
  1. 指人名词充当主语的名词性谓语句

    Chinese Sentence with a Nominal Predicate Whose Subjects Refers to a Person or Persons

  2. 第五章是认知类指人名词的应用价值。

    The fifth chapter analysed the application value of the Cognitive nouns referred to people .

  3. 现代汉语指人名词的意义可以概括为

    The structure of nouns referring to people in the modern Chinese language can be generalized as a

  4. 这一部分,我们主要讨论由指人名词和人称代词组合构成复指短语的问题。

    In this part , we mainly discussed the problem of Double-Reference phrase formed by personal noun and personal pronoun .

  5. 目前,汉语词汇正处于一个非常活跃的时期,现代汉语指人名词,也在汉语词汇发展的大潮中不断变化。

    Currently , the Chinese vocabulary is experiencing an active period , and nouns referring to people vary with the development of the Chinese vocabulary .

  6. 现代汉语指人名词研究是一个有待继续挖掘的领域,今后我们将在组合研究、历时研究和比较研究等方面进一步探讨。

    Person nouns in the modern Chinese language are a research field worth further exploration . and will be discussed more in combinative , chronological and comparative ways .

  7. 第一章主要介绍了现阶段对认知类指人名词的研究现状,以及本文的选题意义和研究方法,并概述了本文的研究对象。

    The first chapter mainly introduces the present status of the research , the significance of the selected topic , the research methods and the object of the study .

  8. 第二章是对认知类指人名词的界定和分类,对认知类指人名词的界定作出详细的说明,并从两个角度对认知类指人名词作了系统分类。

    The second chapter is the definition and classification of the Cognitive nouns referred to people , which made a detailed instruction to the definition , and made the systematic classification from two perspectives .

  9. 指称同一的指人名词和人称代词,能否组合构成复指短语,以及构成复指短语后不同格式的区别,既要受到语义的制约,又要受到句法和语用的制约。

    The composition of the Double-Reference phrase that formed by personal noun and personal pronoun that demonstrating the same and distinguish of different form of the phrase are restricted by semantics , syntax and pragmatics .

  10. 我们希望能通过对这一领域的研究,充分展示现代汉语指人名词的面貌,并为将来指物名词的研究、对指人的动词、形容词的研究奠定一定的基础。

    It is hoped that the preset study in this paper on person nouns in the modern Chinese language will provide useful insights into further study of object nouns , person verbs and the adjectives .

  11. 在语境中,现代汉语指人名词的词义由静态变为了动态,产生了许多临时性的言语成分,这些临时性的言语成分体现在语音、词义、语法和修辞各个方面。

    The meanings of nouns referring to people in certain context are dynamic rather than static , resulting in many temporary speech elements which are manifested in phonetics , words meanings , grammar and rhetoric .

  12. 究其原因,这些雌雄语素本来自于指人的名词,有实词意义,与名词语素组合为新词后,起初仍保留实词意义,后来逐渐虚化为标志性语素了。

    After new words being coined with noun 's morpheme , the dialects gradually became grammatical as a sign of relational meaning morpheme .

  13. “以人喻人”即通过词义扩大将指人的专有名词或普通名词来表示与这些人的特点相似的现象。

    " Comparison of human to human " is the comparison of two kinds of people with similar characters with the use of proper names or common nouns by the extension of word meaning .