
  • 网络Tipping
  1. 饭店员工是不收小费原则的唯一例外。

    Hotel staff is the one exception to the no-tipping rule .

  2. 我们不收小费,但要谢谢您。

    We don 't accept tips , but thank you anyway .

  3. 我们靠着收小费的那份额外收入。

    We depend on that extra bit of money we get from tips .

  4. 不过我们不收小费。

    But we do n 't accep tips .

  5. 谢谢,我们一向不收小费,这样有背于我们的规章。

    Thank you but we never accept anything from the guest . It 's against regulations .

  6. 我们这里不收小费。

    We'don 't accept tips here .

  7. 多谢你的好心,但我们不允许收小费,请拿好零钱。

    Thanks for being kind , but we 're not allowed . please , take the change .

  8. 她又领工资又收小费,真赚了不少钱。

    She gets tips as well as her wages , so she 's really raking it in .

  9. 先生,您真是太好了,但我们不能收小费。

    It is very kind of you , sir , but we are not allowed to accept tips .

  10. 吧台侍应生:谢谢您的好意,不过在中国我们不收小费。

    Bartender : Thank you very much , ma'am , but we don 't take tips in China .

  11. 还干零活。例如,他们晚上当服务员,能收小费挣些钱。

    They work in the evenings as waiters , for example , and they can earn some money from tips .

  12. 本酒吧愿为您工余休闲提供最舒适环境,最优质服务,一律不收小费。

    This Bar is willing to furnish you with the most comfortaBle environment and the Best service during your leisure time , and accepts no tips .

  13. 一直以来,本公司都以薄利多销为宗旨,"价钱公道合理,绝不强收小费″,客户绝对安心。

    Since always , we are all taking the meager profit but high turnover as an objective ,〝 price justice reasonable , and not strongly receives the tips 〞, customer are absolutely relieved .

  14. 在零工经济中,员工很难赚到最低标准的薪资,又不能指望从现金交易中得到收小费的机会,自愿给小费机制完全不适用。

    In the gig economy , where workers struggle to make the minimum wage but cannot rely on a cash exchange to generate a tip-giving opportunity , the discretionary system just does not cut it .

  15. 莫妮卡从工作中得不到颐指气使的感觉;于是雇佣乔伊,以便解雇他来杀鸡吓猴。但乔伊喜欢收小费,所以莫妮卡的计划难以顺利实施。

    Monica gets no respect at work ; she hires Joey in order to fire him , so everyone will know who 's boss ; but Joey likes the tips , so he has a hard time going along with the plan .

  16. 晚上收了多少小费?

    How much tips youse make a night ?

  17. 他一个人喃喃着,“人死了就收不到小费了。”然后一个人消失在了黑夜中。

    He mumbled something about " dead people don 't tip so well " and walked away into the dark .

  18. “谢谢。”他收好他的小费,把他的吉他装入盒中,然后转过身,发现了这杯他见过的最好的拿铁咖啡。

    " Thanks . " he gathers his tips , lowers his guitar into the case , then turns to find the most perfect latte he has ever seen .

  19. 普通的一顿饭要收你30%的小费,那也是没门。

    There 's no way you 're giving a 30 % tip for a normal dining experience .