
  • 网络investment diversion
  1. 其次又分析了优惠性原产地规则的投资转移效应。

    Secondly , the dissertation analyzes the investment diversion effect of preferential ROOs .

  2. 金德尔伯格在瓦伊纳“贸易创造”和“贸易转移”的基础上提出了“投资转移”和“投资创造”,分析了区域一体化中FDI的静态效应。

    Based on Viner 's concept of " trade creation " and " trade diversion ", Kindleberger put forword " investment creation " and " investment diversion " to analyze the static effect of FDI in regional integration .

  3. 诺华首席执行官魏思乐(danielvasella)警告称,最近的一个法院判决可能促使他未来将大量投资转移至其它国家。

    Daniel Vasella , chief executive of Novartis , warned that a recent court judgement would likely push him to divert substantial future funding to other countries .

  4. 这些担忧还体现在安全投资转移上。

    Those worries have been manifested in a flight to quality .

  5. 跨国公司投资转移及撤退的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of Transfer and Withdrawal of Investment by Multinational Corporation

  6. 政府投资转移:大战略大变化

    Transfer of Government Investment-Great Strategy and Great Changes

  7. 国际直接投资转移效应实证研究

    An Empirical Research on FDI Diversion Effect

  8. 若投资转移效应真实存在,那么其影响力是强还是弱?

    And if the effect do exist , then is its influence strong or weak ?

  9. 世界银行资深经济学家杰夫。克尔斯基说,投资者避免高风险债务,而进行安全投资转移。

    Jeff Chelsky , a World Bank senior economist , says investors are avoiding higher risk debt in a flight to quality .

  10. 中国股票与债券市场之间,以及企业债和国债市场之间均存在投资转移的证据。

    There is evidence about flight-to-liquidity or flight-to-quality both between the stock and bond markets and between the corporate and Treasury bond markets .

  11. 制造商投资转移的原因是工业受众大部分转向网络,来搜索他们的产品,供货商和服务。

    The takeaway for manufacturers is that the industrial audience has largely migrated online to search for products , suppliers , and services .

  12. 目前,东南沿海地区正在进行的产业外迁,使得西部省份迎来了承接东部地区产业投资转移的重大机遇。

    At present , the ongoing industrial relocation of the southeast coastal areas has provided great opportunities for the western provinces to undertake the eastern industrial transfer .

  13. 要这样做就需要通过诸如税收等调整手段进行收入再分配,以把更多的金融资源从投资转移到消费支出上去。

    To do this would require diverting more financial resources away from investment to consumer spending , by way of the redistributing income through regulatory measures such as taxation .

  14. 当外国服务提供者向本国服务市场提供专有服务贸易时,这种服务贸易的投资转移做他用的成本很高。

    When the foreign service providers of service to provide dedicated service trade , investment cost of services to be transferred to other purposes of the cost is high .

  15. 金融危机造成的恶劣影响,迫使我国必须尽快解决产能过剩的难题,将过剩产能通过国际直接投资转移是一条可选的途径。

    The serious impact of financial crisis presses us into solving the problem as soon as possible . It is an alternative path to shift overproduction by international direct investment .

  16. 史密斯·邦尼公司驻纽约顾问肖恩·鲁宾已经将一些客户的部分投资转移至自然资源类股,同时使用策略应对通货膨胀上升的风险。

    Shawn Rubin , an adviser at Smith Barney in New York , has moved some clients partly into natural-resources stocks while using strategies to protect against a spike in inflation .

  17. 本选题正是从这个角度着眼,运用要素禀赋理论分析环境污染通过国际贸易和国际投资转移的机制。

    This selected topic is precisely focuses from this angle , analyzing environmental pollution in using the essential factor natural disposition theory through the international trade and the international investment shift mechanism .

  18. 目前,反倾销规则已经由最初的作为反对不公平贸易行为的法律武器转变为扭曲市场的干涉手段,从而导致贸易保护和投资转移。

    Nowadays , the anti-dumping rule is changed from the initial law weapon against the unfair trade to an interference artifice distorting the market , which results in trade protection and investment transfer .

  19. 但目前欧盟的政策是:大量使用污染重的燃料,增加碳排放,破坏公共事业的信用度,投资转移到其他地方的能源工程。

    But at the moment , EU energy policy is boosting usage of the most polluting fuel , increasing carbon emissions , damaging the creditworthiness of utilities and diverting investment into energy projects elsewhere .

  20. 他表示,这甚至导致一些跨国公司考虑将一些投资转移到中国以外,在亚太其它地方落脚。这种说法在6个月前很少听说。

    He said this was even leading some multinational companies to consider diversifying some investment away from China to other parts of the Asia-Pacific region , a suggestion that was rarely heard just six months ago .

  21. 南通港是长江下游港口的典型代表:能够停靠远洋船舶,但距离海边又足够远,可从投资者的投资转移中获益。由于中国沿海地区成本日益提高,投资者正向中国内陆转移。

    Nantong is typical of ports in the lower Yangtze river : it can handle ocean-going vessels but is far enough inland to be benefiting from the shift of investors away from China 's increasingly expensive coastal strip .

  22. 首先,本文运用国际贸易理论中的要素禀赋理论构建引入环境要素的环境要素禀赋理论,在此基础上分析环境污染通过国际贸易和国际投资转移的机制。

    First , this article utilizes the essential factor natural disposition theory in the international trade theory to construct the environment essential factor natural disposition theory introducing environment essential factor , further analyses the environmental pollution through the international trade and the international investment shift mechanism .

  23. 通货膨胀以及投资的转移产生着不良影响。

    Inflation and diversion of investment were having a bad effect .

  24. 第二章为对我国外商投资企业转移定价问题的实证分析,包括转移定价的成因、主要性质和转移机制等方面内容。

    Chapter two Demonstration of the foreign-investment enterprise in China transfer pricing .

  25. 考虑声誉的风险投资知识转移激励机制研究

    Incentive mechanism for knowledge-transferred venture capital based on reputation

  26. 本文以我国外商投资企业转移价格作为研究对象。

    Transfer price of foreign funded enterprises in China is discussed in this paper .

  27. 人力资本投资与转移中的后发利益对西部开发的启示

    Revelation of " Post-interest " in Human Capital Investment and Transfer to West Development

  28. 我不断听说,许多富裕家庭将他们全部的储蓄投资组合转移到瑞士银行。

    I am hearing accounts of wealthy families switching their entire savings portfolios into Swiss banks .

  29. 保险的主要目的是融资投资、转移风险和分摊损失。

    The main function of the insurance is financing and investment , transferring risk , and loss sharing .

  30. 全球经济疲软,信贷增长遇到瓶颈,“最大的担忧是国外直接投资将会转移到其他国家。”

    The global economy is weak , credit growth is at its limit , and " the major fear is foreign direct investment will be diverted to other countries . "