
  • 网络Loss accident;damage accident
  1. 一起相间接地短路故障引起的负荷损失事故分析

    Analysis of a Load Loss Accident Arising from Phase-to-phase Grounding Short-circuit Fault

  2. 大损失事故过程的一种模型

    A Model for the Processes of Heavy Loss Accidents

  3. 你们好,今天我们要谈谈安全,分析报告,我们会涉及举一个,冷却剂损失事故的例子。

    Hello , today we 're gonna talk about the safety analysis report and we 're gonna do an example of a loss of coolant accident .

  4. 近年来,我国银行业风险损失事故的频繁发生说明了操作风险已经成为了威胁银行业稳定发展的巨大隐患。

    Recent years in our country , the frequent occurrence on risk loss accident means that the operating risk has become a threat to the steady development of banking industry .

  5. 所保货物,如发生损失事故,应立即通知本公司下述代理人查勘

    In the event of accident whereby loss or damage may result in a claim under this certificate immediate notice applying for survey must be given to the Company 's Agent as mentioned hereunder

  6. 第三章,介绍目前纯粹经济损失事故在我国的状况,并结合堪称经典的纯粹经济损失案例,将纯粹经济损失归纳为五种类型。

    The third chapter , Basing on the extent and condition of pure economic loss in China , and combine with the classic pure economic loss cases , the article groups pure economic loss into five types .

  7. 基于健康寿命损失的事故伤残间接损失统计

    Estimation of Indirect Accidental Loss Based on Health Life Loss

  8. 由此造成的人身、财产损失的事故不计其数。

    Due to this , many accident , such as losses of lives and property , take place .

  9. 所以,你们必须,在这些规定下,假定不同大小和地点的,冷却剂损失的事故。

    So you have to , under this rule , postulate several loss of coolant accidents of different sizes and locations .

  10. 事故一旦发生,往往造成人员伤亡和财产损失,事故伤亡不仅导致经济损失,而且导致人员健康寿命的损失。

    Material and economic loss will occur when any accident happens , and especially death and disability loss will lead to health life loss .

  11. 目前,由于交叉口设计与相位相序安排不适应造成的交叉口时空资源损失和事故隐患越来越多。

    Now , more and more waste of intersection resource and accidents are due to incorrect setting of phase , sequence and intersection geometry design .

  12. 结果表明:安全投入(特别是其中的安全教育投入)与事故直接损失、事故发生频数之间均呈较明显的负指数关系。

    The results indicated that , there are both negative exponential functions between safety input ( especially the safety education input ) and direct accident loss and accident frequency .

  13. 财产损失在事故后能够“亡羊补牢”,但对于那些不能复苏的生命,对于那些死者家属心灵的创伤。

    Property damage accident at can " to remedy the situation ", but it should not revive the lives of those who , for those families of the deceased soul trauma .

  14. 从事故经过、事故损失、事故处理以及事故原因分析等方面对一起煤气爆炸事故进行了详细剖析,阐明了煤气动火作业应遵循的安全原则及其重要性。

    This paper makes detailed analysis on an explosion accident from the accident course , accident loss , accident treatment , and accident cause analysis , etc. , and expounds the safety principles that should be followed in gas fire operation and its importance .

  15. 实证结果发现,地区生产总值(GDP)和教育经费支出对这些省(市)的非寿险消费有显著的正向影响,交通事故损失和火灾事故损失对非寿险消费的影响为正,但不显著;

    This paper finds that GDP and educational outlay have significant positive effect on the non-life consumption , the traffic accident loss and fire accident loss have positive effect on the non-life consumption , but not significantly .

  16. 可能产生这类损失的意外事故被称为经济风险。

    The chance that a loss of this kind may occur is called an economic risk .

  17. 因为最近一项研究表明睡眠时间的损失和工伤事故的增加有关系。

    Because a recent study found that the hour of lost sleep was related to increased job-related injuries .

  18. 大体上说,平安险包括自然灾害和意外事故造成的全部损失和意外事故造成的部分损失。

    Well , roughly speaking , F.P.A. covers total loss resulting from both natural calamities and accidents , and partial loss caused by accidents .

  19. 给社会带来了巨大的经济损失、重大事故,甚至严重地影响了社会的安全和发展,因此人们在不断的寻找新的防腐材料。

    And it has caused enormous economic cost , disastrous accidents and even seriously affected the safety and development of society . So people continually seek new anticorrosion material .

  20. 我国各大城市地铁建设高速发展的同时,存在大量的安全隐患,而最近造成大量的人员伤亡和财产损失的地铁事故的频频发生,也给人们敲响了警钟。

    There are a lot of hazards with the development of urban metro constructions in China . Recent years , metro accidents happened frequently , which caused great casualties and property losses .

  21. 本文利用模糊神经网络系统的特性,分析道路交通事故损失与交通事故次数、死亡人数和受伤人数之间的关系,提出了模糊神经网络预测道路交通事故损失的方法。

    This paper analyzes the relationship among accidents lost , unmber , dead people and wounded people and proposes the prediction method of road traffic accidents lost using fuzzy neural network system .

  22. 旋转机械是工业部门中应用最为广泛的一类机械设备,大型旋转机械故障诊断的研究对于避免巨额的经济损失和灾难事故的发生有着重要的意义。

    Rotating machinery is the most widely used in industrial sector . The fault diagnosis research of large-scale rotating machinery is essential to avoid huge economic losses and the occurrence of disasters . It has important significance .

  23. 土木结构服役期间由于荷载和其他有害效应的作用可能损害建筑结构,造成重大的损失和安全事故。

    Damage will appear in the civil engineering structures during their lifetime with the effect of loads and other harmful factors . As a result , it sometimes will bring about significant economic losses and safety incidents .

  24. 针对汽轮机汽缸内因鼓风损失引起的事故进行分析、探讨,认定了蒸汽摩擦鼓风损失的危害,与新设计的机组对比,指出各自系统的优缺点。

    It describes and analysis accident of steam rubbing in turbine casing make accident , confirm the damage of steam rubbing , compare to the new turbine-design , point out discussion in every system of advantage and shortcoming .

  25. 任何一种管网发生故障都会带来重大损失,造成事故的原因固然很多,但最基本的一个原因是地下管网资料缺乏科学性、准确性以及管理模式的落后。

    Every damage will result in great loss . There are many reasons for this , but the basis reason is the lack of a scientific and exact urban underground pipe network information source and the bad management of this .

  26. 据统计,污闪事故次数目前在电力系统总事故数中位居第二,仅次于雷害事故,但污闪事故所造成的损失却是雷害事故的10倍。

    It is statistically that the times of contamination flashover accident stay the second place of all the accidents in electric supply system , only inferior to lighting strike accidents in quantity , but economic loss caused by the former is 10 times than that by the latter .

  27. 然而地铁修建过程中扰动了周围地层,引起隧道周边应力重分布,对隧道周边建筑物和地下管线产生不利影响,严重时甚至会使结构发生破坏,造成重大经济损失和安全事故。

    However , the ground has been disturbed and stress redistribution has caused during the construction of the tunnel , around the tunnel the buildings and underground pipelines have an adverse impact , or even cause serious damage to the structures and significant economic losses and security incidents .

  28. 由于现代化大型客运站具有建筑结构复杂,客服设备众多,集散客流量大,涉及多种出行方式的换乘等特点,所以一旦发生突发事件,就可能会造成重大人身伤亡和财产损失等严重事故。

    Because of modern large passenger station have building structure is complex , customer service equipment is numerous , passenger flow distribution , involving a variety of travel mode transfer characteristics , so once the accidents , it may cause serious personal casualty and property loss and serious accidents .

  29. 第三十九条火灾扑灭后,公安消防机构有权根据需要封闭火灾现场,负责调查、认定火灾原因,核定火灾损失,查明火灾事故责任。

    Article 39 After a fire is extinguished , public security fire control institutions shall , based on need , have the right to seal up fire site , be responsible for investigation fire losses and find out responsibilities of fire disasters .

  30. 其中井喷事故便是钻井作业过程较为常见、后果损失重大的安全事故之一。

    The blowout accident is one of the most common and heavy loss safety accidents .