
  • 网络separation between revenue and expenditure
  1. 疫苗销售作为医药销售行业的一个分支,由于受到政策导向性、强化项目以及收支两条线的影响,因此和处方药、医疗器械、OTC销售有明显区别。

    Vaccine sales as a branch of the pharmaceutical sales industry , due to the policy-oriented , to strengthen the impact of the project and the balance of payments of the two lines , and prescription drugs , medical devices , OTC sales are apparently different .

  2. 严格实行收支两条线管理。

    Strictly manage according on two lines of income and expenses .

  3. 不同试点地区收支两条线投入政策比较

    Comparison of investment policies in different pilot areas implementing separation between revenues and expenditures

  4. 中央和省两级实行部门预算制度,收支两条线管理和国库集中收付制度改革试点稳步推进。

    The system of preparing department-specific budgets was introduced at both central and provincial levels .

  5. 社区卫生服务收支两条线管理是社区卫生服务综合改革的重要内容。

    Separation of Revenue from Expenditure is a major part in community health service reform .

  6. 药品收支两条线管理操作形式与可行性研究

    The study on the pattern and feasibility of divided management on medicine payment and income

  7. 落实行政性收费和罚没收入“收支两条线”的规定

    To implement the regulations on separately managing administrative charges and incomes from fines and confiscation

  8. 社区卫生服务机构收支两条线管理实施效果分析

    Analysis of Effects of Separation of Revenue and Expenditure Budgets Implemented in Community Health Service Institutions

  9. 高校也要切实抓好“收支两条线”规定的落实

    The higher learning institutions should carry out " the two lines of income and payment "

  10. 江西省乡镇卫生院收支两条线管理试点分析

    Analysis on two lines of revenue and expenditure for pilot management of township hospitals in Jiangxi Province

  11. 《案例》:新会市三江镇人民政府&镇级财政收支两条线改革的尝试者

    People ' Government of Sanjiang Town , Xinhui City attempting the reforms on township financial revenue expenditure

  12. 城市社区卫生服务收支两条线运行模式研究

    Study on the operational model of " revenue and expenditure separate management " in community health care

  13. 国有铁路运输业突破收支两条线管理体制的研究

    Breaking through the Dual-Way Management Mechanism of Income Expenses-Key Point of Market Reform for State-Owned Railway Transport Industry

  14. 目的了解收支两条线改革对社区卫生服务内部运行机制的影响。

    Objective To learn about the influence of reform of separation from revenues and expenditures on internal operational mechanism .

  15. 北京市社区卫生服务机构收支两条线管理实施后服务提供方服务量变化初步分析

    Changes of Service Quantity Following Implementation of Separated Management of Income and Expenditure in Beijing Community Health Services Institutions

  16. 对此,笔者在对实行收支两条线管理可能存在问题进行分析的基础上,提出了健全公立医院财政补偿机制的基本思路。

    This article proposed the thought of finance compensation for public hospital by analyzing the disadvantage of the method .

  17. 按照收支两条线来完善财务内部控制制度,按照制度化和信息化两大层次来具体操作。

    Perfect financial inner control system by separating the expenditure from the income and operate by systematization and Informatization .

  18. 我国国库集中收付及收支两条线制度的现状分析年度收支决算报告表

    Analysis of Treasury Single Account System and Separation of Revenue and Expenditure ; annual statement of receipt and expenditure

  19. 健全我国公立医院财政补偿机制的基本思路&兼议公立医院实行收支两条线管理的可行性

    The thought on finance compensation for public hospital and the discussion on feasibility of the separated management of income and expenses

  20. 社区卫生服务机构人员对实施收支两条线改革满意程度的分析

    Analyzing the Satisfaction of Staffs in Community Health Service Institution on Reform of " Revenue and Expenditure in Two Lines "

  21. 最后对社区卫生服务收支两条线管理进行了瞻望。

    Finally , the author looks forward a good result in two line managements of receipts and expenditures in community health services .

  22. 探索收支两条线管理机制完善公益公平中国社区卫生服务模式

    Investigating Two Lines Management Mechanism of Receipts and Expenditures and Perfecting the Model of Community Health Service with Public-spirited and Fair in Chinese

  23. 目的了解上海市松江区公立医疗机构医生对收支两条线管理与绩效考核制度的认知与评价情况。

    OBJECTIVE To learn doctors'awareness and evaluation about the separation of revenue and expenditure and performance appraisal in public medical institutions in Songjiang District .

  24. 医疗保障体系改革的方向已经明确,但是公立医疗机构的改革却混沌不清。其中,“收支两条线”管理成为最引人关注的一种“改革”思路。

    While it has been sure that health security moves towards universal coverage , it is unclear where public health care providers move towards .

  25. 二是做好会计集中核算制向国库集中收付制过渡工作;三是进一步规范政府采购和收支两条线改革;

    Second , do a good job in accounting Focus on the state treasury to the accounting system of centralized collection and payment system transition ;

  26. 运用收支两条线和提高社会保障立法层次构建起社会保障运行的制约机制。

    Through two lines of revenue and expenditure and raising the level of social security law are to construct the balance mechanism of social security system .

  27. 典型地区社区卫生服务机构收支两条线管理模式的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of the Models of Separation of Revenue and Expenditure Budgets ( SREB ) Implemented in Community Health Service ( CHS ) Institutions in Typical Areas

  28. 进一步采取有力措施,认真落实行政性收费和罚没收入收支两条线的规定。

    They must further take effective measures to implement the regulations on separately managing the receipts and expenditures of administrative charges and incomes from imposition of fines and confiscation .

  29. 与收支两条线的落实相对应,财政部门在编制部门预算时要充分考虑收费部门执法成本的变化。

    According with the implement of " managing separately incomes and expenditures ", financial sector must consider sufficiently changes of cost of the department of charging during preparing department budgets .

  30. 收支两条线管理有助于切断医药之间的利益关系,促进处方用药的合理性。5.全科医师的专业知识较为丰富、用药行为更为规范,有助于促进社区卫生服务中心的处方合理性。

    Fourthly , the two lines of revenue and expenditure management will help to cut off the interests between the medical and pharmaceutical and promote the rationality of prescription medication .