
  • 网络Print;Printout;print out;Printer
  1. AutoCAD工程图样的打印输出

    Print out AutoCAD Engineering Draft

  2. 完成此操作之后,您可以使用antdump命令打印输出结果。

    After the process completes , you can print out the results using the ant dump command .

  3. “打印输出”操作不能在access项目中运行。

    The printout action cannot run in an access project .

  4. C语言中实现字符图案的打印输出

    Printing and Output of Symbol Designs Using C Language

  5. printtaginfo()函数简单地打印输出标签的摘要。

    The print_tag_info () function simply prints out a summary of the tag .

  6. 基于VB下的Excel表格设计及其打印输出的研究

    On Design of MS Excel Sheets and Way of Printing in Visual Basic

  7. 并阐明了基于ASP的高校学生成绩卡打印输出的模块化设计思想。

    And has expounded based on the ASP universities student result card printout modular design thought .

  8. AutoCAD图形的打印输出技巧

    Printing Skill of Outputting in AutoCAD Drawing

  9. 各种报表的编辑与打印输出功能是MIS开发中不可回避的重要课题。

    It is very important to implement editing and printing functions of reports in MIS development .

  10. 该软件用Visualc++编制人机界面,通过该界面可以实现数据的输入、修改,锅炉启动过程模拟计算,以及计算结果曲线的绘制及打印输出;

    The interface of the software is developed by Visual C + + . The data input and modification , and result analysis can be carry out .

  11. 本文简要地论述了CDCAC&1计算机辅助编码系统的研制工作。系统采用微型计算机(IBM·PC/XT),屏幕显示及打印输出皆使用汉字。

    This paper states briefly a developed software system , CD-CAC-1 which is consistent with the microcomputer ( IBM-PC / XT ) .

  12. 在这个示例中,使用BeautifulSoup提取每个页面的title标记、并将其打印输出。

    In this case , you use Beautiful Soup to simply extract the title tags from each page and print them out .

  13. 针对基于B/S结构的Web报表难以打印输出的问题,提供了一种简单实用的基于B/S结构的Web报表打印技术。

    This paper aims at the problem of web reports forms based on B / S structure with difficulty to print , provides a simple and practical web printing technology based on B / S structure .

  14. 使用这个模块,您只需要两行代码就可以提取所访问的每个页面的title标记,并将其打印输出。

    Using just a couple of lines of code , with this module , you will extract the title tag and print it out for each page you visit .

  15. WPS系统中控制符的打印输出

    The printout of the command characters in WPS

  16. JCT采用语法制导的方法,在对J73源程序作语法分析的同时,进行语义分析和程序转换,最后通过格式打印输出一个算法等价的C程序。

    JCT makes use of syntax-directed parsing , semantic analysing and pretty printing techniques to support the translation process .

  17. ARPA智能信息处理系统&语音输出和打印输出终端设计

    ARPA Intelligent Information Processing System & Speech and Print Output Unit Design

  18. 为了增加人机交互的能力,该装置采用了键盘输入,LCD液晶中文显示器,通讯端口以及打印输出。

    To increase the ability of man-machine interaction , this equipment adopts keyboard entry , Liquid Crystal Display ( LCD ), serial port communication , and printer output .

  19. 基于科学发现中的BACON系统,提出将屏幕上的标准RGB彩色图像转换为黑白灰度图像打印输出的方法。

    Based on BACON system in science discovery , the way of transforming standard RGB color image into single color gray printing is presented .

  20. eval()方法中的JavaScript代码将Java返回值赋给msg变量,然后再将其打印输出给控制台。

    The JavaScript code in the eval () method assigns the Java return value to the msg variable , then prints the value to the console .

  21. 本文主要讨论如何利用MicrosoftvisualBasic程序来调用microsoftexcel对象,把数据库文件转换为microsoftexcel电子表格进行打印输出的方法,并给出部份源代码。

    This paper is mainly discussed with a method that how Microsoft Visual Basic programs create a Microsoft Excel Object and transfer the database to Excel Worksheet for outputting , and some VB codes are given .

  22. 其结果以表格的形式打印输出,特性曲线用X-Y数字绘图仪绘制。

    The results are printed out in the form of tables and the characteristic curves are plotted by a X-Y digital plotter .

  23. 全文介绍了作者承担开发的网格钢窗CAD系统的设计,将整个系统分为人机界面、几何计算、结构设计、下料优化和打印输出等五个模块。

    Design of steel window grid CAD system is introduced in this thesis . The whole system is composed of five functional modules such as human-machine interface , geometric computation , structure design , cutting stock optimization and printout .

  24. 并具有对测试数据储存、打印输出、RS-232超级终端设置等功能,本机具有很好的稳定性和直观性。

    Output the results of hardness measurement with printer , 4.RS-232 hyper terminal setting is with good reliability , excellent operation and easy watching .

  25. TinyXML有几种不同的方式来打印输出,当然它们各有各的优缺点。

    TinyXML can print output in several different ways that all have strengths and limitations .

  26. 数字半调技术是RIP软件中关键技术之一,直接影响打印输出效果,在打印系统中占有重要的地位。

    Digital halftoning is one of the key technologies of the RIP software , directly determine output images quality , so its position in the printing system is very important .

  27. 详细阐述MicrosoftofficeExcel在导线闭合法面积测绘应用中的数学原理,提出自动平差的算法和图形以所需比例打印输出的方法,使该项应用实用化。

    The mathematical principle of area surveying and mapping by enclosed guideline measurement using Microsoft office Excel was presented in detail , and put forward the calculation method of automatic adjustment , printing according to requirement and should be applied into practice .

  28. 该数据库采用Sybase数据库进行设计,用POWERBUILDER语言编程,实现关键字段查询、分类统计、打印输出、数据输入等功能。

    The design of the database adopts Sybase database system , and the database has the functions of making inquiries of KeyWords , classification and statistics , printing , data input which are achieved by using Power builder Language program .

  29. 不像我在autotag.pl程序中的其他地方使用的Data::Dumper函数(必须指出,有时没有必要使用),printtaginfo()函数可以提供漂亮的、面向用户的散列标签元素的打印输出。

    Unlike Data : : Dumper , which I 've used elsewhere in autotag . pl ( sometimes needlessly , I must say ), print_tag_info () provides a nice , user-oriented printout of the hash tag elements .

  30. 这一信号在多大程度上与所期待的星际的无线信号相似,艾曼博士确实画出了输出的结果,在打印输出的边上写出了一个“Wow”字。

    Awed by how much the signal resembled the expected signature of an interstellar signal in the antenna used , Dr Ehman actually circled the printout and wrote " Wow !" on the side of the printout .