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ān dùn
  • arrange for;find a place for;help settle down;place;install
安顿 [ān dùn]
  • (1) [help settle down;arnange for]∶为人解决住处

  • 申玉枝安顿客人们睡觉。-- 康濯《水滴穿石》

  • (2) [place]∶安排使有着落

  • 搬出的机器,总不能老搁在露天,总得有房子安顿--茅盾《锻炼》

  • 回到店中,安顿了女儿。--《水浒传》

安顿[ān dùn]
  1. 我把她放在沙发上安顿好,给她盖了一条毯子。

    I settled her on the sofa and put a blanket over her .

  2. 这些小孩已安顿好,交给寄养父母了。

    The children were placed with foster parents .

  3. 安顿这些难民需要耗资300亿美元。

    Thirty-thousand-million dollars is needed to settle the refugees .

  4. 当局征用旅馆房间安顿了3,000多名无处落脚的圣诞度假者。

    Authorities requisitioned hotel rooms to lodge more than 3,000 stranded Christmas vacationers .

  5. 她走了以后,萨姆和罗宾娜就安顿孩子们上床睡觉了。

    When she had gone Sam and Robina put the children to bed .

  6. 我会安顿孩子们上床睡觉。

    I 'd put the children to bed .

  7. 他们把代表团的成员安顿在不同的酒店。

    They lodged the delegates in different hotels .

  8. 丈夫去世之前她已经在一所现代化别墅里安顿下来了。

    Before her husband 's death she had installed herself in a modern villa .

  9. 既然你已经安顿下来了,为什么不开始正经地学点东西呢?

    Now you 're settled , why don 't you take up some serious study ?

  10. 他放弃了自由放纵的生活方式,和幼小的女儿安顿下来。

    He has given up his freewheeling lifestyle to settle down with his baby daughter .

  11. 她安顿他们上床睡觉。

    She tucked them up in bed

  12. 他试图在村里找个地方把家人安顿下来。

    He tried to find a place in the village to house his family .

  13. 那个孤儿被安顿在一个善良人家里。

    The orphon was placed in a good home .

  14. 家里都安顿好了吗?

    Have you got everything settled at home ?

  15. 等我们安顿好了,你一定来看看我们的新房子。

    You must come and see our new house when we 've settled in .

  16. 病人吃了药,睡觉安顿多了。

    The patient slept much better after taking the medicine .

  17. 在新居安顿下来并评估环境是需要时间的。

    You will need time to settle in and assess your surroundings .

  18. 我家里都安顿好了,没有什么牵挂了。

    I 've got everything settled at home ; I 'm free of worries now .

  19. 他们在一家舒适的东区咖啡馆安顿下来,不到几分钟,另一位顾客就走近他们的桌子。

    They settled in at a comfortable East Side cafe and within minutes , another customer was approaching their table .

  20. 我们一生中最美好、最幸福的时光,不是我们还清所有债务、度过所有难关、安顿在舒适的家里的时候。

    The finest and happiest years of our lives were not when all the debts were paid , and all difficult experiences had passed , and we had settled into a comfortable home .

  21. 这座城市挤满了失望的人们,他们对安顿下来毫无兴趣。当听说阿拉斯加发现了新的金矿时,他们像来的时候一样飞快地离开了道森城。

    The city was crowded with disappointed people with no interest in settling down , and when they heard there were new gold discoveries in Alaska , they left Dawson City as quickly as they had come .

  22. 跳城(cityhopping)指中国的一些年轻人因为激烈的职场竞争和不断攀升的生活成本而被迫放弃上海、北京等大城市的工作,试图在二三线城市安顿下来。

    City hopping describes the situation that some young Chinese are forced to give up jobs in large cities like Shanghai and Beijing and try to settle down in second-or-third-tier cities because of harsh competition at work and increasing living costs .

  23. 圣彼得建议教皇先安顿下来,然后再四处去拜访其他的居民。

    Peter advises the Pope to settle in , and then wander around meeting the other residents .

  24. 我很想找个人安顿下来,但是跟前任的感情一直挥之不去。

    I want to settle down with someone but this heartworm of my ex kept disturbing me .

  25. 第二天早上,他卖掉了自己的农场,安顿好了他的家人便踏上了寻找钻石之路。

    The next morning he made arrangements to sell off his farm , took care of his family and went in search of diamonds .

  26. 于是,乌鸦高高地躲在枞树的树梢,似乎要安顿下来开始享用美味。但是嘴里含着那一小块奶酪,心里还要思量一番。

    The crow had perched upon a fir . She seemed to have steeled down to enjoy her provender with mouth half-closed , the dainty bit still in it .

  27. 第二天,护士们给她洗澡,喂她吃不错的早餐,把她安顿在窗旁的椅子上欣赏漂亮的花园。

    The next morning , the nurses bathe her , feed her a tasty breakfast , and set her in a chair at a window overlooking a lovely flower a garden .

  28. 当帮忙的人都走后,我妈妈说还有几间房间需要粉刷,于是我就问她我们可不可以在暂时安顿在新房子里,就不用回到我们那小公寓里去了。

    When everyone left , my mom said that there were still some rooms that needed to be painted so I asked her if we could camp out in the house instead of going back to our small apartment .

  29. 【难句解析】settle“安定,安顿,确定下来”;inone'spower“在某人的掌握之中”;我衷心希望.你们将这件事情解决至双方都满意.

    I sincerely hope that you will settle the matter to your mutual satisfaction .

  30. 每天早晨,哼哼和唧唧一到奶酪C站,就像回到了自己家,舒适地安顿下来。

    As soon as Hem and Haw arrived at Cheese Station C each morning , they settled in31 and made themselves at home .