
chónɡ xīn jì suàn
  • recalculate;recount
  1. 查看、添加和更改网页、文档、主题和边框;重新计算超链接

    View , add , and change pages , documents , themes , and borders ; recalculate hyperlinks .

  2. 迭代次数越高,excel重新计算工作表所需的时间越长。

    The higher the number of iterations , the more time excel will need to recalculate a worksheet .

  3. 落选的候选人要求重新计算选票。

    The defeated candidate demanded a recount .

  4. 每次安装应用程序或组件时都将重新计算选定项的condition属性。

    The condition property for the selected item will be reevaluated each time the application or component is installed .

  5. 当XML数据结构发生变化时,可视化表示将被重新计算并作出相应变化而无需重新加载页面。

    When the XML data structure is changed , the visual presentation is re-calculated and changes without having to reload the page .

  6. 当采样点上的相对折射率不为1时,需要根据Shell定律重新计算光线的前进方向。

    The direction of a ray is recalculated according to the Shell ' law when the relative refractive index is not equal to one at sampling points .

  7. 数据库服务器自动发出UPDATESTATISTICS语句,为引用该表的所有SPL例程重新计算例程统计信息。

    The database server automatically issues the UPDATE STATISTICS statement to recalculate routine statistics for all SPL routines that reference the table .

  8. 每个星期,他们在Hadoop科研集群上重新计算他们关于类别的机器学习模式

    Every week they recompute their machine learning models for categories in a science Hadoop cluster

  9. 对于简单Portlet,由于缓存键计算比重新计算Portlet响应开销更大,其性能可能会降低。

    Performance can regress for simple portlets because cache key calculation becomes more expensive than recalculating the portlet response again .

  10. 不过,DB2会尽其所能优化重新计算,例如扫描总结表,而不是整个基本表。

    However , DB2 will optimize the re-computation as best it can , such as by scanning the summary table instead of the entire base table .

  11. 2000年,该片为索尼经典电影公司(SonyPicturesClassics)在北美赚了1.768亿美元(根据通货膨胀率重新计算)。

    Mr. Lee 's film took in $ 176.8 million in North America , after adjusting for inflation , for Sony Pictures Classics in 2000 .

  12. 2010年,当IMF重新计算SDR权重时,中国和其它新兴经济体将在政治上受益于SDR权重的重新分配。

    China and other emerging economies would benefit politically from redrawing the SDR when the weights are recalculated in 2010 .

  13. 并根据并购后新联想的实际情况重新计算IBMPc事业部的价值,验证本文重建的模型的准确性和实用性。

    And after the merger of new Lenovo according to actual situation to recalculate the IBM PC division , the value of the model validation this paper construct accuracy and practical .

  14. 对于小方粒度的内存实化方法,其中的重新计算的瓶颈问题,可以考虑将完整的立方保存在SSD。

    Memory for the implementation of cuboids method , in which the bottleneck re-calculation , consider the complete cubic stored in SSD .

  15. 通常情况下,当您使用XForms命令修改XForms模型时,所有的重新计算和视图刷新都是自动完成的。

    Normally when you use XForms commands to modify the XForms model , all recalculations and view refreshing is done automatically .

  16. 基于基本分析单元有色Petri网的电网拓扑分析,当某个开关改变状态时,只重新计算包含该开关两端结点的母线。

    In the topology analysis based on these coloured Petri nets , whenever a certain breaker changes its state only the buses containing the breaker 's end node ( s ) are recomputed .

  17. 最优簇数的确定的改进:通过考虑LEACH中遗漏的发送广播包所消耗的能量重新计算最优簇数。

    The improvement on the determination of optimal cluster : optimal clusters are recalculated by analysis of the power consumption of missing broadcast package in LEACH .

  18. 因为请求来自的位置难以确定,处理请求最快的办法就是将预先计算好的数据存储在网络RAM上,而不是当需要的时候在每个服务器上都重新计算一次。

    Because of poor request locality , the fastest way to deal with requests is to precompute data and store it on network RAM , rather than recompute it on each server when necessary .

  19. 要加快该应用程序(随着进一步执行Fibonacci序列,程序会随之变慢),应该避免重新计算Fibonacci数字这样代价高昂的重复工作。

    To hasten this application , which becomes proportionally slower as you proceed further into the Fibonacci sequence , the costly rework of recalculating Fibonacci numbers would have to be avoided .

  20. 用高分子溶液流过时间对浓度作图的外推值t0重新计算相对粘度,则高分子溶液比浓粘度与浓度之间满足线性关系。

    It has been found that there existed a negative deviation from linear relationship at lower concentrations in the plot of the reduced viscosity versus concentration .

  21. 重新计算了地形重力波过程需要的地形静态资料数据,并与原ECMWF模式的地形静态参数进行了对比分析,验证了模式地形参数的正确性。

    Orographic static data needed in the gravity wave drag physics are recomputed and validated through comparing with the original static data from the ECMWF model .

  22. 例如,欧盟贸易专员彼得•曼德尔森(PeterMandelson)最近就谈到,经重新计算与欧洲的贸易方式,中国在承诺解决欧盟对产品盗版的关切方面发生了巨大转变。

    For example , Peter Mandelson , trade commissioner , talked recently of a sea-change in the commitment to address EU concerns over product piracy , in a recalculation of its approach to trade with Europe .

  23. 当用户选择这些页面链接时,将使用$GET['pageID']变量的值重新计算起始索引,然后将起始索引重新插入到提要URL中以生成下一个结果集。

    When a user selects these page links , the value of the $ _GET [ 'pageID ' ] variable is used to recalculate the start index , which is re-interpolated into the feed URL to generate the next set of results .

  24. 通过提高WLM调度程序重新计算类消耗和处理器优先级的频率,可以提高WLM的响应性。

    It is possible to improve the responsiveness of WLM by increasing the frequency at which the WLM scheduler recalculates class consumption and priority for the processor .

  25. 要把重新计算权重的sdr变成其它央行可能以外汇储备形式持有的真正货币工具,其主要新兴市场组成货币以人民币为首需要实现可兑换性。

    To turn a restructured SDR into a real monetary instrument that other central banks might hold in their reserves , its principal emerging market components led by the renminbi need to be made convertible .

  26. SINK节点接收到该组数据后,提取出水印信息,同时,重新计算该组数据的关联关系,比较两者的一致性,实现数据的完整性验证。

    When the SINK node receives the set of the data , then re-calculates the associated relationship between the data while extracting the watermarking information . The SINK verifies the integrity of the data by comparing that the two values are equal or not .

  27. 其他数据库产品通常不允许那样,而必须使用事务日志文件来重新计算一致状态(而solidDB则允许必要时关闭事务日志记录)。

    Other database products do not normally allow that-the transaction log files must be used to recalculate the consistent state ( solidDB allows transaction logging to be turned off , if desired ) .

  28. 重算循环(为进程重新计算时间片)和goodness循环已经被取消,O(1)算法用于wakeup()和schedulee()。

    The recalculation loop ( which recomputes the time slices for the processes ) and the goodness loop have been eliminated , and O ( 1 ) algorithms are used for wakeup () and schedule () .

  29. Packrat解析的解决方法是使用记忆化,例如将解析的中间结果保存下来,而不是一遍一遍的重新计算。

    The solution of Packrat parsing is to use memoization , i.e.storing intermediate parsing results , instead of calculating these results over and over .

  30. 用北京遥测地震台网的远震资料应用TEL92远震定位程序对66个地震重新计算,将计算结果与《PDE目录》对比分析,从中得出有益的结论。

    On the basis of the observation data of Beijing Telemetered Seismic Network , the parameters of 66 teleseismic events are calculated once again by using program TEL 92 . The results are analysed and compared with PDE . Some enlightening conclusions are obtained .