- Riser;lift leg

Design of coaxial lift pipe reactor employed in FCC unit
Influence of Particle Size Distribution on Solids Mixing Behavior in FCC Riser
The acidity and crackability of equilibrium catalyst were considerably improved by mixing it with the feedstock directly and putting them into the riser .
Realization of outlet temperature control in domestic DCS
Revamping FCCU with two-stage riser FCC process
Impact of fast separator construction of FCC riser reactor on oil vapor residence time in disengager
Decreasing the olefin content of naphtha for FCC process becomes the main demand of new catalyst and process development .
The first step in BP 's latest effort is the intricate removal of a damaged riser that brought oil to the surface of the Deepwater Horizon rig .
The diameter of polymer particles is so large that the particle velocity is small , which result in the mean residence time of solid is long .
Determination of the Lowest Height of the Solution Elevation Tube in Solar Pumpless LiBr Absorption Chillers
Pressure Gradients and Flow Behaviors in a 16m High Gas-Solid Riser of CFB
A model of the transfer line reactor based on the lumped kinetic scheme for catalytic cracking is proposed for FCC units in the refineries in China .
Study on the Heat Transfer Enhancement of Two-Phase Flow Elevation Tube in LiBr Chiller with Hot Water Source
But the effects of Gs on local particle velocities are mainly restricted to the bottom region and the wall region of the upper section and , therefore , not so significant as the effects of Us .
Under low gas velocity conditions (? g < 5.5m / s ), the axial and radial distributions of FCC are much more uniform than those of sand ;
The vortex disengager system of UOP was adopted in the oil / gas separation system in the riser .
The properties of LHO-1 and CDC FCC catalysts were tested on XTL-5 riser pilot plant .
In this paper , we consider a 4000 m deep-sea mining riser and adopt the lift program using multi-stage centrifugal pump .
The total gas & solid separation efficiency under ambient temperature was higher than 99 % , when the gas linear velocity was in the range of 6-20 m / s.
With increasing Gs or decreasing Ug , the local particle concentration in whole riser increases and , also , radial nonuniformity of particle concentrations increases , resulting in the transition of cross-sectional averaged particle concentrations from the uniform to the exponential and then the trapezium-shaped .
The results showed that the pressure gradient in the riser and standpipe was gradually decreased with the superficial gas velocity , while it was increased with the circulating rate at the constant superficial gas velocity .
A newly developed GOR Q catalyst for reducing olefin content in FCC naphtha was evaluated in a laboratory scale riser FCC testing unit in comparison with the ZC 7000 catalyst originally used in the commercial unit .
A novel phosphor particle tracer technique has been used to measure the solids residence time distribution ( RTD ) in the circulating fluidized bed riser of internal diameter 0.140m .
The pressure gradients of air-sand two-phase flow in a CFB riser were systematically measured in a 10m high CFB riser to investigate the axial distributions of averaged solids holdups of coarse particles and the effects of operation conditions .
The possibility of the two processes ′ integration was proposed after analyzing various conditions in FCC riser reactor , namely temperature distribution , change of catalyst activity , existence of water , and effect of these parameters on MTO reaction .
In this study , a2D two-fluid model combined with the EMMS drag model was used to simulate a bench-scale square cross-section riser with a T-abrupt exit .
In order to provide a quick seperation of reactor products and products and catalyst , s avoid the unfavorable secondary reaction such as gasoline cracking etc. and increase the selectivity of reaction process , a rapid seperator is generally installed at the outlet of FCC riser .
The catalytic cracking unit in Changqing Petrochemical Branch Company , CNPC was revamped successfully by using of two-stage riser FCC ( TSRFCC ) technology .
The agglomeration became serious when the solids fraction increased , leading to significant decrease in the solids radial mixing . When used in FCC reactor , FCC catalyst having too much fine particles will be harmful to mass and heat transfer , which is undesirable to the reaction .
The test results for LCC-A promoter for producing more propylene on small-scale fixed fluidized bed and medium-scale fluidized bed apparatus were described .