
  • 网络system boundary
  1. 并以此为基础,提出了制度适应性效率分析框架下的廉政制度边界的内涵。

    And based on this , puts forward the system frame of adaptive efficiency analysis of the connotation of honest system boundary .

  2. 微观经济干预:理论基础与制度边界

    Micro-economic Intervention : Theoretic Foundations and Institutional Boundaries

  3. 直接反映为其与商业性金融、财政的制度边界发生变化。

    And it can be directly reflected from its changing relation with commercial finance and boundary of financial policy .

  4. 文章运用古典经济学的成本收益理论和供给需求理论,对廉政制度边界进行了相对可量化的解释和说明。

    Paper used classical economics theory , demand and supply theory analysis the boundary of clean system . Reply a relative quantifiable and explained way to the border of clean government .

  5. 私营企业的制度适用边界分析

    Analysis on the Suitable Boundary of the Private Enterprise ′ s System

  6. 家族制企业的制度适用边界研究

    A Study of the Applicable Border for Family Business System

  7. 制度性边界与中国经济的制度性扩张

    Institutional Frontier and the Institutional Expansion of Chinese Economy

  8. 最后,文章提出了廉政制度最优边界对整个国家政治体系的要求。

    Finally , the paper puts forward the optimal boundary of clean system , political system of the whole country .

  9. 内部监督制度的边界是监督成本和减少的机会主义行为可能造成的经济损失的均衡点。

    The boundary of the internal supervision systems is the breakeven point between the supervision cost and financial loss caused by the opportunism behavior reduction .

  10. 本文通过对家族企业制度适用边界的研究发现对大多数家族企业而言,家族制仍处在其发展的有效范围之内。

    This article finds that for most family business , family system are still effective in their development in the family through its research on the applicable border of system of family business .

  11. 为此,对决定家族制企业制度适用边界的主要变量进行分析,构建家族制企业的制度适用边界模型,寻求家族制企业制度转换的路径具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is of great importance to analyze the major variables determining the applicable border of family business system , construct models for its applicable border and explore its transformation paths .

  12. 文章认为国有部门与非国有部门比例是否趋于0取决于:(1)非国有部门的制度可能性边界的扩展性;

    Whether the proportion between state sector and non - state sector tends to be zero or not depends mainly on the following three factors : ( 1 ) the extension of IPF in non - state sector ;

  13. 而新制度经济学的边界在旧制度经济学家和经济思想史家那里被进一步放宽。

    In fact , old institutional economists and historians of economics further broaden the border of new institutional economics .

  14. 而新制度经济学家的边界刻画更能准确、客观地反映新制度经济学的智力成果。

    However , the border defined by new institutional economists is rather accurate and objective in reflecting the intellectual achievement of new institutional economics .

  15. 因此,本文的创新之处在于对我国强制责任保险制度的实施边界与对象进行了相应的探索与研究。

    As a result , the innovation of this article is that we have made useful explorations and research on the border and the object of compulsory liability insurance system .

  16. 养老保障制度的政府责任边界分析

    An Analysis of the Boundary of Government 's Responsibility for the Pension Security System

  17. 这个制度现已推行于边界各县,名称未改。

    The organization has now been extended to other counties in the border area and the name remains unchanged .

  18. 两个或两个以上像土地市场和劳动力市场等要素市场的不完全性造成农民被剥削或自我剥削,此为强制性制度变迁发生的边界条件。

    The incompletion of two or more element markets causes farmers are exploited by others or themselves , this is the confine condition of system-forced system reform .

  19. 为了准确控制干湿循环过程的干湿制度和干燥过程边界条件,设计加工了全自动干湿循环试验系统,结合人工模拟环境试验箱,对干湿循环和荷载作用下的混凝土梁进行了试验研究。

    In order to accurately control the boundary conditions of the wetting-drying cycles , a fully automatic wetting-drying cycles test system is designed , and combined with the artificial simulation of environmental chambers , test study is carried out on the influence of wetting-drying cycles and loadings on concrete beam .

  20. 有问题银行市场退出制度的架构包括有问题银行市场退出的制度边界、退出的目的、退出的原则、退出的类型、退出的主持机构、退出的程序等七个方面的内容。

    The termination mechanism of problem bank include seven aspects , such as the system line , the purpose , the principles , the types , the responsible institution and the procedure .

  21. 为打破制度的“低度均衡”,扩展生产要素的制度边界,最后提出了关于加快制度创新的建议。

    In order to promote the institutional equilibrium from low-level to a high-level and improve the productivity of manufacture factor , advice on institution innovation has been stated at the end of the paper .

  22. 资本制度的整体价值取向决定了股东出资制度的范围与边界,在立法过程中,对股东出资形式、方式的限定以及对股东违反出资义务的法律规制都受到其所选择的资本制度的影响。

    The value of the capital system determines the scope and the border of shareholder-funded system . In the process of the law-making , the choice of the capital investment forms , the regulations of investors has been infected .

  23. 本文认为,交易费用的大小是决定各级政府供给结构的关键因素,交易费用的大小关系到各级政府在制度供给中的最优规模,并以此在理论上确定了各级政府的制度供给边界。

    Transaction costs are related to the optimal supply size of government at all levels , and therefore determines the supply border in theory for governments at all levels .

  24. 但是,由于对什么是制度,目前学术界尚没有一个清楚的定义,本文随后又对制度概念的边界进行了定义。

    However , because of what system , it is not yet a clear academic definition . This paper then the system defines the concept of boundaries .

  25. 本文认为,产权制度改革是搞好国有企业的必要条件,但产权制度改革客观上存在着社会经济制度边界,国有企业产权制度改革的实质是要探索公有制经济的有效实现形式。

    Property right system reform is the essential condition for the sound development of state-owned enterprises , but it objectively involves limit of social economic system .