
  • 网络sketch;Hand-drawn renderings
  1. 现代电脑效果图和传统手绘效果图制作的结合

    Combination of Traditional Manual Effect Drawing and Modern Computer Effect Drawing

  2. 手绘效果图课程在环艺设计教学中的作用

    The Effect of the Course of Manual Effective Picture on the Teaching of Environmental Art

  3. 但是这种由二维到三维的转换主要是针对二维图纸进行转换,对图片或手绘效果图中三维数据提取和三维重构则刚处于起步阶段。

    But this conversion from two-dimensional to three-dimensional is mainly aims at conversion from two-dimensional blueprint .

  4. 把手绘效果图和计算机有机地结合起来,可得到漂亮的最终效果图;

    If the hand-printing color picture combines with computer , a beautiful and final color picture could be produced .

  5. 手绘建筑效果图的不可替代性

    The irreplaceability of manual building effect picture

  6. 手绘服装效果图是服装设计者与他人沟通设计意图的工程技术语言。

    Handdrawing apparel working sketch is a technic language for the designer to communicate design aim with others .

  7. 参加者都将获得草图手绘和效果图尤其是交通工具设计方面的亲手的指导。

    Participants will gain hands-on instruction and experience in traditional sketching and rendering techniques specific to transportation design .

  8. 通过一些传统媒介的使用,这个集中密集的强化式培训营提供给参加者对于交通工具手绘草图和效果图技巧真切体会。

    Using traditional media , this intensive workshop provides each participant with hands-on experience in the secrets of automotive sketching and rendering techniques .

  9. 介绍了手绘表现的重要作用与意义,并从场地速写、勾勒方案和手绘效果图三个方面阐述了手绘表现在园林设计中的具体应用,指出在园林设计中手绘将发挥越来越重要的作用。

    The article introduces the significance and meaning of hand-drawing , illustrates its concrete application in garden design from field sketch , outlining scheme and hand-drawing result pictures , and points out that hand-drawing would give more and more important play to garden design .