
jǐ duì
  • a run on a bank;squeeze;panic bank withdrawals;bump and discord
挤兑 [jǐ duì]
  • (1) [a run on a bank;panic bank withdrawals]∶争先恐后地挤进银行去兑现

  • 对一家银行的挤兑

  • (2) [bump and discord]∶排挤,倾轧,也作挤对

挤兑[jǐ duì]
  1. 最后贷款人安排会在银行遭遇挤兑时提供流动性支持。

    The lender of last resort facility provides liquidity support if there is a run on a bank .

  2. 在这种情况下,不仅存在一家银行发生挤兑的风险,还存在一国银行体系发生挤兑的风险。

    In this situation , there is not only the risk of a run on a bank but also the risk of a run on a national banking system .

  3. 休和约翰正说着带有相互挤兑意味的客气话。

    Hugh and John were exchanging faintly barbed courtesies .

  4. 民众信心的丧失可能导致花旗银行出现挤兑,从而威胁到整个金融体系。

    Loss of confidence could trigger a run on Citibank that would threaten the entire financial system .

  5. 在北岩银行(NorthernRock)遭到挤兑后的五年里,人们可能以为银行业丑闻对金融城来说已经是家常便饭。

    In the five years since the run on Northern Rock , one might think the City of London has become inured to banking scandals .

  6. 早在1983年,迪威格就与芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)经济学家道格•戴蒙德合著了一篇论文,探讨为什么会发生银行挤兑。

    Back in 1983 , Dybvig co-authored , along with University of Chicago economist Doug diamond , a paper on why bank runs happen .

  7. 分析人士表示,这就是美国之所以能够避免类似于英国银行挤兑事件的原因之一,英国抵押贷款银行北岩(NorthernRock)正是被这场危机拖垮的。

    Analysts say this is one reason why the US has avoided a bank run of the kind that crippled Northern Rock , the crisis-hit UK mortgage lender .

  8. 美联储在雷曼(Lehman)破产后向银行提供了巨额的贴现贷款,从而让银行避免出现灾难性的挤兑。

    Massive discount lending to banks following the Lehman collapse prevented a devastating run on banks .

  9. 很多人将北岩(northernrock)(该银行2007年遭遇储户挤兑,后来被国有化)的命运归咎于早先“退出互助模式”和上市。

    Many blame the fate of Northern Rock the UK bank that suffered a run on deposits in 2007 and was later nationalised on its earlier " Demutualisation " and listing .

  10. 就在北岩银行(NorthernRock)宣布计划向股东返还盈余资本仅仅数周后&但还没来得及实施,该银行的各分行门口就排起了挤兑的长队。

    Queues formed outside the branches of Northern Rock only weeks after the bank had announced ( but before it had implemented ) plans to return its surplus capital to shareholders .

  11. 第二步是美国大型经纪自营商遭到挤兑:首先是贝尔斯登(BearStearns)在短短几天内就失去了流动性。

    The next step was the run on the big US broker-dealers : first Bear Stearns lost its liquidity in days .

  12. 在近代史上,英国好几次险些发生银行挤兑,例如上世纪70年代的次级银行危机,当时英国央行(bankofengland)的幕后行动阻止了问题的发生。

    There have been several near misses in modern times , such as the secondary bank crisis of the 1970s when the problems were averted by Bank of England action behind the scenes .

  13. 雷曼倒闭后,美国政府立即启动了对货币市场基金的担保,以阻止ReservePrimaryFund的亏损在全行业引发挤兑。ReservePrimaryFund此前投资于雷曼债务。

    The money fund guarantees were put in place immediately after the Lehman collapse to stop a run on the sector triggered by losses at the Reserve Primary fund , which had invested in Lehman debt .

  14. 一个可能的理由是“雷曼(lehman)因素”大型银行破产可能会导致储户挤兑。

    One possible reason is the " Lehman factor " the bank runs that would occur as a result of a big failure .

  15. 希腊银行已损失了25%至30%的存款,很多人将此称为“银行存款缓慢流失”(bankjog)而不是银行挤兑。

    Greek banks have lost between 25 % and 30 % of their deposits in what many have called a " bank jog " rather than a bank run .

  16. 德国则希望市场能够提供帮助,而仅仅只是把EFSF作为一旦出现银行挤兑时的后备力量。

    Germany wants the market to help fund the bailout with the EFSF acting as a backstop to any further bank runs .

  17. 银行挤兑、债务危机蔓延到其它国家、触发信用违约互换(CDS)合同、以及在欧洲引起激烈的政治争吵,这些只是可能紧随其后而来的一部分后果。

    Bank runs , a contagion to other countries , the triggering of credit default swaps and heated political recriminations within Europe are but some of the consequences that could quickly follow .

  18. 1933年,为了有效抑制银行挤兑和由此诱发的银行恐慌,美国《格拉斯&斯蒂格尔法》通过了建立联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)的法案。

    In 1933 , Federal Government established Federal Deposit Insurance Company ( FDIC ) in order to restrain Bank Runs effectively .

  19. 为防止印度第二大银行ICICI银行发生挤兑,印度央行(ReserveBankofIndia)昨日介入这一事件并向投资者和储户保证,ICICI银行财务状况良好。

    The Reserve Bank of India yesterday stepped in to prevent a run on ICICI Bank , reassuring investors and depositors that India 's second-largest lender was in sound financial health .

  20. 东亚银行主席兼首席执行官李国宝(DavidLi)表示,他的商界友人购入了该行股票,其中包括李嘉诚和该行董事。这是自1997年以来香港首次发生银行挤兑。

    David Li , chairman and chief executive of Bank of East Asia , said his business friends including Li Ka-shing and the bank 's directors bought shares in the lender following Hong Kong 's first bank run since 1997 .

  21. 投资者可能还会自问,俄罗斯有5500亿美元央行储备和一只1500亿美元的稳定基金(StabilisationFund),为何该国还有大量银行遭到挤兑。

    Investors may also ask themselves why there should be a run on a number of Russian banks given that the country has $ 550bn in central bank reserves and a $ 150bn Stabilisation Fund .

  22. 在马德里,西班牙政府试图杜绝bankia遭到挤兑的说法。

    In Madrid , the government moved to stem any suggestion of a " run " at Bankia .

  23. 两天前GE获得沃伦巴菲特30亿美元的巨额注资,同时美国的汽车业报告了15年以来最差的9月份市场表现,很大程度上这些动态是信贷挤兑的结果。

    Two days ago GE had a $ 3 billion capital infusion from Warren Buffett and the US car industry reported its worst September sales in15 years , in large measure a result of the credit squeeze .

  24. 另一个短语是runonthebank(银行挤兑),如果许多人都想从银行提走自己的所有存款,就会发生挤兑现象。

    Another financial expression is " run on the bank . " That is what happens when many people try to all their money from a bank . A " run on the bank " usually happens when people believe there is danger a bank may fail or close .

  25. 伯南克在美国国会作证时,还批评了信用违约互换(cds)等金融工具的使用,称它们让国家变得不稳定,或作为一种“适得其反”的效果,造成了对政府的挤兑。

    Testifying before Congress , the Fed chairman also criticised the use of financial instruments , such as credit default swaps ( CDS ) , that destabilised a country or created runs against governments as " counterproductive " .

  26. 美国监管机构正给华尔街银行施压,以确保它们拥有足够的流动资金来抵御金融冲击,这是监管机构为了避免造成贝尔斯登(BearStearns)破产的银行挤兑现象重演作出的部分努力。

    US regulators are putting pressure on Wall Street banks to ensure they have enough liquid funds to withstand a financial shock as part of efforts to avoid a repeat of the run on the bank that sank Bear Stearns .

  27. 尽管政府做出ICICI银行资金充裕的保证,但这家印度第二大银行最近还是经历了一次小规模挤兑。

    India recently experienced a mini-run on ICICI Bank , the country 's second-largest lender , despite official reassurances that it was well capitalised .

  28. 在拥有银行基本面完全信息的LOLR存在的情况下,经济能够回到银行挤兑不存在时的最优水平。

    When there exist imperfectly informed LOLR , the economy can come back to the optimal level where no bank runs exist .

  29. 其次,衍生品交易商和投资者从被视为弱小的对手方那里转走业务现代版的银行挤兑的可能性,形成了监管者对于otc市场必须如何改革的观点。

    Second , the potential for derivatives dealers and investors to switch business from a counterparty considered to be weak a modern version of a run on the bank has formed regulator views on how the OTC market has to change .

  30. 1931年,奥地利creditanstalt银行出现挤兑,这是当时首家欧洲大型银行发生挤兑,这导致英国向该行提供为期一周的700万美元贷款。

    In 1931 , the first big European bank run , on CREDITANSTALT of Austria , prompted Britain to lend it $ 7m for a week .