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wǎn jiù
  • save;rescue;remedy;reclaim
挽救 [wǎn jiù]
  • [remedy;rescue;save] 从危险中救回来

  • 挽救生命

挽救[wǎn jiù]
  1. 她动了心脏移植手术,这是为挽救她的生命而作的最后一次努力。

    She underwent a heart transplant in a last-ditch attempt to save her .

  2. 他试图挽救他们的婚姻。

    He 's trying to save their marriage .

  3. 一位富有的赞助人慷慨解囊挽救了他们。

    A wealthy benefactor came to their rescue with a generous donation .

  4. 手术挽救了她的生命。

    The operation saved her life .

  5. 很多工厂过于陈旧落后,已不值得挽救。

    Many factories are so antiquated they are not worth saving

  6. 毫无疑问她的婚姻无法挽救。

    There is no doubt now that her marriage is beyond repair .

  7. 这座建筑之前的业主将其从破败不堪的状况中挽救了出来。

    The previous owners had rescued the building from dereliction .

  8. 医生们彻夜奋战来挽救她的生命。

    Doctors battled throughout the night to save her life .

  9. 她决定把孩子送到美国去接受可能挽救生命的治疗。

    She decided her child should go to America for life-saving treatment .

  10. 为了挽救他的生命,医生们截掉了他的双腿。

    To save his life , doctors amputated his legs

  11. 果断处理这些问题的首要原因是为了挽救孩子们的生命。

    The first reason to tackle these problems is to save children 's lives

  12. 一名护士开始试图挽救他的生命。

    A nurse began to try to save his life

  13. 这套设备已经挽救了许多新生儿的生命。

    This equipment has saved the lives of a number of new born children .

  14. 萨莉·格林不满足于挽救一家剧院,她又接手了另外一家。

    Not content with rescuing one theatre , Sally Green has taken on another .

  15. 尽力挽救所爱之人的生命难道错了吗?

    Is it wrong to try to save the life of someone you love ?

  16. 他挽救了该公司,随后将其纺织部门剥离出来成立了一个独立的公司。

    He rescued the company and later spun off its textile division into a separate company

  17. 最首要和最重要的是挽救我和父亲的关系。

    The first and most important thing was to repair my relationship with my father .

  18. 3个月来她一直在死亡线上徘徊,而医生则在全力挽救她的生命。

    She hovered on the brink of death for three months as doctors battled to save her

  19. 她的马擅长跨越障碍,是家人从废马屠宰场挽救回来的。

    Her horse was a show jumper whom the family rescued from the knacker 's yard .

  20. 为挽救现存兽群和它们的栖息地,国家公园部计划选择性捕杀2,000头大象。

    To save remaining herds and habitat , the national parks department is planning to cull 2000 elephants .

  21. 高级法院裁决应强制她进食以挽救她的性命,她对此提起上诉。

    She appealed against a High Court ruling that she should be forcibly fed to save her life .

  22. 很多地产情况都很糟糕,但都还不至于无法挽救。

    Many of the properties are in a desperate state but none is too far gone to save .

  23. 孩子患了不治之症的一对夫妻想要培育一个设计婴儿来挽救儿子的性命。

    A couple with a terminally ill child want to create a designer baby that could save the boy 's life .

  24. 他不知该如何挽救自己的友谊。

    He didn 't know how to save his friendship .

  25. 这位女人为了挽救婚姻断绝了与情夫的来往。

    The woman gave up her lover to save her marriage .

  26. 他们想不出什么办法来挽救局势。

    They could think of no way to save the situation .

  27. 他为了挽救濒危动物而献身。

    He gave his life to saving animals in danger .

  28. 他们似乎并没有一套有条有理的挽救公司的计划。

    They seem to have no coherent plan for saving the company .

  29. 狂犬病病毒的确挽救了许多人的性命。

    The identification of rabies virus has saved many lives .

  30. 他为了挽救这家企业,不惜冒险投入他的全部资金。

    He hazarded all his money in the attempt to save the business .