
  • 网络Teleprompter;prompter;DDY-CUE
  1. 在坦帕,当俄亥俄州长约翰卡西奇(johnkasich)的讲话偏离了事先的文稿时,提词器下方的红灯开始狂闪。

    In Tampa , when John Kasich , the governor of Ohio , departed from his approved script , a red light beneath the teleprompter began flashing frantically .

  2. 我得说我看了他的演讲,觉得他不用提词器也没啥。

    I think he 's doing just fine without his teleprompter .

  3. 自制电脑型电视播音提词器

    Make Computer Broadcasting the Prompter Machine on Type TV by Oneself

  4. 提词器:无论去哪里,奥巴马都随身携带提词器。

    Teleprompter : Obama doesn ` t go anywhere without his Teleprompter .

  5. 我的建议是:别照着读,也别使用提词器。

    My advice : Dont read it , and dont use a teleprompter .

  6. 针对奥巴马的批评家们肯定会说这些不幸的照片正说明他的政绩有严重的问题他只是照本宣科的提词器。

    His critics will say this unfortunate photo reveals a deeper problem with his presidency & that he 's just a walking teleprompter .