地质调查所成立日期应从1913年算起,而不是1916年;

    On the basis of historical documents , especially government bulletins , this article proves that the year of foundation of the bureau should be 1913 and not 1916 ;

  8. 这个指导方针由意大利农业部和职业的那不勒斯匹萨饼师共同起草,刊登在《政府公报》上,《政府公报》通常只刊登金融和法律通告。

    Drawn up by the Agriculture Ministry and professional Neapolitan pizza-makers , the guidelines were printed in the Gazzetta Ufficiale , a publication normally reserved for financial and legal notices .

  9. 在国务院公报或者部门公报和地方人民政府公报上刊登的规章文本为标准文本。

    The version of the administrative or local rules appearing on the State Council Bulletin or agency bulletin and the bulletin of the local People 's Government shall be the standard version .

  10. 政府在公报中承诺,到2020年,农民人均纯收入将翻一番。这一目标意味着,农民人均纯收入将保持过去十年的增长速度,但较过去四年的快速增长将有所放缓。

    The communiqu é did commit the government to eliminating doubling rural per capita disposable incomes by 2020 , a goal that would maintain the average growth rate of the last decade , but would imply a slowdown from the rapid growth of rural incomes in the last four years .

  11. 他们颇为擅长给政府首脑会议撰写公报,却无法真正弥合上述鸿沟。

    They have been better in writing communiqu é s for the meetings of heads of government than in filling in this gap .

  12. 地方政府规章签署公布后,及时在本级人民政府公报和在本行政区域范围内发行的报纸上刊登。

    Upon signing and promulgation , local rules shall be published on the bulletin of the local People 's Government and newspapers circulated in the local jurisdiction in a timely manner .