- 网络mortgage-backed securities;mbs;CMO;CDO

She also says rating methods for structured products – a class that includes mortgage-backed securities and collateralised debt obligations , or CDOs – are among the agency 's most clearly and publicly defined .
First , address illiquidity in the market for mortgage-backed securities .
Analysis of continuous payment structure of collateralized mortgage obligation Bond and Life
Wall Street investment banks are expected to report strong second-quarter earnings starting tomorrow , as equity capital markets , advisory and asset management revenues offset a decline in mortgage-backed securities issuance .
Sir James Crosby suggested the most effective form of intervention would involve the government auctioning its own guarantees in a form that could be attached by lenders to AAA tranches of mortgage-backed securities , issued to fund their new lending .
Back in the 1990s , for example , many thought that the collateralised mortgage obligation market was almost dead as a result of investor losses and scandals , but it was revived in a new form .
And what of the market for mortgage-backed securities ?
Now they are sliced into mortgage-backed securities , which include arcane derivative products .
A surge of buying sent yields on mortgage-backed securities lower across the board .
That 's result of the settlement over sour mortgage-back securities with federal housing finance administration .
The mortgaged and Guaranteed Bond and the Application in China Analysis of Real Estate Mortgage Content Brief
Mortgage-backed securities cannot be valued with any confidence until there is more certainty about the future of house prices .
And stabilising the values of mortgage-backed securities would strengthen financial institutions , increasing credit flows that would further stimulate the economy .
The Treasury , Fannie and Freddie will also invest in mortgage-backed securities to make sure there is sufficient support for us homebuyers .
Mainstream mortgage-backed securities are another obvious asset class : the market is discounting worst-case default rates and mortgage markets need a transfusion .
But the benefits of macroeconomic stabilisation will surely outweigh the costs to bank shareholders , bank bondholders and the owners of mortgage-backed securities .
First-quarter results at the two banks are expected to be hit by huge markdowns on their portfolios of mortgage-backed securities and leveraged loans .
The toxicity which started in mortgage-backed securities is spreading through the world 's banks as ever more assets go bad in the recession .
The Federal Reserve which was to provide loans to investors to buy bubble-era securities has only confirmed it will finance bubble-era commercial mortgage-backed securities .
Bank of America has reached a more than $ 9 billion settlement to resolve a dispute over mortgage-backed securities with the Federal Housing Finance Agency .
The U.S. now plans to introduce fails charges for mortgage backed securities , which traders say will force fails into other segments of the market .
Us and European central banks are to consider the possibility of using public funds to purchase mortgage-backed securities as a potential remedy for the crisis .
Shares in banks and insurance groups continued to tumble yesterday as analysts warned that losses from mortgage securities could force some institutions to shore up their capital bases .
They raised $ 1bn , each one of them , bought a bunch of mortgage-backed securities and , lo and behold , returned 1 per cent a month . Until
Because of the uncertain values of mortgage-backed securities , financial institutions lack confidence in the liquidity and solvency of counterparties and even in the value of their own capital .
Fears are rising in the credit markets that the turbulence could last for months as big US and European banks come under pressure due to losses on US mortgage securities .
The latest Fed move is designed to ease liquidity strains in financial markets by allowing primary dealers to swap their mortgage-backed securities for Treasuries , which they can in turn use to raise cash .
Analysts said it took the US central bank a step closer to the nuclear option of buying mortgage-backed securities in its own right , although it stopped clearly short of such an extreme move .
The insolvency crisis will come to an end only as home prices in the US begin to stabilise and clarify the level of equity in homes , the ultimate collateral support for much of the financial world 's mortgage-backed securities .
Financial services firm JP Morgan Chase waited until after the stock market close today will announce it agrees to pay 4.5 billion dollars the settle plans by investors , it said they lost money in mortgage-back securities with the bursting the housing bubble .