
  • 网络speculative attack
  1. 金融衍生产品的发展,既为规避汇率风险提供了工具,也使大规模投机攻击则成为可能。

    With the development of financial derivatives , the exchange rate risk can been hedged easily and the largescale speculative attack is possible .

  2. 开放经济下投机攻击的策略分析

    Strategic Analysis on Speculative Attack under the Open Economy

  3. 在货币投机攻击成本和收益固定的模型中,经济基本面处于危机区时,基本面的不确定性并不能消除多重均衡;

    In the model with fixed cost and payoff of speculative attack , when the fundamental is in crisis zone , the uncertainty of fundamental cannot eliminate multiple equilibrium .

  4. 当货币投机攻击成本和收益都与经济基本面相关时,不管是静态模型还是动态模型,货币危机的均衡都是唯一的。

    However , when the cost and payoff of speculative attack are relevant to the fundamental , the static model together with the dynamic model shows that the equilibrium of currency crises is unique .

  5. 货币风险一词通常用于微观金融层面,本文将其借用于金融制度与宏观政策层面,特指某个经济体的货币可能遭受投机攻击,因而爆发货币危机之可能性。

    The term of currency risk is usually used in micro finance , while is borrowed into the institution and macro policy now . Now it means the probability of the currency crisis when an economy suffers speculative attacks .

  6. 僵化的、不当的汇率制度为投机攻击提供了靶子,导致现代金融危机一般率先从货币危机开始;国际游资的冲击使脆弱的金融雪上加霜,催生现代金融危机;

    The inflexible exchange rate arrangement becomes the shooting target of the investment impact , which explains why the modern financial crises always happen beginning with the currency crises ; financial ' panics ' make the friable financial system worse and cause the modern financial crises ;

  7. 投机资本攻击一国汇率的博弈均衡

    Gaming Equilibrium for Speculative Capital Attacking Exchange Rate of a Country