
wǎn jì
  • tie the hair into a knot
  1. 女人之美,不在其华衣锦裳,不在其婀娜身姿,也不在其挽髻之法。

    The beauty of a woman , Isn 't in the clothes she wears , The figure that she carries , Or the way she combs her hair .

  2. “周瑞家的不敢惊动,遂进里间来。只见薛宝钗穿着家常衣服,头上只散挽着髻儿,坐在炕里边,伏在小炕桌上同丫鬟莺儿正描花样子呢。”

    " Not wanting to disturb them she went into the inner room where Baochai in a house dress , her hair pinned into a loose knot , was copying an embroidery pattern with her maid Yinger at the low table on the kang . "

  3. 他们在那小圆桌旁坐下。她把头发挽成小圆髻。

    They took a seat at the small round table . She wore her hair in a bun .

  4. 今天她把头发挽成了小圆髻。

    She 's got her hair tied up in a bun today .

  5. 她含着微笑坐在那里,从来很少开口。窄窄的微尖的鹅蛋脸,前刘海齐眉毛,挽着两只圆髻,一边一个。

    She sat smiling , rare speaking , her face was slim pointed oval , her long bangs kept abreast of eyebrows , and she wore her hair in two bun .