
  • 网络Joints of hand;hand joints
  1. 5.25例RA早期患者,腕关节、MCP和全部手关节的两种影像学检查阳性率,差异无统计学意义;PIP阳性率差异有统计学意义。

    The positive rate of two imaging methods in wrist and MCP and all the hand joints , the difference was not statistically significant ; in PIP was statistical significances . 1 .

  2. 控制器通过PCI总线与上位机通信,采用DSP和CPLD完成了运动控制功能,实现了机械手关节运动的伺服控制。

    The communication with the upper computer was realized through PCI bus , DSP and CPLD was used to achieve motion control of manipulator 's joints .

  3. 目前有关雌激素与OA关系的流行病学多数认为绝经后使用雌激素对OA有保护作用,可降低膝、髋和手关节的发病危险性。

    Most of the epidemiologic study of ERT and OA suggest that estrogen could lower the risk of OA of knee , hip and hand and play a protect effect on OA .

  4. 本文以多连杆柔性臂为主,对柔性臂机械手关节控制的各种方法进行了系统地综述,内容涉及由经典PID算法到无模型智能控制的控制理论的各个分支;

    Based on multi-link flexible manipulator , a variety of control algorithms for flexible link manipulators were summarized . The survey progressed from the simplest PID to the most advanced intelligent approach and covered almost each branch of control theory .

  5. 血清IP-10水平与手关节X线影像学分期呈负相关。

    The serum level of IP-10 was negatively correlated with X-ray image grade of hand and wrist joints .

  6. 自主式水下机械手关节速度伺服控制研究

    A study on speed servo control of autonomous underwater manipulator joint

  7. 深海机械手关节伺服控制

    Servo Control of the Joint of Deep - sea Operating Manipulator

  8. 综合康复治疗骨折后腕手关节功能障碍14例分析

    Effect of comprehensive rehabilitation therapy on wrist-hand functional disorder after fracture

  9. 一种气动肌肉机械手关节的机构设计与实现

    Mechanism Design and Realization of Joint of Pneumatic Muscle of Manipulator

  10. 足趾软骨移植重建手关节功能病人的护理

    Nursing Care of Hand Joint Functional Reconstruction by Toe Cartilage Grafting

  11. 一种机械手关节联接结构的改进设计

    An Improved Design of a Kind of Mechanical Manipulator Joint Structure

  12. 用于机械手关节的新型摆动马达及其伺服系统的研究

    Study to Few Semi-rotary Motor and its Servo-system for Robot Joint Use

  13. 仿人灵巧手关节的位置/力矩控制

    Position / torque control for joint of humanoid dextrous hand

  14. 介绍一种柔性机械手关节角位置控制的方法。

    A method of joint angle control of flexible manipulator is introduced .

  15. 但是,你看见他手关节上的凹凸么?

    Yeah , but did you see the dents in his knuckles ?

  16. 创伤手指康复外骨骼手关节力传感器研究

    Research on Joint Force Sensor of a Rehabilitation Hand Exoskeleton for Injured Fingers

  17. 柔性机械手关节角位置的控制

    Study on the Joint Angle Control of Flexible Manipulator

  18. 机械手关节减速器的合理选择

    The Rational Selecting of Joint Reducer of Manipulator

  19. 机械手关节运动的微机控制

    Microcomputer Control System for Joint Motion of Manipulator

  20. 好吧,你们这些该死的啄木鸟,用你们的手关节去敲水晶吧。

    All right , you damn peckerwoods , crack the knuckles and hit the crystals .

  21. 三自由度气动机械手关节控制系统设计研究

    Research and Design on Control System for the Joints of a Pneumatically Robotic Manipulator with Three-degree-of-freedom

  22. 不幸的是,没有桂盟的手关节,所以他无法到矩阵举行。

    Unfortunately , there is no articulation on KMC 's hands , so he is unable to hold onto the matrix .

  23. 链子烧得通红,就是克瑞托斯也露出痛苦的表情,就在链子炙烤着他手关节的时候。

    The chains were so burning hot , even Kratos seemed to be in pain when they were seared to the flesh on his wrists .

  24. 但是,他有一个习惯实在令我感到讨厌。那就是,他成天坐在那里把自己的手关节按得嘎嘎的响。

    Jack is a nice guy but he has one habit that really gets under my skin : he sits there all day and cracks his knuckles .

  25. 本文详细论述了电驱动的自主式水下机械手关节速度伺服控制系统的原理及研制。

    In this paper , the principle and design of a new speed servocontrol system of autonomous underwater manipulator ( AUM ) joint has been discussed with detail .

  26. 介绍一种机械手关节运动的PC机控制方法,它包括步进电机的驱动、硬件接口电路的设计、软件的编程方法。

    This paper introduces PC control approach of joint motion of manipulator . This approach includes driving of stepping motor , interface design of hardware circuit and software programming .

  27. 选择头颅、腰椎、膝关节、手关节等部位,将图像调整到最佳状态下分别输入干式和湿式激光相机;

    CT and MR images of skull , lumbus , knee and hand joint adjusted to the best states , then printed by " dry " and " wet " laser printer ;

  28. 在对手结构和手关节运动深入分析的基础上,建立了基于约束的、以关节为节点的父、子物体链接的虚拟手模型,绘制了虚拟手。

    In this paper , a restriction based virtual hand model that uses a father and son link with the joints as nodes has been established based on the analysis of hand structure and joint motions . And then a virtual hand has also been drawn .

  29. HIT机器人灵巧手基关节位置/力矩控制

    Base joint position torque control for HIT dexterous robotic hand

  30. 探讨了人工神经网络在并联机器人机构位置正解求解中的应用.采用BP网络,利用位置逆解结果,通过训练学习,实现操作手从关节变量空间到工作变量空间的非线性映射;

    The nonlinear mapping from the joint variable space to the operation variable space for the platform is accomplished with BP neural network after training and learning .