- Cashier;checker;F&B Cashier

The cashier made a mistake and short-changed him .
If a cashier gives you too much change , you 'd better give it back .
Check-out workers in London will receive £ 7.17 an hour instead of £ 6.54
The store 's ' no refunds ' policy makes it harder for dishonest cashiers and customers to collude .
Next to the expense of cashiers , pricing items is one of the costliest labor costs of grocery retailers .
The cashier1 gave me the wrong change .
Jobs with low brain stimulation included supermarket cashiers , vehicle drivers and machine operators .
Always say “ thank you ” to waiters , cashiers and food delivery staff .
They spotted3 a third fewer cases of dementia among people who had engaging jobs which involved demanding tasks and more control — such as solicitors4 and doctors , compared to adults in ' passive ' roles — such as cashiers .
Cashier : > It must have been all those coupons you were using .
Cashier : > Yep ! It 's amazing how much someone can buy in a week , isn 't it ?
Cashiers then ask for your initials and double-check that the picture uploaded to the Hands Free app actually looks like you .
But what prevents Bob from logging in as a manager , or Mary from logging in as a cashier ?
It was the " perfect time " because I had stopped asking everyone but the cashier at Target whether or not she thought I could actually write and decided to actually hone my craft .
I had just made my first payment with Apple Pay and it happened so fast I didn 't even have time to have one of my rehearsed conversations with the clerk .
Hilary Waldare works here , as a cashier !
The cashier , whose name tag said Dave , informed us that the first part of the application was a verbal interview .
Shout out ! Next comment . " Why does cashier wear earphones ? I thought he was a DJ . "
That 's because employees from a front-end cashier at Costco Wholesale to a GAP sales associate are often a consumer 's first and only interaction with a brand .
" Many of the cashiers had years of experience and were very committed to their jobs , so I saw firsthand the importance of a great work ethic , " Mayer told fortune last year .
A young man applied for a job as a supermarket checkout operator and was told it was a job for a woman .
Starbucks recently began allowing customers to pay for purchases with an application that accesses the customer 's account and generates an on-screen bar code that the cashier scans to complete the payment .
Mr. Greenhalgh says the subject was not an Italian noblewoman , but a check-out girl named Alison who worked at a supermarket in Bolton outside Manchester in northwest England .
If he does so , he will be able to store values for himself as cashier , but as a result of the policy we have defined , will not be able to read any files in his home directory .
The assembly line worker repeatedly performs a few tasks that are specifically defined . So does the McDonald 's cook , cashier and drive-thru order taker .
True , some of those skills can also be acquired as a cashier at a fast-food restaurant but if a young person wants to become a fashion designer , for instance , work experience and a reference from a good fashion design house is a lot more relevant than one from McDonalds ( MCD ) .
After the cashier found this report to a boss Lee .
I have the fastest check stand in the southwest region .
The cashier smiled and put the package under the counter .
We first define two roles , cashier and manager .